
Comments ( englanti )

tarjonnut eFloras
Jatropha curcas seeds are the source of curcas oil, a very powerful purgative, also used for making candles and soap, for lighting, and as a lubricant. There is interest in the oil as a biofuel crop for areas too dry for normal crops. The bark is used as medicine for lepriasis (leprosy), itchy skin, eczema, chronic ulcers, etc.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliografinen lainaus
Flora of China Vol. 11: 268 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
käy lähteessä

Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut eFloras
Shrubs or treelets, 2-5 m tall, with watery latex; bark smooth; branches glaucous-gray, glabrous, sparsely lenticellate, pith larger. Stipules small; petioles 6-18 cm; leaf blade rotund to ovate, 7-18 × 6-16 cm, papery, nitid green and glabrous adaxially, gray-green and along nerves puberulent to glabrous abaxially, base cordate, apex acute; palmate veins 5-7. Inflorescences axillary, 6-10 cm; bracts lanceolate, 4-8 mm. Male flowers: sepals 5, ca. 4 mm, connate at base; petals oblong, green-yellow, ca. 6 mm, connate to middle, hairy inside; disk glands 5, nearly terete; stamens 10; outer 5 filaments free, inner filaments connate in lower part. Female flowers: pedicels elongate; sepals free, ca. 6 mm; petals and disk glands as in male; ovary 3-locular, glabrous; styles bifid at apex. Capsules ellipsoidal or globose, 2.5-3 cm, yellow. Seeds ellipsoidal, 1.5-2 cm, black. Fl. Sep-Oct, fr. Oct-Dec.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliografinen lainaus
Flora of China Vol. 11: 268 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
käy lähteessä

Distribution ( englanti )

tarjonnut eFloras
Native of New World Tropics, cultivated in other tropical areas.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliografinen lainaus
Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal Vol. 0 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal @ eFloras.org
K.K. Shrestha, J.R. Press and D.A. Sutton
käy lähteessä

Elevation Range ( englanti )

tarjonnut eFloras
500-1200 m
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliografinen lainaus
Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal Vol. 0 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal @ eFloras.org
K.K. Shrestha, J.R. Press and D.A. Sutton
käy lähteessä

Habitat & Distribution ( englanti )

tarjonnut eFloras
Cultivated for medicine. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan [native to tropical America; widely introduced].
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliografinen lainaus
Flora of China Vol. 11: 268 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
käy lähteessä

Synonym ( englanti )

tarjonnut eFloras
Manihot curcas (Linnaeus) Crantz.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliografinen lainaus
Flora of China Vol. 11: 268 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
käy lähteessä

Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut Flora of Zimbabwe
A ± glabrous shrub or small tree to 6(-8) m. Stems fleshy, copiously emitting a watery or ± milky sap when cut. Leaves long-petiolate; lamina broadly ovate in outline, usually shallowly 5-lobed, sometimes unlobed, ± glabrous, dark green; base cordate; margin usually entire, but sometimes remotely and shallowly toothed, 7-9-nerved from the base. Inflorescence ± corymb-like with a peduncle to ± 5 cm. Fruit ellipsoid, scarcely 3-lobed, 2.5-3 cm long by 2 cm in diameter.
Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten and Petra Ballings
bibliografinen lainaus
Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T. and Ballings, P. (2002-2014). Jatropha curcas L. Flora of Zimbabwe website. Accessed 28 August 2014 at http://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/species.php?species_id=135390
Mark Hyde
Bart Wursten
Petra Ballings
käy lähteessä
Flora of Zimbabwe

Frequency ( englanti )

tarjonnut Flora of Zimbabwe
Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten and Petra Ballings
bibliografinen lainaus
Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T. and Ballings, P. (2002-2014). Jatropha curcas L. Flora of Zimbabwe website. Accessed 28 August 2014 at http://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/species.php?species_id=135390
Mark Hyde
Bart Wursten
Petra Ballings
käy lähteessä
Flora of Zimbabwe

Worldwide distribution ( englanti )

tarjonnut Flora of Zimbabwe
Native of tropical America, from Mexico and the W Indies to Chile
Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten and Petra Ballings
bibliografinen lainaus
Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T. and Ballings, P. (2002-2014). Jatropha curcas L. Flora of Zimbabwe website. Accessed 28 August 2014 at http://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/species.php?species_id=135390
Mark Hyde
Bart Wursten
Petra Ballings
käy lähteessä
Flora of Zimbabwe

Distribution ( kastilia )

tarjonnut INBio
Distribucion en Costa Rica: En ambas vertientes. En la Vertiente Pacífica, se encuentra en la Isla San Lucas, Puntarenas. Elevación entre 0 - 400 m.
Distribucion General: Nativo de América, pero cultivado y naturalizado en los trópicos del mundo.
INBio, Costa Rica
Nelson Zamora
Mery Ocampo

Benefits ( kastilia )

tarjonnut INBio
Las semillas son purgativas y secas tienen un sabor muy agradable, pero hay que tener mucho cuidado porque algunas personas han muerto por comer 5 semillas.Medicinalmente se ha empleado como abortivo, anodino, antídoto, antiséptico, cataplasma, cicatrizante, depurativo, raticida, hemostático, galactogogo, insecticida, laxante, enjuague bucal, piscicida, veneno, purgativo, rubefaciente, jabón, estíptico, vermifugo, narcótico, en casos de uteritis, tumores, úlceras, dolores dentales. También utilizado para torceduras, espasmos, escabiosis, ciática, reumatismo, salpullidos, neumonía, pleuresia, hemorroides, parálisis, neuralgia, ictericia, comezón, inflamaciones, hernias, gonorrea, fiebre, erisipela, dolores estomacales, alopecia, anasarca, ascitis, carbunco, caries, convulsiones, tos, dermatitis, diarrea, hidropesia, dispepsia, eczemas e indigestiones.
INBio, Costa Rica
Nelson Zamora
Mery Ocampo

Diagnostic Description ( kastilia )

tarjonnut INBio
Localidad del tipo: No localizada
Depositario del tipo:
Recolector del tipo:
INBio, Costa Rica
Nelson Zamora
Mery Ocampo

Habitat ( kastilia )

tarjonnut INBio
Es frecuente en las tierras bajas, secas y calientes.
INBio, Costa Rica
Nelson Zamora
Mery Ocampo

Morphology ( kastilia )

tarjonnut INBio
Árbol o arbusto.
INBio, Costa Rica
Nelson Zamora
Mery Ocampo

Diagnostic Description ( kastilia )

tarjonnut INBio
Árbol pequeño o arbusto, de hasta de 5 m de altura. Hojas simples, alternas, digitadamente lóbuladas, de 10 a 25 cm de largo por 9 a 15 cm de ancho, ovadas, con 3 a 5 lóbulos.Flores verdosas o blanco-amarillas, en dicasios, terminales o axilares, de 10 a 25 cm de largo, sobre un pedúnculo de 4 a 10 cm de largo. Frutos cápsulas, de 2.5 a 4 cm de largo por 2 cm de ancho, elipsoidales, lisas, cambiando a amarillas cuando maduran. Al inicio carnosas, pero dehiscentes cuando secas.Savia oxidando a rojiza, excretada de las partes cortadas.Ver diagnóstico de Jatropha costaricensis, para distinciones adicionales.
INBio, Costa Rica
Nelson Zamora
Mery Ocampo

Jatropha curcas ( asturia )

tarjonnut wikipedia AST

Jatropha curcas, conocida como piñón de tempate o jatrofa, ye una Euphorbiacea que tien propiedaes melecinales.

Granes de Jatropha curcas.
Vista de la planta


Son parrotales o árboles, qu'algamen un tamañu de 1–5 m d'altu; plantes monoiques. Fueyes ovaes, dacuando llevemente 3–7-llobaes, 10–25 cm de llargu y 9–15 cm d'anchu, llobos agudos, base llargamente cordada, glabrescentes nel viesu; pecíolus 8–15 cm de llargu, glabros, estípules obsoletas. Dicasio terminal, 10–25 cm de llargu; sépalos los enteros; pétalos cohesionaos, 5–6 mm de llargu, arispios per dientro, verdosos o blancu-amarellentaos; estames 10, anteres 1–1.6 mm de llargu; ovariu glabro. Frutu ovoide a llixeramente 3-lobáu, ca 3 cm de llargu y 2 cm d'anchu, carnosu pero finalmente dehiscente; granes 15–22 mm de llargu.[1]


Conocer con más de 200 nomes en tol mundu , crez de manera montesa y tamién semada como cerca viva. Na actualidá cultivar pa la estracción del so aceite y producción de biocombustible usáu en motores diésel. El centru d'orixe d'esta especie alcuéntrase en Mesoamérica, qu'inclúi dende'l norte de Méxicu hasta'l norte de Centroamérica. La hestoria indica que, el piñón foi semáu como cerca viva dende va dellos sieglos. A pesar de ser una planta orixinaria d'América , la so puxanza dar nel continente Africanu. Cultivar n'América Central, Suramérica, Sureste d'Asia, India y África.[2]

Les granes contienen un aceite non comestible,[3] que puede utilizase direutamente pa suministrar de combustible a llámpares y motor de combustión motores de combustión o puede tresformase en biodiésel, por aciu un procesu de transesterificación. Amás úsase pa fabricar xabones. Un colorante tamién puede derivase de la grana.

Grupos de microcreitu y de autoayuda de muyeres indúes impulsaron per años el so cultivu y espublizaron les sos aplicaciones melecinales, como l'aplicación del aceite nel tratamientu de tumores, o de la cazumbre y fervinchos de les fueyes como antipiréticos.


Nativa d'América Central, foi espublizada por Asia y África por comerciantes portugueses, como planta p'abarganar y anguaño espandióse pel mundu enteru por cuenta de la so gran facilidá p'afaese a situaciones adverses , tierres degradaes , clima secu , tierres marxinales , etc.[4]

Aguanta nun altu grau la seca y espolleta con apenes 250 a 600 mm d'agua al añu. L'usu de pesticidas nun ye importante, gracies a les carauterístiques pesticidas y fungicidas de la mesma planta. La planta puede vivir hasta 40 años.

India, onde'l so cultivu tuviera en manes de pequeñes productores, preparar pa semar hasta 40 millones d'hectárees con Jatropha. British Petroleum tien un proyeutu esperimental pa producir biodiesel a partir d'un plantíu de 100 mil ha n'Indonesia. DaimlerChrysler esperimenta con trés automóviles Mercedes movíos puramente con diésel de Jatropha.

Estracción d'Aceite

Les granes calecer pa lliberar los aceites , yá sía esponiéndoles direutamente al calor de la lluz solar sobre llenzos de plásticu negro mientres delles hores(esto ye un métodu tradicional), o turrar mientres diez minutos aprosimao. Les granes tienen de ser calecíes, non quemar. El calentamientu ruempe les célules de les granes que contienen l'aceite, dexando que fluya fácilmente. En dellos países realiza la estracción del aceite por prensáu. [5]


La Jatropha Curcas crez en casi cualquier tipu de terrén inclusive terrenes arenosos o cascayosos; les fueyes que cayen de la jatropha arriquecen el suelu faciéndolo inda más fértil. Climáticamente falando, la jatropha alcuéntrase mayormente nos trópicos y subtropicos anque tamién puede aguantar a les baxes temperatures. Rique bien poca agua y aguanta periodos llargos de seca esfoyándose p'amenorgar la trespiración. [6]

Espardimientu por estaques

Jatropha curcas puede arrobinase por estaques. Ye una especie en que se rexistra una meyora na calidá de la guañadura de les estaques con adición d'acedu indolbutírico nel mediu (reparar mayor llargor de los raigaños, mayor númberu de raigaños, mayor porcentaxe d'estaques guañaes, y mayor pesu secu de los raigaños),[7] anque non siempres l'efectu sobre la guañadura resulta estadísticamente significativu.


Jatropha curcas describióse por Carlos Linneo y espublizóse en Species Plantarum 2: 1006. 1753.[1]




  1. 1,0 1,1 «Jatropha curcas». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultáu'l 24 de marzu de 2014.
  2. Estudiu descriptivu del comportamientu del piñón (Jatropha curcas L.) nel departamentu de Yoro, Honduras –Miljian Yolany Villalta Núñez.
  3. empresa-guatemaliana-especializada
  4. Genetica Forestal , S. De R.L. de C.V. –DR. Teobaldo Eguiluz Piedra.
  5. Centru de Geociencias;Universidá Autónoma de Méxicu –López Montes Robeca.
  6. Genetica Forestal , S. De R.L. de C.V. –DR. Teobaldo Eguiluz Piedra.
  7. Noor Camellia, N. A.; Thohirah, L. A.; Abdullah, N.A.P.; Mohd Khidir, O.. «Improvement on rooting quality of Jatropha curcas using indole butyric acid (DIBA)» (n'inglés). Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences 5 (4). http://www.aensiweb.com/old/rjabs/rjabs/2009/338-343.pdf. Consultáu 'l 4 d'avientu de 2014.
  8. http://www.catalogueoflife.org/show_species_details.php?record_id=4839083

Enllaces esternos

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Jatropha curcas: Brief Summary ( asturia )

tarjonnut wikipedia AST
Jatropha curcas

Jatropha curcas, conocida como piñón de tempate o jatrofa, ye una Euphorbiacea que tien propiedaes melecinales.

 src= Granes de Jatropha curcas.  src= Ilustración  src= Vista de la planta
Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia AST

Jatropha curcas ( azeri )

tarjonnut wikipedia AZ

Jatropha curcas (lat. Jatropha curcas) — südləyənkimilər fəsiləsinin yatrofa cinsinə aid bitki növü.


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wikipedia AZ

Jatropha curcas: Brief Summary ( azeri )

tarjonnut wikipedia AZ

Jatropha curcas (lat. Jatropha curcas) — südləyənkimilər fəsiləsinin yatrofa cinsinə aid bitki növü.

Vikipediya müəllifləri və redaktorları
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wikipedia AZ

Jatropha curcas ( valencia )

tarjonnut wikipedia CA

Jatropha curcas o pinyó de l'Índia és una planta de la família de les euforbiàcies. És l'única espècie del gènere Jatropha.


La Jatropha curcas és una planta oleaginosa que creix en forma d'arbust. És originària d'Amèrica Central, encara que avui dia s'ha expandit arreu del món.


El seu fruit, o pinyó de l'Índia, pot ser verinós per als humans, però en dosi moderada té propietats medicinals, com a purgatiu entre altres. El pinyó conté oli, que pot fer-se servir per produir carburant, sabó i espelmes.



 src= A Wikimedia Commons hi ha contingut multimèdia relatiu a: Jatropha curcas Modifica l'enllaç a Wikidata  src= Podeu veure l'entrada corresponent a aquest tàxon, clade o naturalista dins el projecte Wikispecies.
Autors i editors de Wikipedia
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wikipedia CA

Jatropha curcas: Brief Summary ( valencia )

tarjonnut wikipedia CA

Jatropha curcas o pinyó de l'Índia és una planta de la família de les euforbiàcies. És l'única espècie del gènere Jatropha.

Autors i editors de Wikipedia
käy lähteessä
wikipedia CA

Dávivec černý ( Tšekki )

tarjonnut wikipedia CZ

Dávivec černý (Jatropha curcas) je keřovitá rostlina, druh z rozsáhlého tropického a subtropického rodu dávivec, který roste jako planě rostoucí rostlina na neúrodných kamenitých půdách v polopouštích. Při testování lehce dostupných rostlin pro výrobu bionafty (nahrazující palivo z ropy) se stál dávivec černý jedním z potenciálních zdrojů.


Druh pochází z Ameriky, z území rozkládající se od Mexika přes Středoamerické státy do Brazílie, Bolívie, Peru až po Paraguay a sever Argentiny. Mimo tyto původní oblasti druhotně roste také na jihu Evropa, severu Afriky a ve Východní Indii.[1]

Je nenáročnou rostlinou suchých oblastí tropů a subtropů které dostačuje ročně jen 250 mm srážek (v Praze naprší asi 650 mm). Vystačí si i s kamenitou nebo štěrkovitou neúrodnou půdou která může být i zasolená. Přestože se nejčastěji vyskytuje v nadmořských výškách do 500 m a při průměrné roční teplotě přes 20 °C, dobře roste i ve vyšších výškách a krátkodobě snese i mírný mráz. Netrpí nemocemi ani jej nenapadají živočišní škůdci.

Při umělých výsadbách bylo zjištěno, že nejrychleji roste při průměrných dešťových srážkách okolo 600 mm ročně a pokud je vysazen do kvalitní, na živiny bohaté a propustné půdy vyroste i do výšky 10 m, dvojnásobku běžné průměrné hodnoty. A mohutnější rostlina více plodí.[2][3]


V období dlouhého sucha částečně opadavý, jednodomý keř nebo malý strom dorůstající průměrně do výšky 3 až 5 m. Žlutohnědě zabarvená kůra je hladká a loupe se v tenkých širokých šupinách a po větvích jsou řídce rozmístěné lenticely. Při poranění z něj vytéká bílé mléko latex. Střídavě vyrůstající listy s dlouhými řapíky a malými, brzy opadávajícími palisty jsou v obrysu široce oválné. Bývají dlouhé 7 až 15 a široké 7 až 13 cm, jsou tři až pětilaločné, na bázi jsou srdčité, na vrcholu zašpičatělé a po obvodu celistvé. Jsou téměř lysé, svrchu sytě zelené a lesklé, naspodu šedozelené a jsou dlanitě žilnaté s pěti až devíti žilkami.

Téměř 12 cm dlouhé úžlabní nebo terminální květenství s krátkými kopinatými listeny obsahuje deset až dvacet samčích květů na jeden samičí, oboje květy jsou pětičetné. Žlutozelené samčí květy mají kalich se 3 mm dlouhými lístky a korunu s 5 mm lístky které jsou ve spodní třetině srostlé, v květu se dále nachází deset tyčinek s prašníky. Pět vnitřních tyčinek má vespod nitky srostlé, pět vnějších je má volné. Samičí květy jsou na delších stopkách a mají kalich se 4 mm dlouhými lístky a korunu se 6 mm lístky které nejsou srostlé. Dále se v samičím květu nachází 10 zakrslých patyčinek a spodní trojpouzdrý, lysý semeník s třemi dvouklanými bliznami. Oboje květy produkují nektar, opylovány jsou hmyzem, hlavně včelami.

V květenství se obvykle vytvoří deset a více plodů. Jsou to 2,5 až 3 cm dlouhé, elipsoidní nebo oválné tobolky které jsou zprvu zelené, se zráním žloutnou a v plné zralosti (asi 3 měsíce po odkvětu) jsou tmavě hnědé. Tobolka má tři pouzdra, v každém je téměř 2 cm podlouhlé černé semeno. Semena obsahují asi 35 % oleje a současně i jedovatý toxalbumin curcin (obdobný je ve skočci obecném). Dávivec černý nemá pevnou dobu kvetení, plody lze obvykle sklízet dvakrát až třikrát za rok. Prvně plodí za tří až pět let a dožívá se až 40 roků. V přírodě se rozmnožuje semeny s krátkou životaschopností a při průmyslovém pěstování je šířen rostlinnými řízky.[2][3][4][5]


Vylisovaný olej se pro své výrazně projímavé účinky užíval v lidovém lékařství a také sloužil ke svícení, čerstvé kůry se zase používalo jako léku k hojení ran při malomocenství, ekzémech a vředech. Někdy se keře vysazují do řad k ohrazení pozemků, dřevo starých keřů se používá k topení.

Dávivec černý je považován za potenciální zdroj ekologické bionafty. Z plantáže o rozloze jednoho hektaru lze získat z jeho semen ročně 1,5 tun paliva. Není to mnoho, ale rostliny mohou růst v místech pro jiné druhy nevhodných (suchá a zasolená půda), navíc je to nepotravinářská rostlina vyžadující minimální péči a pro jejíž plody není jiné zužitkování.[2][3]


  1. GRIN Taxonomy for Plants: Jatropha curcas [online]. United States Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, MD, USA, rev. 05.09.2013 [cit. 2014-08-15]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  2. a b c GRULICH, Vít. BOTANY.cz: Jatropha curcas [online]. O. s. Přírodovědná společnost, BOTANY.cz, rev. 20.08.2011 [cit. 2014-08-15]. Dostupné online. (česky)
  3. a b c About Jatropha plant [online]. Centre for jatropha promotion & biodiesel, Rajasthan, IN [cit. 2014-08-15]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  4. Flora of China: Jatropha curcas [online]. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO & Harvard University Herbaria, Cambridge, MA, USA [cit. 2014-08-15]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  5. Dendrologie.cz: Jatropha curcas [online]. P. Horáček a J. Mencl, rev. 31.12.2006 [cit. 2014-08-15]. Dostupné online. (česky)

Externí odkazy

Wikipedia autoři a editory
käy lähteessä
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Dávivec černý: Brief Summary ( Tšekki )

tarjonnut wikipedia CZ

Dávivec černý (Jatropha curcas) je keřovitá rostlina, druh z rozsáhlého tropického a subtropického rodu dávivec, který roste jako planě rostoucí rostlina na neúrodných kamenitých půdách v polopouštích. Při testování lehce dostupných rostlin pro výrobu bionafty (nahrazující palivo z ropy) se stál dávivec černý jedním z potenciálních zdrojů.

Wikipedia autoři a editory
käy lähteessä
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Purgiernuss ( saksa )

tarjonnut wikipedia DE

Die Purgiernuss auch Purgierstrauch (Jatropha curcas) (englisch Physic Nut, Barbados Nut; französisch Grand Medicinier) ist eine Pflanzenart in der Gattung Jatropha aus der Familie der Wolfsmilchgewächse (Euphorbiaceae). Der ebenfalls verwendete Name „schwarze Brechnuss“ ist mehrdeutig, da er auch für die Gewöhnliche Brechnuss (Strychnos nux-vomica) und die ganze Gattung der Brechnüsse (Strychnos) verwendet wird. Auch der botanische Name verweist auf die frühere medizinische Verwendung als Kurmittel.

Häufig wird die Purgiernuss auch nach dem Gattungsnamen vereinfachend als Jatropha bezeichnet.

Jatropha curcas Samen
Jatropha curcas Entwicklung der Frucht


Die Purgiernuss ist ein einhäusiger monözischer, sukkulenter Strauch oder kleiner Baum von bis zu 8 Meter Höhe, sie hat eine Pfahlwurzel die bis 5 Meter tief reicht. Ihre Zweige, die einen leicht milchigen, rosa gefärbten Saft enthalten, sind von einer abschälenden Rinde bedeckt. Die Borke am alten Stamm ist rötlich-braun bis gräulich und glatt bis leicht rissig, die Rinde jüngerer Triebe ist grünlich-gelb bis grau. Der Stammdurchmesser beträgt etwa 20–50 cm.

Die auf 8 bis 16 cm langen Stielen gebildeten, breiteiförmigen und drei bis siebenlappigen, fast kahlen Blätter sind etwa 10–16 cm lang und breit. Die Basis ist mehr oder weniger herz- oder pfeilförmig, die Spitzen der einzelnen Lappen sind rundspitzig oder spitz bis zugespitzt, die Blattränder sind ganz. Die Nebenblätter sind winzig und früh abfallend. Junge, frisch entfaltete Blätter sind bisweilen rötlich bis dunkelrot, zur Trockenzeit färben sich die Blätter gelb und fallen ab. Die Blätter sind giftig, die Nervatur ist handförmig mit fünf bis sieben Adern.

Die mehrfach verzweigten Blütenstände (die Rispen) bilden meist ebene Köpfe. Die männlichen und weiblichen, fünfzähligen Blüten sind im Blütenstand voneinander getrennt, die weiblichen befinden sich am Apex des Blütenstands, die zahlreicheren männlichen Blüten besetzen nachgeordnete Positionen. Gelegentlich finden sich auch zwittrige Blüten. Die weiblichen Blüten öffnen sich etwas vorher oder gleichzeitig mit den männlichen Blüten. Die kleineren männlichen Blüten tragen 3 mm lange Kelchblätter, 6 mm lange, zur Hälfte miteinander verwachsene und innen, im unteren Teil haarige Kronblätter und acht bis zehn Staubblätter in zwei Kreisen, mit, im inneren Kreis, teilweise oder komplett verwachsenen Staubfäden. Die etwas größeren weiblichen Blüten tragen 5 mm lange Kelchblätter und 6 mm lange, frei stehende und innen, im unteren Teil haarige Kronblätter sowie etwa zehn kurze Staminodien. Alle Kron- und Kelchblätter sind gelblich, am Blütengrund befinden sich jeweils fünf Nektarien.

Der dreifächerige, aus zwei bis drei Fruchtblättern bestehende, kahle Fruchtknoten ist oberständig, mit jeweils einer anatropen Samenanlage pro Fach, er hat drei kurze Griffeln mit auffälligen, zweilappigen Narben. Die bis 3 × 2 cm großen, kugeligen, dreikammerigen, anfänglich grünen Kapselfrüchte werden dann hellgelb und bis zur vollen Reife schwarzbraun. Sie entlassen ellipsoide, durchschnittlich etwa 1,7 × 1,2 cm große und etwa 7–9 mm dicke, schwärzliche, leicht hell gefleckte, gesprenkelte Samen mit kleiner Caruncula (Ölkörper). Die weißlichen Samenkerne enthalten zu etwa 46–58 % fette Öle, der Anteil der holzigen und harten Samenschale an der Trockenmasse des Samens beträgt etwa 35–45 %. Die Tausendkornmasse der gesamten Samen beträgt etwa 400–700 Gramm. Der Anteil der Fruchtschale beträgt etwa 35–40 %.

Die Bestäubung erfolgt durch Insekten, z. B. Honigbienen, Wespen, Fliegen und Ameisen sowie Nachtfaltern.

Die Chromosomenzahl beträgt 2n = 22, seltener 44.[1]


Die gesamten Samen mit Schale enthalten fettes Öl (ca. 23–35 %, enthält überwiegend Linolsäure, Ölsäure, Palmitinsäure), Proteine (13–17 %, u. a. Lectine wie Curcin I und II sowie ein Hämagglutinine), 4–11 % Kohlenhydrate, Diterpenester, β-Sitosterol-β-D-glucosid, Dulcitol.[2][3]



Die Pflanze gilt als stark giftig.

Hauptwirkstoffe: Die Pflanze enthält einen ätzenden Milchsaft. Weiterhin enthalten die Samen das sehr giftige Toxalbumin Curcin, das dem Ricin ähnlich ist und beim Erhitzen über 50 °C unwirksam wird.

Vergiftungserscheinungen: Laxierend, Samenextrakte wirken im Tierversuch dämpfend auf das isolierte Herz, führen zur Entspannung und Lähmung des isolierten Darmes, zu Blutdrucksenkung, rufen Polypnoe, gefolgt von Apnoe hervor, die zum Tod führt.

Die Samen führen besonders bei Kindern zu Blähungen, Erbrechen, Durchfall, Schwindel, Bewusstlosigkeit, Kollaps und Tod.

Geröstet gelten die Samen als essbar, da die Giftstoffe durch das Rösten zerstört werden.

Wirkungen auf die Haut und Schleimhaut: Auf der Haut und den Schleimhäuten verursacht der Milchsaft eine Entzündungsreaktion.

Anwendungen: In der Volksheilkunde früher weitverbreitet als drastisches Abführmittel genutzt. Auch bei Hauterkrankungen (Krätze, Ekzeme, Herpes), als Einreibemittel bei Rheuma und Wurmbefall, sowie zur Auslösung eines Aborts wurde die Droge verwendet. In Südamerika, Indien, Westafrika werden die Samen als Fischgift verwendet, in Afrika auch als Rattengift.


Das natürliche Verbreitungsgebiet der Art liegt im tropischen Amerika, in der Karibik und von Mexiko bis Chile. Von dort wurde sie durch portugiesische und holländische Seefahrer nach Asien (Indien, Philippinen, Malaysia) und Afrika gebracht.

Kultivierung und Nutzung


Die Purgiernuss ist sehr robust, genügsam und wenig krankheitsanfällig. Da sie durch ihre Sukkulenz auch länger anhaltende Trockenheit gut übersteht und wegen ihres giftigen Saftes kaum von Tieren gefressen wird, ist sie in tropischen Ländern eine ideale Pflanze zur Aufforstung kahler Landstriche oder zur Wiederaufforstung wegen Dürre oder Bodenerosion aufgegebener Agrarflächen. Häufig wird sie auch als Schutzhecke um andere Nutzpflanzungen gesetzt.

Von großem wirtschaftlichen Interesse ist das aus den Samen gewonnene Jatrophaöl (Purgiernussöl, Heilnussöl, Curcasöl auch Höllenöl).[4][5] Roh kann es als Lampenöl oder als Brennstoff zum Kochen verwendet werden. Weiterverarbeitet wird es zu Seife und Kerzen. Der nach der Extraktion des Öls verbleibende Presskuchen stellt einen sehr guten Dünger dar.

Ein noch ungelöstes Problem stellen die in den Samen und dem daraus gewonnenen Öl enthaltenen Giftstoffe dar. Da diese scharf brennend schmecken und drastisch abführend und brecherregend wirken, ist das Öl nicht zum Verzehr geeignet. Versuche, die Giftstoffe mit einer in tropischen Ländern praktikablen Methode zu entfernen, blieben bisher erfolglos. Neue Hoffnung wird daher in eine in Mexiko entdeckte Jatropha-Art die Jatropha peltata gesetzt, die die Giftstoffe nicht oder nur in äußerst geringer Konzentration enthält.

Gerade in Regionen mit schwacher Infrastruktur kann der Jatropha-Anbau einen positiven ökonomischen und ökologischen Beitrag leisten:

  • Da Jatropha auch auf ertragsschwachen Böden angebaut werden kann, konkurriert die Pflanze nicht direkt mit Flächen, die z. B. für die Produktion von Nahrungsmitteln genutzt werden können (Flächenkonkurrenz). Der Anbau von Jatropha kann den Landwirten damit eine zusätzliche Einnahmequelle erschließen.
  • Weil das Öl nicht genießbar ist, stellt sich bei Jatropha der notorische Konflikt „Tank oder Teller“ („food or fuel“ – Nutzungskonkurrenz) nicht – wenn sie auf entsprechenden Böden angebaut wird.
  • Jatrophanüsse können über einen längeren Zeitraum ohne Haltbarkeitsprobleme gelagert und müssen nach der Ernte nicht sofort verarbeitet werden (im Gegensatz z. B. zu Palmöl).
  • Jatrophaöl kann für den Eigenbedarf als direktes Substitut für Diesel verwendet werden und (nach einfacher Modifikation des Motors) in Fahrzeugen und Stromgeneratoren zum Einsatz kommen. Außerdem kann es zum Kochen oder als Energiequelle für Lampen benutzt werden.
  • Dabei ist Jatrophaöl CO2-neutral und verbrennt geruchlos.
  • Die Jatrophapflanze kann zur Regeneration von Bodenqualität beitragen. Der bei der Ölpressung entstehende Presskuchen (Jatropha Seed Press Cake, JSPC) lässt sich zudem als sehr effektives organisches Düngemittel einsetzen.
  • Allerdings ist der Wasserverbrauch im Vergleich zu anderen Energiepflanzen extrem hoch.

Die Weltbank unterstützt den Anbau von Jatropha curcas mittlerweile unter vier Bedingungen, die z. B. in Indien gegeben sein können:

  • keine Nutzung von fruchtbarem Land
  • geringe Transportkosten
  • angemessene Löhne
  • Vermeidung von Erdölimporten

Die Samen haben einen Ölanteil von über 45 %, das obendrein mit einer Cetanzahl von etwa 40–50 (Biodiesel aus Rapsöl hat etwa 54) ein sehr effektives, technisch nutzbares Pflanzenöl ist. Der Anbau ist demnach besonders lohnend, nicht nur für die Subsistenzwirtschaft (Ölproduktion für den Eigenbedarf), sondern auch für den Weiterverkauf auf den internationalen Markt.

Nutzung als Treibstoff

Die Zahlen der folgenden Tabelle sind der Onlineversion des Chemielexikons von Römpp entnommen.[6]

Jatropha-Plantage im ariden Westen des Paraguay Chaco

Ein besonderes Interesse gilt der Verarbeitung zu „Biodiesel“ und vor allem kaltgepresstem Pflanzenöl, das insbesondere finanzschwachen tropischen Ländern den Import teurer Kraftstoffe auf Erdölbasis erspart, weil es in speziell angepassten Motoren direkt genutzt werden kann. In einer Zusammenarbeit mit der Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) und der Universität Stuttgart-Hohenheim wird daher in einem Forschungs- und Produktions-Projekt im indischen Gujarat der Anbau dieser Pflanze forciert. Mit dem dort erzeugten Kraftstoff können Dieselmotoren betrieben werden, welche die Abgasnorm Euro 3 erfüllen.

Am 9. Januar 2008 teilten die Bayer AG, der amerikanische Agrarkonzern Archer Daniels Midland Co. und der Automobilkonzern Daimler AG mit, in einer Kooperation Jatropha curcas als Lieferant von Einsatzstoffen zur industriellen Herstellung von Biodiesel erforschen und entwickeln zu wollen. In diesem Zusammenhang wollen die Unternehmen verbindliche Produktions- und Qualitätsstandards für aus Jatropha produzierten Biodiesel definieren.

Boeing und Air New Zealand haben in einem Forschungsprojekt einen Flugzeugtreibstoff entwickelt, der je zur Hälfte aus Purgiernussöl und Kerosin besteht. Der erste Flug mit diesem Treibstoff fand am 30. Dezember 2008 statt. Dazu wurde ein Jumbojet verwendet, bei dem ein Rolls-Royce-RB211-Triebwerk mit dem neuen Treibstoff betrieben wurde. Der Treibstoff hat einen Gefrierpunkt bei −47 °C und einen Flammpunkt bei 38 °C und hat somit ähnliche Eigenschaften wie die am meisten verwendeten Kerosin Sorte Jet A-1. Auch andere Airlines planten Testflüge durchzuführen.[7][8][9][10][11][12][13]

Die Lufthansa plante für 2011 auf der Strecke Hamburg-Frankfurt am Main achtmal täglich das Treibstoffgemisch zu nutzen.[14] Nach sechs Monaten Test und in der Hoffnung auf ein Förderprogramm der Bundesregierung aus dem Jahre 2013 fand am 15. September 2014 der erste europäische Linienflug mit dem Biokraftstoff statt. Die Lufthansa gab bekannt, am Aufbau einer Lieferkette zu arbeiten.[15]

In den 2010er Jahren erlahmte das Interesse an alternativen Flugtreibstoffen auf Basis von Purgiernuss wieder. Angesichts des erwarteten Wachstums im Luftverkehr, hohem Wasserbedarf im Anbau und eines hohen CO2-Fußabdrucks erwarten Verkehrswissenschaftler keinen hohe Beitrag des Biokraftstoffs zum Klimaschutz, vielmehr ordnen sie ihn als „Technologiemythos“ ein.[16]

Diskussion um Jatropha-Anbau

Aufgrund der positiven Auswirkungen des Jatrophaanbaus erfährt das Thema ein hohes Maß an Aufmerksamkeit und Unterstützung aus der internationalen Entwicklungspolitik und der jeweiligen lokalen Politik. Tatsächlich kann die Kultivation der Jatrophapflanze viele positive Effekte ökologischer, ökonomischer (und sozialer) Art freisetzen, allerdings sollten auch mögliche negative Auswirkungen nicht vernachlässigt werden. Beispielsweise greift das Argument, Jatropha stehe nicht in Konkurrenz mit dem Anbau von Nahrungsmitteln, naturgemäß dann nicht, wenn die Pflanze auf Flächen ausgesät wird, die sich aufgrund der Bodenqualität auch für den Nahrungsmittelanbau eignen. Ein attraktiver Abnahmepreis für Jatrophaöl treibt beispielsweise in einigen Regionen Afrikas viele Bauern dazu, von Nahrungsmittel- auf Jatrophaanbau umzusteigen und dadurch weiter zur lokalen Lebensmittelknappheit beizutragen.

Die Pflanze ist genau wie jede andere Art anfällig für Schädlinge und Krankheiten, was besonders in größeren Monokulturen problematisch werden kann. Darüber hinaus handelt es sich bei Jatropha um eine Wildpflanze, über deren genaue Eigenschaften hinsichtlich Ernteoptimierung, Ertragsmaximierung etc. noch großer Forschungsbedarf besteht – die wissenschaftliche Forschung steht bezüglich der Zucht von Samen und Pflanzen noch ganz am Anfang.

Auch der Anbau auf nicht zum Ackerbau geeigneten Flächen steht in der Kritik, weil auch auf diesen Flächen teilweise Konflikte mit Nutzungen durch die örtliche Bevölkerung oder nomadische Volksgruppen bestehen. Entsprechende Konflikte mit etablierten Formen der extensiven Landwirtschaft beschreibt Amnesty International beispielsweise aus Regionen Indiens.[17]

Die Schweizer Zeitung Die Wochenzeitung (WOZ) analysierte die Vor- und Nachteile: Die magere Ausbeute pro Hektar und der hohe Energieaufwand für Kunstdünger und die Weiterverarbeitung der Samen lassen das Allheilmittel zweifelhaft erscheinen. „Man muss Jatropha als eine Pflanze für lokale Anwendungen im Kleinen sehen, für Lampenöle, Seifen und Ähnliches. Da ist sie sehr sinnvoll“, wird eine Wissenschaftlerin zitiert. „Aber im großtechnischen Maßstab kann es schnell in eine ungewollte Richtung gehen.“[18]

In der Europäischen Union (EU) soll der Anteil an Biokraftstoff in den nächsten Jahren deutlich ausgebaut werden. Um die Nachhaltigkeit bei der Erzeugung der Biokraftstoffe sicherzustellen, wurden 2009 entsprechende Vorgaben mit der EU-Richtlinie 2009/28/EG (Erneuerbare-Energien-Richtlinie) erlassen. Durch die bis 2010 vollständig in Kraft getretene Biomassestrom-Nachhaltigkeitsverordnung (BioSt-NachV) und Biokraftstoff-Nachhaltigkeitsverordnung (Biokraft-NachV) wurden diese Vorgaben in deutsches Recht umgesetzt. Kriterien zur Umwelt- und Klimaverträglichkeit, zu sozialen Aspekten und anderem sind enthalten und sollen Fehlentwicklungen bei der Biokraftstofferzeugung, z. B. aus Jatropha, vermeiden. Mit Zertifizierungssystemen für Biomasse soll die Nachvollziehbarkeit der Herkunft auch aus Nicht-EU-Staaten sichergestellt werden.[19][20]

Aktuelle Bedeutung und Perspektive

Im Jahr 2008 bestanden über 900.000 ha Jatropha-Anbaufläche in 242 Projekten. In Asien fanden sich 85 %, weitere in Afrika und Südamerika. Die jährlichen Investitionen lagen im Schnitt bei 0,5 bis 1 Mrd. US$. Zu dieser Zeit prognostizierte man noch bis 2010 eine Ausweitung auf fast 5 Mio. ha und bis 2015 auf rund 13 Mio. ha. Die Initiative für Projekte ging vor allem von Regierungen aus, vermehrt engagierten sich aber auch Ölunternehmen und Energiekonzerne.[21] Diese Wachstumserwartungen erfüllten sich jedoch bei weitem nicht. Nach 2008 und Beginn der weltweiten Finanzkrise wurden weniger Projekte ins Leben gerufen. Viele Projekte scheiterten. Mitte 2011 lagen die weltweiten Anbauflächen bei 1,2 Mio. ha. Davon waren allein 860.000 ha auf fünf sehr große Projekte in Asien zurückzuführen.[22]

Die Anbauflächen im Jahr 2008 waren zuvor zu 45 % landwirtschaftlich genutzte Flächen für den Nicht-Nahrungsbereich. 5 % waren einstige Sekundär- und 0,3 % Primärwaldflächen. Nur 1,2 % waren zuvor für die Nahrungsmittelerzeugung genutzt worden. Auf rund der Hälfte der Fläche findet Bewässerung statt.[21]

Potentielle Anbauflächen, auf denen mit geringen Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt aber auch mit niedrigem Ertrag (0,25 bis 0,75 t getrockneter Samen je Hektar) zu rechnen wäre, machen weltweit etwa 300 Mio. Hektar aus. Bezieht man auch Flächen mit höherem Ertrag bei gravierenderen Umweltschäden mit ein, liegt das Anbaupotenzial bei bis zu ca. 2.500 Mio. Hektar mit einem potentiellen Ertrag von bis zu knapp 6 Mio. Tonnen getrockneter Samen jährlich.[23]

Kultivierung als Zierpflanze

In Mitteleuropa als Zierpflanze gehalten benötigt die Purgiernuss einen warmen und vollsonnigen Stand. Die Vegetationsperiode dauert etwa von April bis Oktober. Wenn im Herbst die Blätter welken, muss die Pflanze bis zum Frühling warm (min. 15 °C) und trocken gehalten werden. Wird im Winter gegossen, vergeilt die Pflanze oder kann faulen.


  • Carl von Linné: Species Plantarum. (Ed.1) 1: 1006, 1753.
  • Alph. Steger, J. van Loon: Das fette Öl der Samen von Jatropha curcas. In: Fette und Seifen. 49(11), 1942, S. 769–840, doi:10.1002/lipi.19420491103.
  • P. W. Gerbens-Leenes u. a.: The Water Footprint of Energy from Biomass. In: Ecological Economics. 68, 4, 2009, S. 1052–1056, doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2008.07.013.
  • J. Heller: Physic nut Jatropha curcas L. IPK, Gatersleben 1996, ISBN 92-9043-278-0, (PDF)
  • N. D. Prajapati, Tarun Prajapati (Hrsg.): A handbook of Jatropha curcas Linn. (physic nut). Asian Medicinal Plants and Health Care Trust, 2005, ISBN 81-89070-05-3.
  • Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz, Sonderheft 294: Möglichkeiten der Dekontamination von „Unerwünschten Stoffen nach Anlage 5 der Futtermittelverordnung (2006)“. 2006.
  • Michael Schwelien: Treibstoff aus der Giftpflanze. In: Die Zeit. 31. Dezember 2004.
  • Ranty Islam: Indisches Nuß-Öl soll Autos antreiben. In: Die Zeit. 2. Dezember 2006.
  • J. Latschan: Sustainable energy: Risks and opportunities of biomass for biofuel. The case of Jatropha cultivation in India. Centre for Sustainability Management, Lüneburg 2009. (CSM Lüneburg, 2,4 MB; PDF)
  • Lutz Roth, Max Daunderer, Karl Kormann: Giftpflanzen Pflanzengifte. 6. überarbeitete Auflage, Nikol-Verlag, Hamburg 2012, ISBN 978-3-86820-009-6.
  • Ingrid und Peter Schönfelder: Das neue Buch der Heilpflanzen. Franckh-Kosmos Verlag, 2011, ISBN 978-3-440-12932-6.


  1. Jatropha curcas bei Tropicos.org. In: IPCN Chromosome Reports. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.
  2. Wolfgang Blaschek (Hrsg.) u. a.: Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 5. Auflage. Folgeband 2: Drogen A–K, Springer, 1998, ISBN 3-540-61618-7, S. 889.
  3. Joachim Heller: Physic Nut, Jatropha Curcas L. IPGRI, 1996, ISBN 92-9043-278-0, S. 16.
  4. Wilhelm Halden, Adolf Grün: Analyse der Fette und Wachse. Zweiter Band, Springer, 1929, ISBN 978-3-642-89318-6, S. 106 f.
  5. R. Brieger, O. Dalmer u. a.: Spezielle Analyse. Erster Teil, Springer, 1932, ISBN 978-3-7091-5261-4, S. 512.
  6. Eintrag zu Jatropha curcas. In: Römpp Online. Georg Thieme Verlag, abgerufen am 27. Juli 2014.
  7. Jumbo-Jet mit Pflanzenöl im Tank auf NZZ Online vom 30. Dezember 2008.
  8. Air New Zealand testet Jatropha-Kerosin auf SPIEGEL Online vom 13. November 2008.
  9. Air New Zealand Jet Flies on Jatropha Biofuel auf Environment News Service (englisch).
  10. Boeing und Air New Zealand: Testflug mit Biotreibstoff im Dezember auf airliners.de, vom 12. November 2008 (Memento vom 15. Januar 2018 im Internet Archive).
  11. Beide Flugschreiber des abgestürzten Airbus geborgen auf airliners.de, vom 1. Dezember 2008 (Memento vom 15. Januar 2018 im Internet Archive).
  12. heise.de: Flugbenzin vom Feld vom 8. Dezember 2008.
  13. TAM führt ersten Biokerosin-Flug in Lateinamerika durch auf tam.com.br, 27. April 2010 (portugiesisch) (Memento vom 2. November 2013 im Internet Archive).
  14. Das Flugbenzin kommt bald vom Acker. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung. 8. Mai 2011, S. 38.
  15. Lufthansa bekräftigt Vorreiterrolle für alternative Flugkraftstoffe (Memento vom 13. Dezember 2014 im Internet Archive).
  16. P. Peeters, J. Higham, D. Kutzner, S. Cohen, S. Gössling: Are technology myths stalling aviation climate policy? In: Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Band 44, 2016, S. 30–42, doi:10.1016/j.trd.2016.02.004.
  17. Manshi Asher: Kleinbauern als Versuchskaninchen. (Memento vom 26. August 2009 im Internet Archive) In: «amnesty – Magazin der Menschenrechte». September 2008. Herausgegeben von Amnesty International, Schweizer Sektion.
  18. Die entzauberte Nuss. In: Die Wochenzeitung. 21. Februar 2008.
  19. .
  20. a b Archivierte Kopie (Memento des Originals vom 7. Juli 2008 im Internet Archive)  src= Info: Der Archivlink wurde automatisch eingesetzt und noch nicht geprüft. Bitte prüfe Original- und Archivlink gemäß Anleitung und entferne dann diesen Hinweis.@1@2Vorlage:Webachiv/IABot/www.jatropha-platform.org: GEXSI Global Market Study on Jatropha (Memento des Originals vom 28. November 2010 im Internet Archive)  src= Info: Der Archivlink wurde automatisch eingesetzt und noch nicht geprüft. Bitte prüfe Original- und Archivlink gemäß Anleitung und entferne dann diesen Hinweis.@1@2Vorlage:Webachiv/IABot/www.jatropha-platform.org, von GEXSI und dem World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) über den derzeitigen Stand des weltweiten Jatrophaanbaus, mit mehreren Fallbeispielen, vom Mai 2008, abgerufen am 9. März 2010.
  21. Nepomuk Wahl u. a.: Insights into Jatropha Projects Worldwide. Key Facts & Figures from a Global Survey. Hrsg.: Universität Lüneburg. Dezember 2012, Introduction, 6.1 Main findings, doi:10.2139/ssrn.2254823 (PDF).
  22. Bin-Lelin Zhengguoli u. a.: System Approach for Evaluating the Potential Yield and Plantation of Jatropha curcas L. on a Global Scale. In: Environ. Sci. Technol. Band 44, Nr. 6, 2010, doi:10.1021/es903004f.
Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
käy lähteessä
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Purgiernuss: Brief Summary ( saksa )

tarjonnut wikipedia DE

Die Purgiernuss auch Purgierstrauch (Jatropha curcas) (englisch Physic Nut, Barbados Nut; französisch Grand Medicinier) ist eine Pflanzenart in der Gattung Jatropha aus der Familie der Wolfsmilchgewächse (Euphorbiaceae). Der ebenfalls verwendete Name „schwarze Brechnuss“ ist mehrdeutig, da er auch für die Gewöhnliche Brechnuss (Strychnos nux-vomica) und die ganze Gattung der Brechnüsse (Strychnos) verwendet wird. Auch der botanische Name verweist auf die frühere medizinische Verwendung als Kurmittel.

Häufig wird die Purgiernuss auch nach dem Gattungsnamen vereinfachend als Jatropha bezeichnet.

 src= Jatropha curcas Samen  src= Jatropha curcas Entwicklung der Frucht
Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
käy lähteessä
wikipedia DE

Fiki ( tonga )

tarjonnut wikipedia emerging languages

Ko e fiki ko e fuʻu ʻakau lahi ia (aʻu ki he mita ʻe 6 ʻi olunga). ʻOku meimei tatau ʻene ʻasi mo e fuʻu tuitui, ka ʻoku ʻikai fuopotopoto hano foʻi tenga. ʻE lava fai ʻa e hinu mei ai, neongo ʻoku ʻikai sai maʻa e kai. (Mahalo pē ifo, ka fai lua (lea fakapilitānia: physic nut, purging nut, ʻa ia hono hingoa ʻe taha: Curcas purgans). ʻOku sai ʻa e hinu maʻa e fai koa pe fai lolo lelemīsini.

Ngaahi faʻahinga kehekehe

Hingoa ʻi he ngaahi lea kehe


Ko e kupu ʻeni ko e potuʻi ia (stub). ʻIo, ko koe, kātaki tokoni mai ʻi hono .
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Fiki: Brief Summary ( tonga )

tarjonnut wikipedia emerging languages

Ko e fiki ko e fuʻu ʻakau lahi ia (aʻu ki he mita ʻe 6 ʻi olunga). ʻOku meimei tatau ʻene ʻasi mo e fuʻu tuitui, ka ʻoku ʻikai fuopotopoto hano foʻi tenga. ʻE lava fai ʻa e hinu mei ai, neongo ʻoku ʻikai sai maʻa e kai. (Mahalo pē ifo, ka fai lua (lea fakapilitānia: physic nut, purging nut, ʻa ia hono hingoa ʻe taha: Curcas purgans). ʻOku sai ʻa e hinu maʻa e fai koa pe fai lolo lelemīsini.

Wikipedia authors and editors
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Galumbang ( Kapampangan )

tarjonnut wikipedia emerging languages

Ing galumbang (Jatropha curcas L.) metung yang species ning tanaman a manyampaga king familiang spurge, Euphorbiaceae, a katutubu kareng lugal a tropical o mapali king Pangulung America, malyaring Mexico ampong Kalibudtang America.[3] Tatanam de kareng labwad a tropical ampong subtropical king mabilug a yatu, at darakal ne anti kareng tanamang katutubu kareng aliwang lugal. Minuna neng ing lagyu ning species, ing "curcas", ning Portugues a doktor, i Garcia de Orta, maygit nang 400 (apat a ralan) a banwa ing milabas, at e siguradu nung nukarin ya ibat.[4] Kayabe la kareng lagyu nang karaniwan king Ingles deng Barbados Nut, Purging Nut, Physic Nut, o JCL (pamikuyad ning Jatropha curcas Linnaeus).

Ing galumbang metung yang makalasun a palungpung o malating pun dutung, a miraras king kátas a 6 m (20 pie).[3] Agyu na ing malanging klima, anya mabibie ya kareng desiertu.[5][6]

Atin lang 27-40% laru[7] (average: 34.4% [8]) deng butul o biní a malyaring iprosesu bang gawang matas a uring panangab o fuel a biodiesel, a malyaring gamitan king karaniwan a makinang diesel. Atin la muring misnang mákalasun a toxalbumin, ing curcin, deng butul.[9]

Lon la murin


  1. Nahar, K. and Ozores-Hampton, M. (2011). Jatropha: An Alternative Substitute to Fossil Fuel.(IFAS Publication Number HS1193). Gainesville: University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Retrieved (12-17-2011).
  2. Jatropha curcas L.. Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture (2008-08-29). Retrieved on 2010-10-14.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Janick, Jules (2008). The Encyclopedia of Fruit & Nuts. CABI, 371–372. ISBN 978-0-85199-638-7.
  4. Jatropha curcas L. Euphorbiaceae (PDF). Agroforestree Database 4.0. World Agroforestry Centre (2009). Retrieved on 2010-10-14.
  6. Jatropha: creating desert solutions
  7. Achten WMJ, Mathijs E, Verchot L, Singh VP, Aerts R, Muys B 2007. Jatropha biodiesel fueling sustainability?. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 1(4), 283-291.[1] doi:10.1002/bbb.39Template:Only in printThe Jatropha Archives
  8. Achten WMJ, Verchot L, Franken YJ, Mathijs E, Singh VP, Aerts R, Muys B 2008. Jatropha bio-diesel production and use. (a literature review) Biomass and Bioenergy 32(12), 1063-1084.[2] doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2008.03.003Template:Only in printThe Jatropha Archives
  9. http://www.drugsandpoisons.com/2008/01/lectins-peas-and-beans-gone-bad.html

Karagdagang babasan

  • Brittaine, R. and Lutaladio, N. 2010. Jatropha: A Smallholder Bioenergy Crop - The Potential for Pro-Poor Development. Integrated Crop Management. Vol. 8. FAO, Rome, ISBN 978-92-5-106438-2.

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Galumbang: Brief Summary ( Kapampangan )

tarjonnut wikipedia emerging languages

Ing galumbang (Jatropha curcas L.) metung yang species ning tanaman a manyampaga king familiang spurge, Euphorbiaceae, a katutubu kareng lugal a tropical o mapali king Pangulung America, malyaring Mexico ampong Kalibudtang America. Tatanam de kareng labwad a tropical ampong subtropical king mabilug a yatu, at darakal ne anti kareng tanamang katutubu kareng aliwang lugal. Minuna neng ing lagyu ning species, ing "curcas", ning Portugues a doktor, i Garcia de Orta, maygit nang 400 (apat a ralan) a banwa ing milabas, at e siguradu nung nukarin ya ibat. Kayabe la kareng lagyu nang karaniwan king Ingles deng Barbados Nut, Purging Nut, Physic Nut, o JCL (pamikuyad ning Jatropha curcas Linnaeus).

Ing galumbang metung yang makalasun a palungpung o malating pun dutung, a miraras king kátas a 6 m (20 pie). Agyu na ing malanging klima, anya mabibie ya kareng desiertu.

Atin lang 27-40% laru (average: 34.4% ) deng butul o biní a malyaring iprosesu bang gawang matas a uring panangab o fuel a biodiesel, a malyaring gamitan king karaniwan a makinang diesel. Atin la muring misnang mákalasun a toxalbumin, ing curcin, deng butul.

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Jarak pager ( Jaava )

tarjonnut wikipedia emerging languages

Jarak pagar iku sawijining tetuwuhan semak sing akèh tinemu ing tlatah tropis.

Titikanipun Jarak Pagar

  • Family Euphorbiceae
  • Tuwuhan Perdu, dhuwuripun 1–7 m, nyabang boten tératur
  • Batang kayu slindris, manawi kabuka médhalaken rèh
  • Godong amba, béntukipun Jantung utawi bulat ndok ngelebar deneng dhawanipun 5–15 cm
  • Kémbang ingkang gadhah warni radi kuning keijeman utawi kuning campuran, wujud sekar menjemuk dumadi malai.
  • Yuswa tuwuhan saghed nyapai 20 yuswa langkung.[2]

Pangembangan Tuwuhan Jarak dados Sumber Bahan Bakar Altérnatif

Les différentes phases de croissance du Jatropha

Pérténgahan taun 2004 DaimlerChrysler, salah satunggaling perusahaan terkemuka, asil ngujicoba ginakakén bahan bakar BTL Biomass to Liquid kawiwitan ing donya Mobil Mercedes-Benz seri C, nempuh jarak 5.900 km ing radosan kondisi lingkunganipun ingkang Ékstrim ing India. Bahan bakar mau salajengipun dipunnamani dagangSundiesel, kapulih saking lenga jarak lan salah satunggaling program DaimlerChrysler ing ngémbangaken Biodiesel. Pengembangan lengan saking tuwuhan jarak nglampahi pendekatan ilmiah ing Indonesia, saking Dr. Robert Manurung saking Institut Téknologi Bandung ITB awit taun 1997 kaliyan fokus Èkstaksi lenga saking tuwuhan jarak. Penelitian punika dipundukung saking Mitsubishi Research Institute iri saha New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization NEDO saking Jepang. Ngadapi krisi BBM lan munggahe rega BBM ing Indonesia, pamaréntah awit gali sumber-sumber ènergi alternatif. Lenga jarak punika wiwit dipunperhatekake saking pamaréntah. Tuwuhan jarak gadhah potensi dados sumber bahan bakar alternatif inggih punika jarak pagar Jatropha curcas ing basa Inggris kasébat Physic Nut. Jarak pagar Jatropha curcas asring luput dipundefinisikaken kaliyan tuwuhan jarak kepyar Ricinus communis ing basa Inggris dipunsebat Castor Bean. Tuwuhan jarak Jatropha curcas Physic Nut lan Ricinus communis Castor Bean igi sami-sami kathah dipuntémukake ing laladan Tropis kadas Indonesia, ugi saking kaleh tuwuhan punika saged kapulih ekstrak Lenga saking bijinipun. Nanging tuwuhan jarak Jatropha curcas ngasilaken racun Krusin nanging luwih kathah kaliyan informasi Biodiesel utawi Biofuel. Sédaya tuwuhan punika bènten kaliyan wujud morfologi tuwuhan utawi lénga ingkang dipunhasilaken. Jarak pagar Jatropha Curcas sampun lami dipuntepang déning braya ing laladan-laladan Indonesia, ya iku awit dipuntepang déning bangsa Jèpang taun 1942, sakménika braya dipunpérintahaken kanggé nglampahi penaneman jarak dados pagar pekarangan.[3]

Graines de Jatropha.

Cathetan suku

  1. "Jatropha curcas L.". Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. 2008-08-29. Dijupuk 2010-10-14.
  2. Ciri-ciri Jarak Pagar (dipununduh Tanggal 26 September 2012)
  3. Jarak Pagar (dupununduh Tanggal 26 September 2012)
Penulis lan editor Wikipedia
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Jarak pager: Brief Summary ( Jaava )

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Jarak pagar iku sawijining tetuwuhan semak sing akèh tinemu ing tlatah tropis.

Penulis lan editor Wikipedia
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Jatropha ( burma )

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This article is titled in another language/script, because there is no suitable name in Myanmar language yet.

Jatropha and Renewable Energy Sub-Division

Physic Nut (Jatropha) is the most appropriate as a energy crop for many reasons. Jatropha Bio-diesel holds promise as fuel alternatives. Jatropha Bio-diesel readily mixes with diesel fuel and it runs in any diesel engine without modification and it is environmentally friendly energy

To reduce reliance on imported fossil fuel. To fulfill the domestic fuel demand. To develop the industrial sector of the country. To enhance machines use efficiency. To save foreign exchange. Physic Nut (Jatropha) is the most appropriate as a energy crop for many reasons: Farmers are already familiar with Physics nuts . It has been grown as a fencing crop almost all over the country since many years ago. It widely adapts from dry areas to temperate areas. Annual rainfall requirement 18 to 93 inches . Temp: 18 º C to 40 º C . It can be easily propagated . Harvesting is comparatively easy and oil can be expelled by using existing extraction methods and simple expelling machine . Jatropha Bio-diesel holds promise as fuel alternatives . The use of Primary Fuels can be reduced by using bio-diesel. Bio-diesel can be produced with an agricultural orientation . Numerous researches have shown that Jatropha Bio-diesel has fuel properties and provides engine performance that is very similar to diesel fuel . Jatropha Bio-diesel readily mixes with diesel fuel and it runs in any diesel engine without modification and it is environmentally friendly energy . It is expected that world bio-diesel market is increasing with wide acceptance by the automobile industry and conservation of environment . Myanmar Government has laid down a plan to implement the Jatropha Project . According to the current Plan, Jatropha will cover the land area of more than 8 million acres through out the country within three years. The seed production of about 10 million ton is expected in every year. Up to now about 3.4 million acres have been put under cultivation.

1.Degumming at /Acid treatment Crude oil is mixed with water, stirred and heated 70 °C about 30 minutes. Add NaOH 5-10% and continue stirring and settle down. Bottom layer of gum and water can be drained out. Remove water from degummed oil by heating at 100 ° C. Acid treatment Crude oil is treated with concentrate H2 SO4 to change FFA into ester 2.Exact quantity of sodium hydroxide required as determined by titration is thoroughly mixed in methanol till it dissolves completely to result in sodium methoxide. 3.Degummed oil/acid treated oil mixed with the sodium methoxide while with agitator running at 55 °C. 4.It is then allowed to settle and glycerine is removed from bottom.

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Mbono ( swahili )

tarjonnut wikipedia emerging languages

Mbono au mbono kaburi (Jatropha curcas) ni mti au kichaka ambacho makokwa yake (mabono) yatoa mafuta yanayofaa. Mafuta haya hutumika ili kutengeneza mafuta ya kikaboni (biodiesel au petroli kutoka mimea).

Kuna vichaka vingine ambacho huitwa mbono pia, k.m.:


Greentree.jpg Makala hii kuhusu mmea fulani bado ni mbegu.
Je, unajua kitu kuhusu Mbono kama uainishaji wake wa kibiolojia, uenezi au matumizi yake?
Labda unaona habari katika Wikipedia ya Kiingereza au lugha nyingine zinazofaa kutafsiriwa?
Basi unaweza kuisaidia Wikipedia kwa kuihariri na kuongeza habari.
Waandishi wa Wikipedia na wahariri
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wikipedia emerging languages

Mbono: Brief Summary ( swahili )

tarjonnut wikipedia emerging languages

Mbono au mbono kaburi (Jatropha curcas) ni mti au kichaka ambacho makokwa yake (mabono) yatoa mafuta yanayofaa. Mafuta haya hutumika ili kutengeneza mafuta ya kikaboni (biodiesel au petroli kutoka mimea).

Kuna vichaka vingine ambacho huitwa mbono pia, k.m.:

mbono-bustani, spicy jatropha (Jatropha integerrima) mbono kibuyu, buddha belly plant (Jatropha podagrica) mbono mdogo, castor oil plant (Ricinus communis) mbono pembe, coral plant (Jatropha multifida) mbono wa kizungu, frangipani (Plumeria spp.)
Waandishi wa Wikipedia na wahariri
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सजीवन ( Nepali )

tarjonnut wikipedia emerging languages

सजीवन वा निम्तेल नेपालका विभिन्न भू-भागमा प्राकृतिक रूपमा प्राचीनकालदेखि उत्पादन हुँदै आएको एक बहुउपयोगी वनस्पति हो। नेपालमा यसको विभिन्न किसिमले प्रयोग हुँदै आएको छ। यो वनस्पति घरपालुवा जनावरले नखाने भएकाले बारको रूपमा प्रयोग हुने गरेको छ। यसको पात कम्पोष्ट मलको लागि र यसबाट निस्कने रस पोलेको घाउ निको पार्न र क्यान्सर रोगको प्रतिरोधक औषधिको रूपमा, सानो हाँगाको डाँट दाँत सफा गर्न कार्यमा र बीउ उज्यालोको लागि प्रयोग गर्ने गरेको पाइन्छ। यसका अतिरिक्त बिरूवाले माटोको उर्वराशक्ति बढाउँछ। पिना अत्यन्त राम्रो किसिमको नाइट्रोजन, फस्फोरस, पोटासयुक्त पांगारिक मलको रूपमा प्रयोग गरिन्छ। विश्वमा जेट्रोफाका विभिन्न प्रजाति भेटिन्छन्। नेपालमा पाइने सजीवन(Jatropha curcas) विभिन्न देशका वैज्ञानिकहरूले आर्थिक तथा व्यावसायिक दृष्टिकोणबाट बायोडिजेलको लागि सबैभन्दा उपयुक्त ठहर गरी सिफारिस गरेको छ। साधारणतया सजीवनको दानामा ३० देखि ४८ प्रतिशतसम्म तेलको मात्रा रहेको छ। करिब ३ केजि बियाँबाट एक लिटर तेल निकाल्न सकिन्छ।

सजीवनको औषधीय गुणहरू

पातको रस र बीउलाई पेलेर निकालिएको तेल दल्दा चौपायाको जुम्रा मार्न सकिन्छ । हात खुट्टा फुटेको, हिलोले खाएको, लुतो, दाद, पक्षघात, मांशपेशी र जोर्नीको दुखाई आदिमा यसको तेल दल्दा फाइदा पुग्छ । यसको तेलबाट बत्ती बाल्न र साबुन बनाउन सकिन्छ । हांगालाई दतिवनको रुपमा प्रयोग गरिन्छ । तेलबाट ग्लिसिरिन उत्पादन गर्न सकिन्छ । पातबाट सोत्तर, पत्कर र कम्पोष्ट मल बनाउन सकिन्छ । यसको पिनालाई खेतबारीमा मलको रुपमा प्रयोग गरिन्छ । तेललाई प्रशोधन पश्चात जैविक डिजेलको रुपमा प्रयोग गरिन्छ । [३]

सजीवन वोट
सजीवनको गेडा

सन्दर्भ सामग्रीहरू

  1. Nahar, K. and Ozores-Hampton, M. (2011). Jatropha: An Alternative Substitute to Fossil Fuel.(IFAS Publication Number HS1193). Gainesville: University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Retrieved (12-17-2011).
  2. "Jatropha curcas L.", Germplasm Resources Information Network, United States Department of Agriculture, २००८-०८-२९, अन्तिम पहुँच २०१०-१०-१४
  3. नेपालमा पाइने प्रमुख गैरकाष्ठ वन पैदावार तथा जडीबुटीहरुको औषधीय प्रयोग र महत्व, अनिरुद्ध कुमार साह, वनविज्ञान शास्त्री
विकिपेडिया लेखक र सम्पादकहरू
käy lähteessä
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सजीवन: Brief Summary ( Nepali )

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सजीवन वा निम्तेल नेपालका विभिन्न भू-भागमा प्राकृतिक रूपमा प्राचीनकालदेखि उत्पादन हुँदै आएको एक बहुउपयोगी वनस्पति हो। नेपालमा यसको विभिन्न किसिमले प्रयोग हुँदै आएको छ। यो वनस्पति घरपालुवा जनावरले नखाने भएकाले बारको रूपमा प्रयोग हुने गरेको छ। यसको पात कम्पोष्ट मलको लागि र यसबाट निस्कने रस पोलेको घाउ निको पार्न र क्यान्सर रोगको प्रतिरोधक औषधिको रूपमा, सानो हाँगाको डाँट दाँत सफा गर्न कार्यमा र बीउ उज्यालोको लागि प्रयोग गर्ने गरेको पाइन्छ। यसका अतिरिक्त बिरूवाले माटोको उर्वराशक्ति बढाउँछ। पिना अत्यन्त राम्रो किसिमको नाइट्रोजन, फस्फोरस, पोटासयुक्त पांगारिक मलको रूपमा प्रयोग गरिन्छ। विश्वमा जेट्रोफाका विभिन्न प्रजाति भेटिन्छन्। नेपालमा पाइने सजीवन(Jatropha curcas) विभिन्न देशका वैज्ञानिकहरूले आर्थिक तथा व्यावसायिक दृष्टिकोणबाट बायोडिजेलको लागि सबैभन्दा उपयुक्त ठहर गरी सिफारिस गरेको छ। साधारणतया सजीवनको दानामा ३० देखि ४८ प्रतिशतसम्म तेलको मात्रा रहेको छ। करिब ३ केजि बियाँबाट एक लिटर तेल निकाल्न सकिन्छ।

विकिपेडिया लेखक र सम्पादकहरू
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అడవి ఆముదము చెట్టు ( telugu )

tarjonnut wikipedia emerging languages

అడవి ఆముదమును కొండ ఆముదము, నేపాళము అని కూడా అంటారు. దీని వృక్ష శాస్త్రీయ నామం Jatropha curcas. ఇది Euphorbiaceae కుటుంబానికి చెందిన చిన్న చెట్టు. జాట్రొఫ కుర్కస్ మొక్క ఒక పుష్పించే జాతి మొక్క.ఇది జముడు కుటుంబానికి చెందినది.

పెరిగె ప్రదేశాలు

ఈ మొక్క ఎక్కువగా అమెరికన్ ఉష్ణమండలంలో ఎక్కువగా మెక్సికో, మధ్య అమెరికా స్థానికంగా పెరుగుతుంది.ఇది కొన్ని ప్రాంతాల్లో సహజసిద్ధంగా నిలిచి ఉంది. ప్రపంచవ్యాప్తంగా ఉష్ణమండల, ఉప ఉష్ణమండల ప్రాంతాలలో దీనిని అత్యదికంగా సాగు చేస్తారు.


విష ప్రభావాన్ని కలిగిన అడవి ఆముదము చెట్టు సంవత్సరాల తరబడి జీవిస్తుంది. ఈ చెట్టు సుమారు 5 మీటర్ల ఎత్తు పెరుగుతుంది. తినడానికి పనికిరాని ఈ అడవి ఆముదము చెట్లను తోటలలో, పొలాలలో జంతువుల నుంచి రక్షణ కొరకు కంచెగా పెంచుతారు. లేత ఆకుపచ్చ రంగులో ఉండే వీటి ఆకులు 8 నుంచి 15 సెంటీమీటర్ల పొడవు ఉంటాయి. ఈ చెట్టు ఆకు కాడ వద్ద హృదయాకృతిలో ఉండి 3 గదులుగా హస్తాకారంలో ముందుకు పొడుచుకొని వచ్చి ఉంటుంది. ఈ చెట్టు యొక్క పుష్పగుచ్ఛములు ప్రత్యేకంగా గుబురుగా ఆకుపచ్చ పసుపు కలసిన రంగులో ఉంటాయి.

జాట్రొఫ కుర్కస్ మొక్క 6 మీటర్లు ఎత్తులో పెరుగే ఒక విష పూరితమైన వృక్షం, హరిత పొద లేదా చిన్న వృక్షంగా కనపడుతుంది.ఇది ఎడారులలో పెంచడనికి అనుమతించవచ్చు, నిర్జల వాతావరణం ఉన్నత స్థాయికి నిరోధకతను కలిగి ఉంటుంది.వీతి విత్తనాలలో 27-40% వరకు నూనె గునం కలిగి వుంటుంది. సాధారణంగా, ఆకులు ప్రత్యామ్నాయ ఆకుపచ్చ, లేత ఆకుపచ్చ రంగులో కనిపిస్తాయి.మగ పుష్పాలు, ఆడపుష్పాలు ఒకే పుష్ప గుచ్చము పై ఏర్పడి వుంటయి.వీటి ఆకులు 6.1-23.1మి.మి వరకు పెరుగుతుంది.పండ్లు శీతాకాలంలో ఉత్పత్తి చేయబడతాయి, లేదా మట్టి తేమ, ఉష్ణోగ్రతలు రెండూ గణనీయంగా ఎక్కువగా ఉంటే సంవత్సరంలో అనేక పంటలు ఉండవచ్చు.అత్యంత పండు ఉత్పత్తి కొన్ని మొక్కలు రెండు లేదా మూడు పంటలు, కొన్ని సీజన్ ద్వారా నిరంతరం ఉత్పత్తి శిఖరాలులో వైవిధ్యాలు చివరిలో పతనానికి నడివేసవి నుండి కేంద్రీకృతమై ఉంటుంది.


అడవి ఆముదము చెట్టు ఆకులను గింజలు, నూనెను పలు రోగాల నివారణ కొరకు (పుండ్లు, గాయాలు, చర్మ వ్యాధులు) ధన్వంతరి వైద్యంలో ఉపయోగిస్తారు.



జీవన ఇందనం, జెట్ ఇంధన, కార్బన్ డయాక్సైడ్ సరి, అభివృద్ధి చెందుతున్న ప్రపంచాలలో ఉపయోగించబదుతుంది.జాతులకి తేనె మొక్కగా జాబితాలో ఉంది.ఆకులు సహజంగ మేక మంసంలో తినడనికి ఉపయొగించవచ్చు.బెరడు ఒక చేప పాయిజన్ గా ఉపయొగించ వచ్చు మొదలగు విదాలుగ ఉపయొగించ వచ్చు.

Jatropha curcas seeds



  1. Nahar, K. and Ozores-Hampton, M. (2011). Jatropha: An Alternative Substitute to Fossil Fuel.(IFAS Publication Number HS1193). Gainesville: University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Retrieved (12-17-2011).
  2. "Jatropha curcas L." Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. 2008-08-29. Retrieved 2010-10-14.

ఇవి కూడా చూడండి

వికీపీడియా రచయితలు మరియు సంపాదకులు
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Bòtújẹ̀ ( joruba )

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Bòtújẹ̀ tàbí Lóbòtújè , Làpálàpá (Jatropha curcas)


  1. "Jatropha curcas L.". Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. 2008-08-29. Retrieved 2010-10-14.
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Bòtújẹ̀: Brief Summary ( joruba )

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Bòtújẹ̀ tàbí Lóbòtújè , Làpálàpá (Jatropha curcas)

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Punyan jarak

Punyan Jarak (Jatropha curcas L.) inggih punika, wangsa tetanduran sané kaanggén pageh-pagehang miwah ngamedalang lengis. Ring Bali, punyan jarak punika maurip ring tegalan. Cecirén punyan jarak punika: ronné punika tunggal, mabantang kiris, madué pertulangan menyari. Sekarnyané ring punyan jarak inggih punika madué kelopak limang siki marupa bunter. Woh ring punyan jarak punika marupa marepat, mawarna gadang. Bijinnyané inggih punika marupa sekadi taluh, mawarna coklat masawang selem. Akahnyané tunggang, mawarna putih menyi. Kawigunannyané dados ubad kiluran miwah sané lianan.[1] [2]


  1. Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Inventaris Tanaman Obat Indonesia Jilid I. Jakarta, 2000.
  2. "materipertanian.com" Klasifikasi dan Ciri-ciri Pada Tanaman Jarak Pager
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Jarak: Brief Summary

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 src= Punyan jarak

Punyan Jarak (Jatropha curcas L.) inggih punika, wangsa tetanduran sané kaanggén pageh-pagehang miwah ngamedalang lengis. Ring Bali, punyan jarak punika maurip ring tegalan. Cecirén punyan jarak punika: ronné punika tunggal, mabantang kiris, madué pertulangan menyari. Sekarnyané ring punyan jarak inggih punika madué kelopak limang siki marupa bunter. Woh ring punyan jarak punika marupa marepat, mawarna gadang. Bijinnyané inggih punika marupa sekadi taluh, mawarna coklat masawang selem. Akahnyané tunggang, mawarna putih menyi. Kawigunannyané dados ubad kiluran miwah sané lianan.

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Jatropha curcas ( englanti )

tarjonnut wikipedia EN

Jatropha curcas is a species of flowering plant in the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae, that is native to the American tropics, most likely Mexico and Central America.[2] It is originally native to the tropical areas of the Americas from Mexico to Argentina, and has been spread throughout the world in tropical and subtropical regions around the world, becoming naturalized or invasive in many areas.[3] The specific epithet, "curcas", was first used by Portuguese doc Garcia de Orta more than 400 years ago.[4] Common names in English include physic nut, Barbados nut, poison nut, bubble bush or purging nut.[3] In parts of Africa and areas in Asia such as India it is often known as "castor oil plant" or "hedge castor oil plant",[3] but it is not the same as the usual castor oil plant, Ricinus communis (they are in the same family but different subfamilies).

J. curcas is a semi-evergreen shrub or small tree, reaching a height of 6 metres (20 feet) or more.[2] It is resistant to a high degree of aridity, allowing it to grow in deserts.[5][6] It contains phorbol esters, which are considered toxic.[7] However, edible (non-toxic) varieties native to Mexico also exist, known by the local population as piñón manso, xuta, chuta, aishte, among others.[8][9] J. curcas also contains compounds such as trypsin inhibitors, phytate, saponins and a type of lectin[10][11] known as curcin.[12]

The seeds contain 27–40% oil[13] (average: 34.4%[14]) that can be processed to produce a high-quality biodiesel fuel, usable in a standard diesel engine.[15] The oil has a very purgative property.[16] Edible (non-toxic) varieties, as those developed by selection by ethnic Mexican natives in Veracruz, can be used for animal feed and food.[17][8]


  • Leaves: The leaves have significant variability in their morphology. In general, the leaves are green to pale green, alternate to subopposite, and three- to five-lobed with a spiral phyllotaxis.[18]
  • Flowers: male and female flowers are produced on the same inflorescence, averaging 20 male flowers to each female flower,[19] or 10 male flowers to each female flower.[20] The inflorescence can be formed in the leaf axil. Plants occasionally present hermaphroditic flowers.[18]
  • Fruits : fruits are produced in winter, or there may be several crops during the year if soil moisture is good and temperatures are sufficiently high. Most fruit production is concentrated from midsummer to late fall with variations in production peaks where some plants have two or three harvests and some produce continuously through the season.[18]
  • Seeds: the seeds are mature when the capsule changes from green to yellow. The seeds contain around 20% saturated fatty acids and 80% unsaturated fatty acids, and they yield 25–40% oil by weight. In addition, the seeds contain other chemical compounds, such as saccharose, raffinose, stachyose, glucose, fructose, galactose, and protein. The oil is largely made up of oleic and linoleic acids. Furthermore, the plant also contains curcasin, arachidic, myristic, palmitic, and stearic acids and curcin.[18]
  • Genome: the whole genome was sequenced by Kazusa DNA Research Institute, Chiba Japan in October 2010.[21]


Jatropha curcas can easily be propagated by both seed or cuttings.[22] Some people recommend propagation by seed for establishment of long-lived plantations.[23] When jatropha plants develop from cuttings, they produce many branches but yield fewer seeds and do not have enough time to develop their taproot, which makes them sensitive to wind erosion.[24] The seeds exhibit orthodox storage behaviour and under normal treatment and storage will maintain viability at high percentages for eight months to a year.[25][26][27][23][28] Propagation through seed (sexual propagation) leads to a lot of genetic variability in terms of growth, biomass, seed yield and oil content. Clonal techniques can help in overcoming these problems. Vegetative propagation has been achieved by stem cuttings, grafting, budding as well as by air layering techniques. Cuttings should be taken preferably from juvenile plants and treated with 200 micro gram per litre of IBA (rooting hormone) to ensure the highest level of rooting in stem cuttings.[29] Cuttings strike root easily stuck in the ground without use of hormones.[22]


Jatropha curcas seeds

Cultivation is uncomplicated. Jatropha curcas grows in tropical and subtropical regions.[30] The plant can grow in wastelands and grows on almost any terrain, even on gravelly, sandy and saline soils. It can thrive in poor and stony soils, although new research suggests that the plant's ability to adapt to these poor soils is not as extensive as had been previously stated. Complete germination is achieved within 9 days. Adding manure during the germination has negative effects during that phase, but is favorable if applied after germination is achieved. It can be propagated by cuttings, which yields faster results than multiplication by seeds.

The flowers only develop terminally (at the end of a stem), so a good ramification (plants presenting many branches) produces the greatest amount of fruits. The plants are self-compatible.[19] Another productivity factor is the ratio between female and male flowers within an inflorescence, more female flowers mean more fruits.[20] Jatropha curcas thrives on a mere 250 mm (10 in) of rain a year, and only during its first two years does it need to be watered in the closing days of the dry season. Ploughing and planting are not needed regularly, as this shrub has a life expectancy of approximately forty years. The use of pesticides is not necessary, due to the pesticidal and fungicidal properties of the plant. It is used in rural Bengal for dhobi itch (a common fungal infection of the skin).

While Jatropha curcas starts yielding from 9–12 months time, the best yields are obtained only after 2–3 years time. The seed production is around 3.5 tons per hectare (seed production ranges from about 0.4 t/ha in the first year to over 5 t/ha after 3 years). If planted in hedges, the reported productivity of Jatropha is from 0.8 to 1.0 kg of seed per meter of live fence.



Seed extraction and processing generally needs specialized facilities.

Oil content varies from 28% to 30% and 80% extraction, one hectare of plantation will give 400 to 600 litres of oil if the soil is average.[31]

The oily seeds are processed into oil, which may be used directly ("Straight Vegetable Oil") to fuel combustion engines or may be subjected to transesterification to produce biodiesel. Jatropha oil is not suitable for human consumption, as it induces strong vomiting and diarrhea.


Jatropha plantation in the dry center/west of the Paraguay Chaco

When jatropha seeds are crushed, the resulting jatropha oil can be processed to produce a high-quality biofuel or biodiesel that can be used in a standard diesel car or further processed into jet fuel, while the residue (press cake) can also be used as biomass feedstock to power electricity plants, or used as fertilizer (it contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium). The cake can also be used as feed in digesters and gasifiers to produce biogas.[32]

"From planting to picking. Treat your jatropha plant as well as possible to make the yield as large as possible!" (A reference to the compulsory planting of jatropha in Indonesia for the production of oil as machinery lubricant and fuel for the Japanese WWII war effort.)

There are several forms of biofuel, often manufactured using sedimentation, centrifugation, and filtration. The fats and oils are turned into esters while separating the glycerin. At the end of the process, the glycerin settles and the biofuel floats. The process through which the glycerin is separated from the biodiesel is known as transesterification. Glycerin is another by-product from Jatropha oil processing that can add value to the crop. Transesterification is a simple chemical reaction that neutralizes the free fatty acids present in any fatty substances in Jatropha. A chemical exchange takes place between the alkoxy groups of an ester compound by an alcohol. Usually, methanol and ethanol are used for the purpose. The reaction occurs by the presence of a catalyst, usually sodium hydroxide (NaOH) or caustic soda and potassium hydroxide (KOH), which forms fatty esters (e.g., methyl or ethyl esters), commonly known as biodiesel. It takes approximately 10% of methyl alcohol by weight of the fatty substance to start the transesterification process.[18]

Estimates of Jatropha seed yield vary widely, due to a lack of research data, the genetic diversity of the crop, the range of environments in which it is grown, and Jatropha's perennial life cycle. Seed yields under cultivation can range from 1,500 to 2,000 kilograms per hectare, corresponding to extractable oil yields of 540 to 680 litres per hectare (58 to 73 gallons per acre).[33] In 2009 Time magazine cited the potential for as much as 1,600 gallons of diesel fuel per acre per year.[34] The plant may yield more than four times as much fuel per hectare as soybean, and more than ten times that of maize (corn), but at the same time it requires five times as much water per unit of energy produced as does corn (see below). A hectare of jatropha has been claimed to produce 1,892 litres of fuel.[35] However, as it has not yet been domesticated or improved by plant breeders, yields are variable.[36]

Jatropha can also be intercropped with other cash crops such as coffee, sugar, fruits and vegetables.[37]

In 2007 Goldman Sachs cited Jatropha curcas as one of the best candidates for future biodiesel production.[38] However, despite its abundance and use as an oil and reclamation plant, none of the Jatropha species has been properly domesticated and, as a result, its productivity is variable, and the long-term impact of its large-scale use on soil quality and the environment is unknown.[39]

In 2008 researchers at Daimler Chrysler Research explored the use of jatropha oil for automotive use, concluding that although jatropha oil as fuel "has not yet reached optimal quality, ... it already fulfills the EU norm for biodiesel quality". Archer Daniels Midland Company, Bayer CropScience and Daimler AG have a joint project to develop jatropha as a biofuel.[40] Three Mercedes cars powered by Jatropha diesel have already put some 30,000 kilometres behind them. The project is supported by DaimlerChrysler and by the German Association for Investment and Development (Deutschen Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft, DEG).

Jet fuel

Aviation fuels may be more widely replaced by biofuels such as jatropha oil than fuels for other forms of transportation. There are fewer planes than cars or trucks and far fewer jet fueling stations to convert than gas stations.[41] To fulfil the yearly demand for aviation fuel, based on demand in 2008 (fuel use has since grown), an area of farmland twice the size of France would need to be planted with jatropha, based on average yields of mature plantations on reasonably good, irrigated land.[42]

On December 30, 2008, Air New Zealand flew the first successful test flight from Auckland with a Boeing 747 running one of its four Rolls-Royce engines on a 50:50 blend of jatropha oil and jet A-1 fuel.[41][43] In the same press release, Air New Zealand announced plans to use the new fuel for 10% of its needs by 2013. At the time of this test, jatropha oil was much cheaper than crude oil, costing an estimated $43 a barrel or about one-third of the June 4, 2008 closing price of $122.30 for a barrel of crude oil.[44]

On January 7, 2009 Continental Airlines successfully completed a test flight from Houston, Texas using a 50/50 mixture of algae/jatropha-oil-derived biofuel and Jet A in one of the two CFM56 engines of a Boeing 737-800 Next Generation jet. The two-hour test flight could mark another promising step for the airline industry to find cheaper and more environmentally friendly alternatives to fossil fuel.

On April 1, 2011 Interjet completed the first Mexican aviation biofuels test flight on an Airbus A320. The fuel was a 70:30 traditional jet fuel biojet blend produced from Jatropha oil provided by three Mexican producers, Global Energías Renovables (a wholly owned subsidiary of U.S.-based Global Clean Energy Holdings), Bencafser S.A. and Energy JH S.A. Honeywell's UOP processed the oil into Bio-SPK (Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene).[45] Global Energías Renovables operates the largest Jatropha farm in the Americas.[45]

On October 28, 2011 Air China completed the first successful demonstration flight by a Chinese airline that used jatropha-based biofuel. The mixture was a 50:50 mix of conventional jet fuel blended with jatropha oil from China National Petroleum Corp. The 747-400 powered one of its four engines on the fuel mixture during the 1-hour flight around Beijing airport.[46]

On August 27, 2018 SpiceJet completed the first successful test flight by an Indian airline which used jatropha based biofuel. The ratio of conventional jet fuel to jatropha oil was 25:75.[47]

Carbon dioxide sequestration

According to a 2013 study published by the European Geosciences Union,[48] the jatropha tree may have applications in the absorption of carbon dioxide, whose sequestration is important in combating climate change.[49] This small tree is very resistant to aridity so it can be planted in hot and dry land in soil unsuitable for food production. The plant does need water to grow though, so coastal areas where desalinated seawater can be made available are ideal.

Use in developing world

Currently the oil from Jatropha curcas seeds is used for making biodiesel fuel in Philippines, Pakistan and in Brazil, where it grows naturally and in plantations in the southeast, north, and northeast of Brazil. In the Gran Chaco of Paraguay, where a native variety (Jatropha matacensis) also grows, studies have shown the suitability of Jatropha cultivation[50][51] and agro producers are starting to consider planting in the region.[52] In Africa, cultivation of jatropha is being promoted and it is grown successfully in countries such as Mali.[53]


Jatropha oil is being promoted as an easily grown biofuel crop in hundreds of projects throughout India.[54] Large plantings and nurseries have been undertaken in India by many research institutions, and by women's self-help groups who use a system of microcredit to ease poverty among semiliterate Indian women. The railway line between Mumbai and Delhi is planted with jatropha and the train itself runs on 15–20% biodiesel.[36]


Myanmar is also actively pursuing the use of jatropha oil. On 15 December 2005, then-head of state, Senior General Than Shwe, said “the States and Divisions concerned are to put 50,000 acres (200 km²) under the physic nut plants [Jatropha] each within three years totalling 700,000 acres (2,800 km²) during the period”. On the occasion of Burma’s Peasant Day 2006, Than Shwe described in his a message that “For energy sector which is an essential role in transforming industrial agriculture system, the Government is encouraging for cultivation of physic nut plants nationwide and the technical know how that can refine physic nuts to biodiesel has also identified.” He would like to urge peasants to cultivate physic nut plants on a commercial scale with major aims for emergence of industrial agriculture system, for fulfilling rural electricity supply and energy needs, for supporting rural areas development and import substitute economy. (2005 from MRTV)

In 2006, the chief research officer at state-run Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise said Burma hoped to completely replace the country's oil imports of 40,000 barrels a day with home-brewed, jatropha-derived biofuel. Other government officials declared Burma would soon start exporting jatropha oil. Despite the military's efforts, the jatropha campaign apparently has largely flopped in its goal of making Burma self-sufficient in fuel. (2006 from MyawaddyTV)

Z.G.S. Bioenergy has started Jatropha Plantation Projects in Northern Shan State, the company has begun planting Jatropha plants during late June 2007 and will start producing seeds by 2010. (20 July 2007 from New Light of Myanmar)


As of 2011 scepticism about the "miracle" properties of Jatropha has been voiced. For example: "The idea that jatropha can be grown on marginal land is a red herring", according to Harry Stourton, former business development director of UK-based Sun Biofuels, which attempted to cultivate Jatropha in Mozambique and Tanzania. "It does grow on marginal land, but if you use marginal land you'll get marginal yields," he said.[55][56] Sun Biofuels, after failing to adequately compensate local farmers for the land acquired for their plantation in Tanzania, pay workers severance, or deliver promised supplies to local villagers, went bankrupt later in 2011, the villager farmland being sold to an offshore investment fund.[57]

An August 2010 article warned about the actual utility and potential dangers of reliance on Jatropha in Kenya. Major concerns included its invasiveness, which could disrupt local biodiversity, as well as damage to water catchment areas.[58]

Jatropha curcas is lauded as being sustainable, and that its production would not compete with food production, but the jatropha plant needs water like every other crop to grow. This could create competition for water between the jatropha and other edible food crops. In fact, jatropha requires five times more water per unit of energy than sugarcane and corn.[59][60]

Food for human consumption

Xuta, chuta, aishte or piñón manso (among others) are some of the names given in Mexico to edible non-toxic Jatropha curcas.[61][9] It is grown in house gardens or other small areas.[61] Although it is known as a toxic plant due to the presence of diterpenes named phorbol esters,[62] the existence of edible non-toxic J. curcas without phorbol esters content has been demonstrated.[9][63] It is also similarly reported that Jatropha seeds are edible once the embryo has been removed.[64] The process for analysis of phorbol ester contents in J. curcas is done through high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).[65]

Xuta is traditionally prepared for local celebrations or popular parties. The kernels are roasted and eaten as a snack or roasted and ground to prepare different dishes, such as tamales, soups and sauces like “pipian”.[9][63] The seeds in the zone around Misantla, Veracruz are very appreciated by the population as food once they have been boiled and roasted.

Root ashes are used as a salt substitute. HCN and rotenone are present.[66]

Other uses

  • Flowers
The species is listed as a honey plant. Hydrogen cyanide is present.[67]
  • Nuts
Can be construed for home cooking fuel in briquette form replacing charcoalized timber as in Haiti.[68]
They can be burned like candlenuts when strung on grass. HCN is present.[69]
Used as a contraceptive in South Sudan.[70]
  • Seeds
Interest exists in producing animal feed from the bio-waste once the oil is expressed, as in the case with Haiti, where Jatropha curcas grows prolifically and animal feed is in very short supply.[68]
Similarly, Metsiyen in the Haitian culture dates back as a medicinal crop—thus the name "metsiyen"/"medsiyen". Some suggest it "calms the stomach".[68]
Also used as a contraceptive in South Sudan.[70]
The oil has been used for illumination, soap, candles, the adulteration of olive oil, and making Turkey red oil. Turkey red oil, also called sulphonated (or sulfated) castor oil, is the only oil that completely disperses in water. It is made by adding sulfuric acid to pure Jatropha oil.[71] It was the first synthetic detergent after ordinary soap, as this allows easy use for making bath oil products. It is used in formulating lubricants, softeners, and dyeing assistants.[72]
  • Bark
Used as a fish poison. HCN is present.[73] Igbinosa and colleagues (2009) demonstrated potential broad spectrum antimicrobial activity of J. curcas bark extract.[74]
  • Latex
Strongly inhibits the watermelon mosaic virus.[75]
  • Leaves
Leaf sap can be used to blow bubbles.[76]
  • Sap
It stains linen. Sometimes used for marking.[77]
  • Shrub
Used for erosion control.[78][79]

See also


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  2. ^ a b Janick, Jules; Robert E. Paull (2008). The Encyclopedia of Fruit & Nuts. CABI. pp. 371–372. ISBN 978-0-85199-638-7.
  3. ^ a b c "Jatropha curcas (jatropha)". Cabi.org.
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  6. ^ "New Agriculturist: Focus on... Jatropha: creating desert solutions". New-ag.info. Archived from the original on 2009-12-08. Retrieved 2008-06-12.
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  8. ^ a b Martínez-Herrera, J., Martínez Ayala, A., Makkar, H.P.S., Francis, G., Becker, K. 2010. Agroclimatic conditions, chemical and nutritional characterization of different provenances of Jatropha curcas L. from Mexico. Journal of Food Quality 35:152-158.
  9. ^ a b c d Valdes-Rodríguez, O.A., Sánchez-Sánchez, O., Pérez-Vazquez, A., Caplan, J. 2013. The Mexican non-toxic Jatropha curcas L., food resource or biofuel? Ethnobotany Research and Applications 11: 001-007
  10. ^ Makkar, H.P.S., Francis, G., Becker, K. 2008. Protein concentrate from Jatropha curcas screw-pressed seed cake and toxic and antinutritional factors in protein concentrate. Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture 88: 1542-1548.
  11. ^ Martínez-Herrera, J., Jiménez-Martínez, C., Martínez Ayala, A., Garduño-Siciliano, L., Mora-Escobedo, R., Dávila-Ortiz, G., Chamorro-Cevallos, G., Makkar, H.P.S., Francis, G., Becker, K. 2012. Evaluation of the nutritional quality of non-toxic kernel flour from Jatropha curcas L. in rats. Journal of Food Quality 35:152-158.
  12. ^ Lin, J., Zhou, X., Wang, J., Jiang, P., Tang, K. 2010. Purification and characterization of curcin, a toxic lectin from the seed of Jatropha curcas. Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 40 (2): 107-118. DOI: 10.1080/10826060903558588
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  14. ^ Achten WMJ, Verchot L, Franken YJ, Mathijs E, Singh VP, Aerts R, Muys B 2008. Jatropha bio-diesel production and use. (a literature review) Biomass and Bioenergy 32(12), 1063–1084.[2] doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2008.03.003The Jatropha Archives
  15. ^ Costa, Gustavo GL; Cardoso, Kiara C.; Del Bem, Luiz EV; Lima, Aline C.; Cunha, Muciana AS; de Campos-Leite, Luciana; Vicentini, Renato; Papes, Fábio; Moreira, Raquel C.; Yunes, José A.; Campos, Francisco AP (2010-08-06). "Transcriptome analysis of the oil-rich seed of the bioenergy crop Jatropha curcas L". BMC Genomics. 11 (1): 462. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-11-462. ISSN 1471-2164. PMC 3091658. PMID 20691070.
  16. ^ The Complete Guide to Edible Wild Plants. United States Department of the Army. New York: Skyhorse Publishing. 2009. p. 135. ISBN 978-1-60239-692-0. OCLC 277203364.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  17. ^ Francis, G., Oliver, J., Sujatha, M. 2013. Non-toxic jatropha plants as a potential multipurpose multi-use oilseed crop. Industrial Crops and Products 42: 397-401.
  18. ^ a b c d e Nahar, K. and Ozores-Hampton, M. (2011). Jatropha: An Alternative Substitute to Fossil Fuel Archived 2013-11-04 at the Wayback Machine.(IFAS Publication Number HS1193 Archived 2013-05-30 at the Wayback Machine). Gainesville: University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Retrieved (12-17-2011).
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  22. ^ a b "Jatropha curcas". Hort.purdue.edu.
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  26. ^ Lucille Elna Parreno De Guzman; Annalissa Lappay Aquino (April 2009). "Seed Characteristics and Storage Behavior of Physic Nut (Jatropha curcas L.)". Crop Protection Newsletter. 34 (1). Retrieved April 9, 2022.
  27. ^ "The effect of fruit maturity on the physiological quality and conse". Archived from the original on 2017-11-12. Retrieved 2017-11-11.
  28. ^ Heller, Joachim (1996). "Physic Nut, Jatropha curcas L. - Promoting the Conservation and Use of Underutilized and Neglected Crops" (PDF). Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research: 31. ISBN 9789290432784. Retrieved April 9, 2022.
  29. ^ Gadekar Kumarsukhadeo Prakash. (2006) Department of Forestry, Indira Gandhi Agricultural University Raipur (C.G.)M.Sc. Forestry Thesis "Vegetative propagation of Jatropha, Karanj and Mahua by Stem cuttings, Grafting, Budding and Air layering"
  30. ^ "Jatropha Curcas Seeds/seedlings For Sale". 3 November 2013. Archived from the original on 3 November 2013. Retrieved 9 April 2022.
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  32. ^ Poison plant could help to cure the planet Times Online, 28 July 2007.
  33. ^ Dar, William D. (6 December 2007). "Research needed to cut risks to biofuel farmers". Science and Development Network. Retrieved 2007-12-26.
  34. ^ Padgett, Tim (February 6, 2009). "The Next Big Biofuel?". Time Magazine.
  35. ^ Michael Fitzgerald (December 27, 2006). "India's Big Plans for Biodiesel". Technology Review. Retrieved 2007-05-03.
  36. ^ a b Fairless D. (2007). "Biofuel: The little shrub that could - maybe". Nature. 449 (7163): 652–655. doi:10.1038/449652a. PMID 17968401.
  37. ^ "Jatropha For Biodiesel Figures k". Reuk.co.uk.
  38. ^ Barta, Patrick (25 August 2007). "Jatropha Plant Gains Steam In Global Race for Biofuels". Wall Street Journal.
  39. ^ World Agroforestry Centre (2007) When oil grows on trees Archived 2009-04-10 at the Wayback Machine
  40. ^ Bayer CropScience Press Release, June 18, 2008. Jatropha - This particular oil well holds a lot of future promise Archived 2013-01-02 at archive.today
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  48. ^ Becker, K.; Wulfmeyer, V.; Berger, T.; Gebel, J.; Münch, W. (31 July 2013). "Carbon farming in hot, dry coastal areas: an option for climate change mitigation". Earth System Dynamics. 4 (2): 237–251. Bibcode:2013ESD.....4..237B. doi:10.5194/esd-4-237-2013.
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  50. ^ "Jatropha en el Chaco" (in Spanish). Diario ABC Digital. Archived from the original on 2011-07-07. Retrieved 2008-09-09.
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  53. ^ Polgreen, Lydia (September 9, 2007). "Mali's Farmers Discover a Weed's Potential Power". New York Times. Retrieved 2007-08-21. But now that a plant called jatropha is being hailed by scientists and policy makers as a potentially ideal source of biofuel, a plant that can grow in marginal soil or beside food crops, that does not require a lot of fertilizer and yields many times as much biofuel per acre planted as corn and many other potential biofuels. By planting a row of jatropha for every seven rows of regular crops, Mr. Banani could double his income on the field in the first year and lose none of his usual yield from his field.
  54. ^ World Agroforestry Centre (2007) When oil grows on trees World Agroforestry Centre press release. 26 April 2009.
  55. ^ Reuters: Biofuel jatropha falls from wonder-crop pedestal, 21-1-2011
  56. ^ Friends of the Earth Europe: Biofuel 'wonder-crop' jatropha failing to deliver, 21-01-2011
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  59. ^ Friends of the Earth kicks against Jatropha production in Africa, Ghana Business News, Friday, May 29, 2009, Archived June 5, 2013, at the Wayback Machine
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  61. ^ a b Gómez-Pompa, A., Marín-Andrade, A.I., Campo-García, J., Domínguez-Landa, J.H., Cano-Asseleih, L.M., Segura-Juárez, L.M., Cuéllar-Martínez, M., Fernández-Sánchez, M.J., Sánchez-Sánchez, O., Lozoya, X. 2009. La Xuta se come. Universidad Veracruzana, México. 72 p.
  62. ^ [3]
  63. ^ a b Osuna-Canizalez, F.J., Atkinson, C.J., Vázquez-Alvarado, J.M.P., Barrios-Gómez, E.J., Hernández-Arenas, M., Rangel-Estrada, S.E., Cruz-Cruz, E. 2015. State of the art on science and technology for production and processing of non-toxic Jatropha. Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias. Centro de Investigación Regional Pacífico Sur. Campo Experimental Zacatepec, Mexico. Special Publication No. 60: 100 pp. Available in: doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1153.1123.
  64. ^ Levingston and Zamora (cited by IPGRI), in "Assessment of the potential of Jatropha curcas, (biodiesel tree) for energy production and other uses in developing countries." Mike Benge (bengemike at aol dot com), Senior Agroforestry Officer, USAID (Ret.), July 2006 and updated August 2006. [4]
  65. ^ Makkar, H.P.S., Becker, K., Sporer, F., Wink, M. 1997. Studies on nutritive potential and toxic constituents of different provenances of Jatropha curcas. J. Agric. Food Chem. 45: 3152-3157.
  66. ^ Morton, 1981.
  67. ^ Little, Woodbury, and Wadsworth, 1974. In The Jatropha Website Archived October 15, 2007, at the Wayback Machine
  68. ^ a b c Glenn Brooks Jachob e3
  69. ^ Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk, 1962. In The Jatropha Website Archived November 9, 2007, at the Wayback Machine
  70. ^ a b List and Horhammer, 1969–1979. In The Jatropha Website Archived November 9, 2007, at the Wayback Machine
  71. ^ "Turkey Red Oil: Defoaming & wetting agent, manure, lubricant, emulsifier". Porwal.net.
  72. ^ "Turkey Red Oil - from CastorOil.in Castor Oil Dictionary". Castoroil.in.
  73. ^ Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk, 1962. In The Jatropha Website Archived October 15, 2007, at the Wayback Machine
  74. ^ Igbinosa OO, Igbinosa EO and Aiyegoro OA (2009) Antimicrobial activity and phytochemical screening of stem bark extracts from Jatropha curcas (Linn). African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Vol. 3(2). pp. 058-062
  75. ^ Tewari and Shukla, 1982. In The Jatropha Website Archived October 15, 2007, at the Wayback Machine
  76. ^ Burkill, H. M. (1985). "Jatropha curcas Linn. [family EUPHORBIACEAE]". The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa. Vol. 2. Royal Botanic Gardens. ISBN 9780947643560.
  77. ^ Mitchell and Rook, 1979. In The Jatropha Website Archived October 15, 2007, at the Wayback Machine
  78. ^ "[biofuel] Jatropha book". Mail-archive.com.
  79. ^ "Jatropha curcas L. in Africa - Assessment of the impact of the dissemination of "the Jatropha System" on the ecology of the rural area and the social and economic situation of the rural population (target group) in selected countries in Africa" [5]. Annexe 7 of this paper presents an "Economic analysis of JCL utilization in Tanzania - Economy of Jatropha Utilization in Tanzania. Data from Kakute, 2003", covering small-scale economic data on the collection of seeds, oil making and soap making.
Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Jatropha curcas: Brief Summary ( englanti )

tarjonnut wikipedia EN

Jatropha curcas is a species of flowering plant in the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae, that is native to the American tropics, most likely Mexico and Central America. It is originally native to the tropical areas of the Americas from Mexico to Argentina, and has been spread throughout the world in tropical and subtropical regions around the world, becoming naturalized or invasive in many areas. The specific epithet, "curcas", was first used by Portuguese doc Garcia de Orta more than 400 years ago. Common names in English include physic nut, Barbados nut, poison nut, bubble bush or purging nut. In parts of Africa and areas in Asia such as India it is often known as "castor oil plant" or "hedge castor oil plant", but it is not the same as the usual castor oil plant, Ricinus communis (they are in the same family but different subfamilies).

J. curcas is a semi-evergreen shrub or small tree, reaching a height of 6 metres (20 feet) or more. It is resistant to a high degree of aridity, allowing it to grow in deserts. It contains phorbol esters, which are considered toxic. However, edible (non-toxic) varieties native to Mexico also exist, known by the local population as piñón manso, xuta, chuta, aishte, among others. J. curcas also contains compounds such as trypsin inhibitors, phytate, saponins and a type of lectin known as curcin.

The seeds contain 27–40% oil (average: 34.4%) that can be processed to produce a high-quality biodiesel fuel, usable in a standard diesel engine. The oil has a very purgative property. Edible (non-toxic) varieties, as those developed by selection by ethnic Mexican natives in Veracruz, can be used for animal feed and food.

Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Jatropha curcas ( kastilia )

tarjonnut wikipedia ES

Jatropha curcas, conocida como piñón de tempate o jatrofa, es una euforbiácea que tiene propiedades medicinales.

Semillas de Jatropha curcas.
Vista de la planta


Son arbustos o árboles, que alcanzan un tamaño de 1–5 m de alto; plantas monoicas. Hojas ovadas, a veces levemente 3–7-lobadas, 10–25 cm de largo y 9–15 cm de ancho, lobos agudos, base ampliamente cordada, glabrescentes en el envés; pecíolos 8–15 cm de largo, glabros, estípulas obsoletas. Dicasio terminal, 10–25 cm de largo; sépalos enteros; pétalos cohesionados, 5–6 mm de largo, hirsutos por dentro, verdosos o blanco-amarillentos; estambres 10, anteras 1–1.6 mm de largo; ovario glabro. Fruto ovoide a ligeramente 3-lobado, ca 3 cm de largo y 2 cm de ancho, carnoso, pero finalmente dehiscente; semillas 15–22 mm de largo.[1]


Se conoce con más de 200 nombres en todo el mundo , uno de ellos es celso bonilla o excelso y otro muy conocido es diana trapeador, crece de manera silvestre y también sembrada como cerca viva. En la actualidad se cultiva para la extracción de su aceite y producción de biocombustible usado en motores diésel. El centro de origen de esta especie se encuentra en Mesoamérica, que incluye desde el norte de México hasta el norte de Centroamérica. La historia indica que, el piñón ha sido sembrado como cerca viva desde hace varios siglos. A pesar de ser una planta originaria de América , su auge se dio en el continente Africano. Se la cultiva en América Central, Sudamérica, Sureste de Asia, India y África.[2]

Las semillas contienen un aceite no comestible,[3]​ que se puede utilizar directamente para aprovisionar de combustible a lámparas y motores de combustión o se puede transformar en biodiésel, mediante un proceso de transesterificación. Además se usa para fabricar jabones. Un colorante también se puede derivar de la semilla.

Grupos de microcrédito y de autoayuda de mujeres indias han impulsado por años su cultivo y han publicitado sus aplicaciones medicinales, como la aplicación del aceite en el tratamiento de tumores, o de la savia e infusiones de las hojas como antipiréticos.

Es importante mencionar que ingerir el fruto y/o la semilla de esta planta puede ocasionar cuadros severos de vómito y diarrea, por lo cual se considera que su ingestión es tóxica.


Se considera un cicatrizante y desinfectante de heridas.

Modo de uso: Arrancando una hoja de la planta de piñón (Jatropha curcas), el líquido que vierte la planta al desprender la hoja se coloca en la herida y al cabo de unos minutos se notan los efectos de la sustancia, causa un ligero dolor aunque comparado con el alcohol es menor . Procurar que no caiga en la ropa, ya que la mancha es muy difícil de quitar.

Como purgante:

Se mastican unas 3 semillas de piñón con un medio litro de agua, esto es suficiente, ya que el exceso de semillas puede causar deshidratación y como consecuencia perdida de conocimiento. Después de ingerir se espera el efecto y no se debe volver a tomar dentro de siete días por precaucion.


Nativa de América Central, fue difundida por Asia y África por comerciantes portugueses, como planta para cercar y hoy en día se ha expandido por el mundo entero debido a su gran facilidad para adaptarse a situaciones adversas , tierras degradadas , clima seco , tierras marginales.[4]

Resiste en un alto grado la sequía y prospera con apenas 250 a 600 mm de lluvia al año. El uso de pesticidas no es importante, gracias a las características pesticidas y fungicidas de la misma planta. La planta puede vivir hasta 40 años.

India, donde su cultivo había estado en manos de pequeñas productoras, se prepara para sembrar hasta 40 millones de hectáreas con Jatropha. British Petroleum tiene un proyecto experimental para producir biodiésel a partir de una plantación de 100 mil ha en Indonesia. DaimlerChrysler experimenta con tres automóviles Mercedes movidos exclusivamente con diésel de Jatropha.

Extracción de Aceite

Las semillas se calientan para liberar los aceites , ya sea exponiéndolas directamente al calor de la luz solar sobre lienzos de plástico negro durante varias horas(esto es un método tradicional), o tostándolas durante diez minutos aproximadamente. Las semillas deben ser calentadas, no quemadas. El calentamiento rompe las células de las semillas que contienen el aceite, permitiendo que fluya fácilmente. En algunos países se realiza la extracción del aceite por prensado. [5]


La Jatropha Curcas crece en casi cualquier tipo de terreno incluso terrenos arenosos o pedregosos; las hojas que caen de la jatropha enriquecen el suelo haciéndolo todavía más fértil. Climáticamente hablando, la jatropha se encuentra mayormente en los trópicos y subtropicos aunque también puede resistir a las bajas temperaturas. Requiere muy poca agua y resiste periodos largos de sequía deshojándose para reducir la transpiración. [4]

Propagación por estacas

Jatropha curcas puede propagarse por estacas. Es una especie en que se registra una mejora en la calidad del enraizamiento de las estacas con adición de ácido indolbutírico en el medio (se observa mayor longitud de las raíces, mayor número de raíces, mayor porcentaje de estacas enraizadas, y mayor peso seco de las raíces),[6]​ aunque no siempre el efecto sobre el enraizamiento resulta estadísticamente significativo.


Jatropha curcas fue descrita por Carlos Linneo y publicado en Species Plantarum 2: 1006. 1753.[1]


Nombres comunes

  • árbol de los piñones de Indias, avellanas purgantes de México, piñón botija de Cuba, piñón purgante de Cuba, piñón del Paraguay, piñones purgantes de México, piñoncillo de México.[8]


  1. a b «Jatropha curcas». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado el 24 de marzo de 2014.
  2. Estudio descriptivo del comportamiento del piñón (Jatropha curcas L.) en el departamento de Yoro, Honduras –Miljian Yolany Villalta Núñez.
  3. [1]
  4. a b Genetica Forestal , S. De R.L. de C.V. –DR. Teobaldo Eguiluz Piedra.
  5. Centro de Geociencias;Universidad Autónoma de México –López Montes Rebeca.
  6. Noor Camellia, N. A.; Thohirah, L. A.; Abdullah, N.A.P.; Mohd Khidir, O. (2009). «Improvement on rooting quality of Jatropha curcas using indole butyric acid (IBA)». Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences (en inglés) 5 (4): 338-343. Archivado desde el original el 9 de diciembre de 2014. Consultado el 4 de diciembre de 2014.
  7. http://www.catalogueoflife.org/show_species_details.php?record_id=4839083
  8. Colmeiro, Miguel: «Diccionario de los diversos nombres vulgares de muchas plantas usuales ó notables del antiguo y nuevo mundo», Madrid, 1871.

Autores y editores de Wikipedia
käy lähteessä
wikipedia ES

Jatropha curcas: Brief Summary ( kastilia )

tarjonnut wikipedia ES

Jatropha curcas, conocida como piñón de tempate o jatrofa, es una euforbiácea que tiene propiedades medicinales.

 src= Semillas de Jatropha curcas.  src= Ilustración  src= Vista de la planta
Autores y editores de Wikipedia
käy lähteessä
wikipedia ES


tarjonnut wikipedia FI

Öljyjatropa[1] (jatropa, jatrofa) (Jatropha curcas) on tyräkkikasvien (Euphorbiaceae) heimoon kuuluva kasvi. Se on kotoisin Väli-Amerikasta, mistä se on levinnyt muille trooppisille ja subtrooppisille alueille.


Öljyjatropa voi kasvaa viisi metriä korkeaksi pensaaksi. Hedelmät sisältävät kolme isoa siementä.


Öljyjatropaa on käytetty viljelysten aitakasvina ja hyvän kuivuudenkestävyyden ansiosta estämään aavikoitumista. Siemenet sisältävät öljyä, josta on valmistettu saippuaa, tuhoeläinten karkotetta sekä lamppu- ja moottoriöljyjä. Öljystä saadaan jalostamalla myös biodieseliä. Öljyjatropaa ei ole käytetty elintarvikkeena myrkyllisyytensä vuoksi. Kasvi sisältää muun muassa 2,3,5,6-tetrametyylipyratsiinia (TMPZ).

Biopolttoaineeksi öljyjatropaa kasvatetaan muun muassa Meksikossa ja Intiassa. The Centre for Jatopha Promotion on valmis istuttamaan Intiassa 5 000 000 000 jatropaa, joiden siemeniä käytettäisiin 2 500 000 000 gallonan biopolttoainetuotantoon Rajasthanissa, Gujaratissa ja Madhya Pradeshissa.[2] Suomen ulkoasiainministeriöllä on Väli-Amerikassa hanke, joka tukee uusiutuvan energian tuotantoa ja muun muassa öljyjatropan tuotantoa.[3] Air New Zealand kokeili öljyjatropasta valmistettua polttoainetta Boeing 747-300 -lentokoneella joulukuussa 2008.[4]

Öljyjatropan siemeniä


  • Öljykasvi jatropan viljely yleistyy kehitysmaissa. Helsingin Sanomat, 29. heinäkuuta 2008.


  1. Räty, Ella (toim.): Viljelykasvien nimistö. Puutarhaliiton julkaisuja nro 363. Helsinki 2012. ISBN 978-951-8942-92-7
  2. http://www.biofuelsdigest.com/blog2/2008/10/30/indias-cjp-proposes-5-billion-jatopha-tree-plantation-and-25-billion-gallon-biodiesel-operation/
  3. Jatropa - lupaava biodieselin raaka-aine 2006. Ulkoasiainministeriö. Viitattu 30.8.2008.
  4. Kanter, James: Air New Zealand Flies on Engine With Jatropha Biofuel Blend 30.20.2008. The New York Times. Viitattu 3.10.2011.

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Öljyjatropa: Brief Summary

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Öljyjatropa (jatropa, jatrofa) (Jatropha curcas) on tyräkkikasvien (Euphorbiaceae) heimoon kuuluva kasvi. Se on kotoisin Väli-Amerikasta, mistä se on levinnyt muille trooppisille ja subtrooppisille alueille.

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Jatropha curcas ( ranska )

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Jatropha curcas ou médecinier purgatif [1] est une espèce d'arbuste de la famille des Euphorbiaceae originaire du Brésil.

Bien que toxique, cette plante est cultivée notamment pour la production d'huile à usage principalement industriel.


Linné a décrit et nommé l’espèce Jatropha curcas dans Species plantarum[2] (1753).

Le nom de genre Jatropha est composé de deux noms grecs iatros ιατρος « médecin » et trofé τροφη « nourriture » soit « nourriture de médecin ».

Le terme curcas a d’abord été utilisé par un docteur portugais Garcia de Orta (1501-1568), dans le Coloquio 18 du Coloquios dos simples[3], 1563, qui décrit essentiellement le taro (Colocassia esculenta). Voir aussi le texte traduit en français sous le titre Histoire des Drogues espisceries et certains médicaments simples[4]. Garcia de Orta séjourna 30 ans à Goa en Inde et y étudia la matière médicale indienne.

Dénominations locales

On le retrouve sous le nom de pourghère en plusieurs endroits d'Afrique francophone.

En wolof, on le connaît sous le nom de tabanani et en bambara sous le nom de bagani (« poison ») en raison de sa toxicité.

En Côte d'Ivoire, on le nomme apromprom en baoulé et frofro baka en godié, où la plante sert à conjurer le mauvais sort.

En Haïti, il est appelé Gwo Medsiyen.

En malgache, il est appelé Valavelogno (dans la partie Nord de Madagascar).

L’espèce est connue aux Antilles françaises sous le nom Médecinier purgatif ou en créole médsinyé bayè, médsinyé béni, médsinyé blan (Fournier[5]).

À La Réunion, le nom local est pignon d’Inde ou pion d’Inde.


Selon The Plant List[6], les synonymes sont :

  • Castiglionia lobata Ruiz & Pav.
  • Curcas adansonii Endl.
  • Curcas drastica Mart.
  • Curcas indica A.Rich.
  • Curcas lobata Splitg. ex Lanj.
  • Curcas purgans Medik.
  • Jatropha acerifolia Salisb.
  • Jatropha afrocurcas Pax
  • Jatropha edulis Sessé
  • Jatropha tuberosa Elliot
  • Jatropha yucatanensis Briq.
  • Manihot curcas (L.) Crantz
  • Ricinus americanus Mill.
  • Ricinus jarak Thunb


Jatropha curcas, Francisco Manuel Blanco, Flora de Filipinas

Le Jatropha curcas est arbrisseau ou un arbre de 2 à 5 m de haut, voire plus pour les vieux spécimens[5]. L’écorce des rameaux les plus récents est grise verdâtre et lisse. Ils sont succulents et marqués de nombreuses cicatrices. Les blessures des jeunes rameaux produisent un latex aqueux incolore, les plus âgées produisent un latex blanchâtre[7].

Les feuilles sont persistantes ou décidues, arrondies, angulaires ou à 3-5 lobes peu marqués, à la base cordée. Le pétiole fait de 6 à 15 cm.

Les inflorescences bisexuées en cymes terminales sont dichotomes et contractées. Les fleurs sont monoïques (fleurs mâles et femelles distinctes sur le même pied). Le calice est 5-fide. La corolle est aussi 5-fide, avec des pétales jaunes ou jaune-verdâtre, cohérents (soudés), intérieurement velus, à la différence d’autres espèces de Jatropha proches (J. podagrica, J. integerrima, J. multifida etc.) dont les fleurs sont rouges ou roses[5]. La fleur mâle comporte 10 à 15 étamines. La fleur femelle comporte un style bifide, adné à sa base.

Aux Antilles françaises, la floraison a lieu presque toute l’année, et surtout en mars avril.

Le fruit est une capsule ovoïde, subcharnue, pendante, de 3–4 cm, vertes puis noirâtres à maturité, contenant trois graines ellipsoïdes, à stries noires, saillantes, de 2 cm de long. La plante dégage une mauvaise odeur.


Jatropha curcas est probablement originaire d’Amérique centrale[7]. Cette espèce est indigène en Amérique du Sud, Amérique centrale et Mexique.

Elle a été introduite dans les régions tropicales et subtropicales. Elle est maintenant pantropicale (Amérique, Asie, Afrique, Pacifique, Australie). Assez rare aux Antilles françaises d’après Fournet[5].

Dans les régions où elle a été introduite, c’est une plante rudérale croissant dans les zones fortement perturbées par l’homme.


En 1570, le botaniste espagnol Francisco Hernández, décrit l’usage du piñones purgativos (pignon purgatif, Jatropha curcas), comme purgatif son usage en Nouvelle-Espagne :

« Ses graines ont la vertu de purger toutes les humeurs, principalement les épaisses et visqueuses, tant par le conduit supérieur que par l’inférieur ; c’est pourquoi on les administre contre les infirmités chroniques...On les adoucit en les grillant, et on les dissout dans l’eau ou le vin en les y trempant un certain temps. » (Rerum medicarum novae Hispaniae thesaurus)

On ne connait pas exactement la date d’introduction du médecinier purgatif au Cap-Vert (golfe de Guinée) mais sa culture s’y répandit très tôt et s’adapta au climat sec. On extrayait l’huile des graines qui remplaça avantageusement les huiles animales pour fabriquer le savon. Les excédents étaient envoyés à Lisbonne qui les utilisaient pour alimenter ses réverbères[8]).

Du Cap-Vert, le médecinier purgatif gagna le continent africain. Au Sénégal, les feuilles ont été utilisées dans le traitement de la syphilis et des maladies pulmonaires[9].

Ce n’est qu’à la fin du XIXe siècle, qu’il gagna l’Asie ; en Inde, il servit surtout à produire de l’huile d’éclairage.


Plantation de jatropha au Paraguay

Le Jatropha curcas pousse en climat tropical à subtropical. Par ses racines fortes et profondes, ainsi que par son tronc à caudex qui constitue un réservoir d’eau, le jatropha est capable de résister à des périodes de sécheresse prolongée. Il vit jusqu’à 50 ans, demande peu d’irrigation, et peut se contenter de terrains inappropriés pour la culture de plantes alimentaires[10]. Il peut commencer à produire au bout d’un an.

Il faut 12 mois pour obtenir une plante adulte à partir de graines ou 9 mois à partir d'une bouture mais le pourghère atteint sa pleine productivité en 3 ou 4 ans selon la nature du sol et le climat. La plante vit plus de 50 ans[11].

La culture du jatropha requiert une préparation du sol lorsque l'horizon superficiel est induré (trou ou saillie de sous-solage d'au moins 30 cm de profondeur), mais ne demande pas de pesticides et autres produits polluants (grâce à ses qualités insecticides et fongicides). Son énorme avantage est de ne pas entrer en compétition avec les cultures vivrières car son huile n'est pas alimentaire et il s'adapte aux sols arides ou semi-arides impropres à la plupart des cultures vivrières.

Un hectare peut permettre la culture de 1 500 à 2 500 pieds de jatropha et chaque arbre adulte donne entre 2 et 6 kg de graines par an généralement en deux fructifications selon le cultivar utilisé et la richesse du sol. 5 kilos de fruits donnent 1 litre de bio-carburant. On peut donc espérer entre 600 et 1 800 litres d'huile à l'hectare.

En monoculture, la pression des ravageurs augmente. Il existe un risque élevé de pertes, allant jusqu’à la perte totale, par exemple par les criquets. L'espèce peut être attaquée par Lagocheirus undatus, Panthomorus femorauts, Leptoglossus zonatus, Pachycoris torridus et Nezara viridula.


La multiplication du Jatropha curcas se fait par semis ou par bouture. Ce dernier mode de multiplication a l’avantage de permettre à la plante de grandir plus rapidement et de donner des fruits plus tôt. Le semis produit une racine pivotante plus adaptée aux besoins de la protection anti-érosive.

Les premières expériences tendent à démontrer que, sur les sols pauvres de savane, la plante démarre bien après un brulis et plus difficilement après une culture vivrière.

La multiplication par semis donne des résultats très variables en termes de productivité. C'est pourquoi on constate beaucoup d'échecs liés à une faible productivité sur des plantations issues d'un semis. Pour créer une plantation de jatropha, il est conseillé de passer par une étape intermédiaire de sélection et de multiplication végétative des plants sélectionnés.

Cette plante ne produisant que quelques fruits par branche (entre 10 et 20), il convient de la conduire en multicaulie pour augmenter la production. À cette fin, il est conseillé de procéder à un étêtage à la fin de la première saison sèche afin de stimuler la ramification précoce.


En dehors de la production d’huile végétale, le Jatropha curcas produit également, en situation de stress (notamment hydrique, mais aussi en cas de blessure ou de taille trop sévère de la plante), la curcine (ou curcasine)[12], une toxalbumine très active, substance très toxique proche de la ricine, bloquant l’activité de synthèse ribonucléique (destruction partielle des codons messagers de l’ARN, ce qui conduit au blocage complet de l’activité de la cellule puis à sa mort rapide) ; cette propriété est utilisée en médecine comme agent antitumoral[13].

Le Jatropha curcas est un purgatif violent qui a été utilisé par les Incas et les Caraïbes[14]. Actuellement, il doit être évité en utilisation par voie interne dans les médecines traditionnelles. L’ingestion de graines provoque dans la demi-heure une sévère irritation gastrique entrainant nausée, brûlure de la gorge, sévères douleurs abdominales, vomissements et diarrhées parfois sanguinolentes. Des intoxications ont été signalées au Venezuela et à Hawaï. Avec un goût agréable, les graines se laissent facilement croquer par les enfants. Décès pour une consommation de 15 à 20 graines[9]

On retrouve des traces de cette puissante toxine dans l’huile végétale (extraite de ses graines), qui est donc impropre à la consommation normale humaine ou animale. La préparation de l’huile ou du diester expose aussi le préparateur à ce produit toxique. Traditionnellement, les graines étaient concassées et broyées, avant d'être brassées en pâte épaisse dans l’eau, pour être ensuite fortement pressées pour extraire cette toxine (qui était parfois utilisée pour confectionner des poisons utilisés sur des armes de guerre, pour la chasse, ou encore dispersée dans les lacs ou les rivières pour la pêche). L'huile était séparée après filtration pour la préparation d'onguents médicinaux antiseptiques pour soigner les blessures infectées, mais la farine résiduelle reste trop toxique pour l'alimentation humaine.

Certains estiment que la toxicité du Jatropha curcas le rendrait trop dangereux à cultiver en milieu rural[15].

Utilisation de la plante

Haie de protection contre le bétail.

Sa graine, parfois appelée noix des Barbades (Barbados nut en anglais), contient 30 à 40 % d’une huile appelée huile de jatropha[10]. Cette graine était utilisée dans la médecine traditionnelle, l'huile de jatropha entre dans la composition du savon de Marseille et la plante malodorante sert à isoler les cultures de l'appétit du bétail[16].

La coque séchée des graines est combustible et peut remplacer le bois de feu, ce qui constituerait une solution à la déforestation en milieu rural.

Dans les années 2000, son usage pour produire des agrocarburants s'est développé, ce qui lui vaut le surnom d'« or vert du désert », mais ce débouché ne tient pas ses promesses.


Graines de jatropha.

Le biogazole (biodiesel) tiré de l’huile de palme et le bioéthanol tiré de la canne à sucre sont les deux principales sources de biocarburants ayant les meilleurs rendement à l’hectare de plantes cultivées[10]. Ces biocarburants sont presque tous produits à partir de denrées alimentaires utilisant des terres agricoles de grandes qualité.

Le Jatropha curcas offre de nombreux avantages par rapport aux autres graines oléagineuses. Il peut en particulier être cultivé sur des terres de piètres qualités et n’entre pas en concurrence avec les ressources vivrières. L’Inde est certainement le pays ayant le plus contribué à la promotion de ce biogazole.

Les graines de Jatropha curcas contiennent 30–40 % d’huile qui peut facilement être extraite et raffinée pour produire du biodiésel[10].

Elles peuvent produire jusqu'à 2 000 litres de diester par hectare (bien plus que le colza ou le soja). Toutefois, au début des années 1990, une tentative de culture au Nicaragua sur 2 000 hectares n'a pas tenu ses promesses et s'est révélée catastrophique, avec pour seul rendement 200 litres par hectare. En effet, bien que la plante soit en mesure de pousser sur des sols arides, il semblerait que son rendement chute si l'apport en eau et la qualité du sol sont insuffisants. Ce qui crée une pression sur le mode de culture, car viser un rendement optimal nécessite de planter sur un sol fertile et d'irriguer régulièrement. Toutefois, des études ont mis en avant la possibilité de recourir aux eaux usées, ce qui permettrait de fertiliser et d'irriguer du même coup sans poser de problème sanitaire puisqu'il ne s’agit pas d’une plante comestible.

En 2007, en Inde, des scientifiques cherchent à identifier les gènes responsables de la production d'huile, en vue d'élaborer un jatropha génétiquement modifié qui devrait être prêt d'ici à 2012[17].

L'Inde s'apprêterait à planter 40 millions d'hectares de jatropha curcas (ainsi que de karanj) d'ici à 2012[18], et a procédé à des tests intensifs de ce bio-carburant. Trois voitures alimentées en diester issu de l'huile de jatropha ont déjà parcouru 30 000 kilomètres. Le projet est soutenu par DaimlerChrysler et par l'Association allemande pour l'Investissement et le Développement (Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft, DEG).

En décembre 2008, un Boeing 747 d'Air New Zealand a effectué avec succès un vol test en utilisant, pour l'un de ses moteurs, l'huile de jatropha[19].

En 2009, une autre étude menée au Mozambique conclut que la culture du jatropha ne remplit pas les espoirs placés en elle[20].

En 2010, après quelques années de tests de culture en Inde et en Tanzanie, certains exploitants renoncent à la culture du jatropha, celui-ci ne produisant pas les quantités espérées[21].

La même année, un rapport publié par la FAO et l'IFAD (Fonds international de développement agricole) confirme que, si la production de jatropha à des fins énergétiques pourrait profiter aux agriculteurs pauvres, en particulier dans les zones semi-arides et isolées des pays en développement, celle-ci ne se substituera pas au pétrole. L'étude estime que « la plupart des investissements et des politiques engagés dans le jatropha ont été réalisés sans connaissances scientifiques suffisantes ». La production de jatropha devrait davantage être destinée à une utilisation locale, en remplacement de la biomasse traditionnelle[22].

En janvier 2011, le rapport Jatropha : l'argent ne pousse pas sur les arbres, publié par les Amis de la Terre International, étudie les performances de ces cultures et conclut que cette plante n’est pas à la hauteur des espérances. Les rendements sont notamment bien en dessous des promesses[23].

En Algérie, des essais devaient avoir lieu[Quand ?] à Hassi Messaoud, région aride, puisque le jatropha se contente de 400 mm d'eau. Cette plante appelée dandenhari ou dandebarou en arabe est très envisageable dans cette région comme alternative écologique au pétrole fossile[réf. souhaitée].

Le système Jatropha

Le système Jatropha[24] est une approche de développement rural intégré. En plantant des haies vives de jatropha pour protéger les champs contre les vents et les animaux errants herbivores, on obtient des fruits. Par pressage des graines, on extrait de l'huile de jatropha qui pourra être employée pour la production de savon, pour l'éclairage et la cuisine et comme combustible dans des moteurs diesel. Ainsi, ce système couvre 4 principaux aspects du développement rural:

  • promotion des femmes (production locale de savon avec de la soude caustique, ou, de manière plus rustique, avec des cendres de bananes brûlées);
  • réduction de la pauvreté (protection des cultures par sa toxicité et vente de graines, d'huile et de savon).
  • lutte contre l'érosion (plantation de haies); elle fournit également de l’humus et retient l’humidité.
  • approvisionnement en énergie pour les ménages (fabrication de bougies, éclairage par lampe à huile après avoir filtré l’huile) et les moteurs dans les zones rurales (agrocarburants pour les moteurs diesel de véhicules et groupe électrogène, après la transformation de l’huile végétale brute en méthylester par transestérification qui est un processus industriel).

L'avantage évident de ce système est que toutes ces opérations peuvent être effectuées directement en zones rurales ou même en village sans traitement centralisé (à la différence de l'industrie du coton par exemple).

Usage médicinal, recherche

Traditionnellement, on utilisait son huile comme un purgatif et sa racine contre la lèpre.

Comme les baies de raisin d'Amérique, l'extrait de Jatropha curcas serait un excellent molluscide, actif contre l'escargot hôte de Schistosoma mansoni et Schistosoma haematobium, vecteurs de la bilharziose[25].

Jatropha curcas semble contenir des principes actifs ayant une activité désinfectante[26], antifongique[27] et antiparasitaire, susceptible d'être utilisée contre la malaria[26].

Autres utilisations

L'huile de jatropha permet également de fabriquer du vernis après oxydation avec des oxydes de fer et un colorant.

De l'huile sont extraits des esters de phorbol, produits actifs dans la lutte contre certains insectes et mollusques nuisibles pour l'agriculture.

Le tourteau, un sous-produit du processus d’extraction de l’huile, peut être récupéré et servir d'engrais organique grâce à sa teneur élevée en azote. Correctement traité, le tourteau constitue une source de protéine à haute valeur pour l'alimentation de bétail.

À Madagascar, dans les années 1940, on exportait les graines de jatropha vers Marseille pour fabriquer le fameux savon de Marseille. Aujourd'hui, on y utilise l'arbre comme tuteur pour la culture de la vanille et de la grenadille.

En Haïti, le jatropha (connu là-bas sous le nom de Gwo Medsiyen) est utilisé depuis des générations dans les rituels vaudous (pour purger les esprits malins et libérer les âmes des morts) et en médecine traditionnelle. Aujourd'hui, source de développement rural et des agrocarburants aux nombreuses qualités, il pourrait également contribuer au reboisement de l'île.

Notes et références

  1. Inventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel INPN, « Pignon d’Inde (français), Jatrophe curcas L. 1753 » (consulté le 3 novembre 2021)
  2. Référence Biodiversity Heritage Library : 359027#page/448
  3. Garcia de Orta (translate by Clements Markham), Colloquies on the simples & drugs of India, Edinburgh : R. & R. Clark, 1913 (lire en ligne)
  4. Garcia de Orta, Histoire Des Drogves Espisceries, Et De Certains Medicamens Simples, Qvi Naissent és Indes & en l'Amerique, Aux despens de Jean Pillehotte, Lyon, 1619 (lire en ligne)
  5. a b c et d Jacques Fournet, Flore illustrée des phanérogames de Guadeloupe et de Martinique, Gondwana éditions, Cirad, 2002
    Tome 1 (ISBN 2-87614-489-1) ; Tome 2 (ISBN 2-87614-492-1).
  6. (en) Référence The Plant List : Jatropha curcas (Source '12800067' inconnue)
  7. a et b (en) Référence Flora of North America : Jatropha curcas Linnaeus
  8. José E. Mendes Ferrão, Le voyage des plantes et les Grandes Découvertes (XVe – XVIIe siècles), Chandeigne, 2020, 284 p.
  9. a et b Dominique Ansel, J-J Darnault, J L Longuefosse, Plantes Toxiques des Antilles, Éditions Exbrayat, 1989, 94 p.
  10. a b c et d Nicolas Carels, Mulpuri Sujatha, Bir Bahadur, Jatropha, Challenges for a New Energy Crop Vol 1 Farming, Economics and Biofuel, Springer, 2012, 600 p.
  11. Jatropha curcas
  12. (en) [PDF] Wei Qin, Huang Ming-Xing, Xu Ying, Zhang Xin-Shen et Chen Fang, « Expression of a ribosome inactivating protein (curcin 2) in Jatropha curcas is induced by stress », J. Biosci., 30, 2005, p. 351-357.
  13. (en) [PDF] Lin Juan, Yan Fang, Tang Lin et Chen Fang, « Antitumor effects of curcin from seeds of Jatropha curcas », Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 24 (3), mars 2003, p. 241-246.
  14. Jean-Louis Longuefosse, Plantes médicinales caribéennes, tomme 2, Éditions Orphie, 2008, 250 p.
  15. Nature 449, 652-655 (2007) | doi:10.1038/449652a
  16. Ibrahima Diedhiou, Djiby Dia et Cheickh Sadibou Fall, [Jatropha curcas L. au Sénégal : enjeux, état des lieux de sa culture et possibilités dans les aménagements de la Grande Muraille Verte], dans La Grande Muraille Verte. Partie V. Développement des communautés locales et gouvernance des ressources naturelles, p. 411-427.
  17. Jatropha, le nouvel or vert ?
  18. Jean-Daniel Pellet, Elsa Pellet, atropha curcas, le meilleur des biocarburants : Mode d'emploi, histoire et avenir d'une plante extraordinaire, Éditions Favre, 2007
  19. Un avion qui carbure au Jatropha « Copie archivée » (version du 6 janvier 2009 sur l'Internet Archive)
  20. Jatropha, une aberration pour le Mozambique !
  21. (en)Seeds of discontent: the 'miracle' crop that has failed to deliver
  22. Richard Brittaine et NeBambi Lutaladio, Jatropha: A Smallholder Bioenergy Crop The Potential for Pro-Poor Development, dans Integrated Crop Management Vol. 8–2010.
  23. « Jatropha : désenchantement » (consulté le 23 mars 2012)
  24. Abdoul Karim Alpha Gado, Le "système jatropha" pour l'écodéveloppement au sahel. Mémoire pour l'obtention du master en développement de l'Université Senghor, département environnement, spécialité «Gestion de l'environnement», le 18 avril 2011.
  25. Toxic activities of the plant Jatropha curcas against intermediate snail hosts and larvae of schistosomes
  26. a et b AF Fagbenro-Beyioku, WA Oyibo… (1998), Disinfectant/antiparasitic activities of Jatropha curcas ; East African medical journal, vol. 75, no9, p. 508-511 (18 ref.) ; (ISSN ) (résumé cat.inist.fr)
  27. Antifungal activities of ethanolic extract from Jatropha curcas seed cake D Saetae, W Suntornsuk - Journal of microbiology and biotechnology, 2010 - cat.inist.fr
  • Jatropha Curcas, le meilleur des biocarburants, de Jean-Daniel & Elsa Pellet, Éditions Favre - (ISBN 9782828909420)

Voir aussi

Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
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Jatropha curcas: Brief Summary ( ranska )

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Jatropha curcas ou médecinier purgatif est une espèce d'arbuste de la famille des Euphorbiaceae originaire du Brésil.

Bien que toxique, cette plante est cultivée notamment pour la production d'huile à usage principalement industriel.

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Jarak pagar ( Indonesia )

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Jarak pagar

Jarak pagar (Jatropha curcas L., Euphorbiaceae) merupakan tumbuhan semak berkayu yang banyak ditemukan di daerah tropik. Tumbuhan ini dikenal sangat tahan kekeringan dan mudah diperbanyak dengan stek. Walaupun telah lama dikenal sebagai bahan pengobatan dan racun, saat ini ia makin mendapat perhatian sebagai sumber bahan bakar hayati untuk mesin diesel karena kandungan minyak bijinya. Peran yang agak serupa sudah lama dimainkan oleh kerabatnya, jarak pohon (Ricinus communis), yang bijinya menghasilkan minyak campuran untuk pelumas.

Tumbuhan ini dikenal dengan berbagai nama di Indonesia: jarak kosta, jarak budeg (Sunda): jarak gundul, jarak pager (Jawa): kalekhe pagar (Madura): jarak pager (Bali): lulu mau, paku kase, jarak pageh (Nusa Tenggara): kuman nema (Alor): jarak kosta, jarak wolanda, bindalo, bintalo, tondo utomene (Sulawesi): ai huwa kamala, balacai, kadoto (Maluku).lulang (karo[1])


Berdasarkan pengamatan terhadap keragaman di alam, tumbuhan ini diyakini berasal dari Amerika Tengah, tepatnya di bagian selatan Meksiko, meskipun ditemukan pula keragaman yang cukup tinggi di daerah Amazon. Penyebaran ke Afrika dan Asia diduga dilakukan oleh para penjelajah Portugis dan Spanyol berdasarkan bukti-bukti berupa nama setempat.

Ke Indonesia, tumbuhan ini didatangkan oleh Jepang ketika menduduki Indonesia antara tahun 1942 dan 1945. Tumbuhan ini direncanakan sebagai sumber bahan bakar alternatif bagi tank dan pesawat perang sewaktu Perang Dunia II.

Kemampuan untuk diperbanyak secara klonal menyebabkan keanekaragaman tumbuhan ini tidak terlalu besar. Walaupun demikian, karena ia termasuk tumbuhan berpenyerbukan silang maka mudah terjadi rekombinasi sifat yang membawa pada tingkat keragaman yang cukup tinggi.

Biji (dengan cangkang) jarak pagar mengandung 20-40% minyak nabati, namun bagian inti biji (biji tanpa cangkang) dapat mengandung 45-60% minyak kasar.


Minyak biji jarak pagar

Jarak pagar dipandang menarik sebagai sumber biodiesel karena kandungan minyaknya yang tinggi, tidak berkompetisi untuk pemanfaatan lain (misalnya jika dibandingkan dengan kelapa sawit atau tebu), dan memiliki karakteristik agronomi yang sangat menarik.

Tumbuhan ini diintroduksi ke Indonesia oleh administrasi pendudukan Jepang dengan maksud sebagai sumber bahan bakar murah. Minyak dari bijinya dapat diolah menjadi biodiesel. Seusai kemerdekaan, pemanfaatannya terbengkalai.

Kandungan minyak bijinya dapat mencapai 63%[2], melebihi kandungan minyak biji kedelai (18%), linseed (33%), rapa (45%), bunga matahari (40%) atau inti sawit (45%). Minyaknya didominasi oleh asam oleat (44.7%) dan asam linoleat (32.8%) sementara asam palmitat (14.2%) dan asam stearat (7%) adalah tipe asam lemak jenuhnya.

Sebagai biodiesel, minyak biji jarak pagar perlu diproses dengan metilasi terlebih dahulu, sebagaimana minyak nabati lain. Selanjutnya, ia dapat digunakan tersendiri atau, yang lebih umum, dicampurkan dengan minyak diesel dari sumber mineral dengan komposisi 30:70.

Pengembangan pemanfaatan minyak jarak pagar sebagai bahan bakar melalui pendekatan ilmiah di Indonesia dimulai sejak tahun 1997 di ITB dengan fokus ekstraksi minyak. BPPT kemudian juga terlibat.

Minyak jarak pagar mulai menjadi sorotan dunia semenjak melonjaknya harga minyak mineral dan isu lingkungan diangkat dalam pemanfaatan biodiesel karena sumber-sumbernya banyak yang kurang mempertimbangkan keseimbangan ekosistem dan, khususnya pada kelapa sawit, keberlanjutan (sustainability).

Pertamina telah menyatakan siap menampung biodiesel. DaimlerChrysler, perusahaan otomotif dunia terkemuka, sejak 2004 merilis bahan bakar biodiesel "SunDiesel" dan memproduksi Mercedes-Benz seri C yang disesuaikan dengan biodiesel.

Negara-negara dengan kesadaran lingkungan tinggi bahkan telah mewajibkan penjualan biodiesel di stasiun pengisian bahan bakar, seperti negara-negara Eropa Barat dan Jepang.

Sisa ekstraksi

Fasa padatan setelah ekstraksi minyak dari biji dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan pupuk organik.

Produk sampingan dari proses trans-esterifikasi (metilasi) dapat diperdagangkan sebagai bahan baku industri yang memanfaatkan asam lemak, seperti kertas berkualitas tinggi (high quality paper), pil energi, sabun, kosmetik, obat batuk, dan agen pelembab pada tembakau.


Tanaman jarak mudah beradaptasi terhadap lingkungan tumbuhnya, dapat tumbuh baik pada tanah yang kurang subur asalkan memiliki drainase baik (tidak tergenang) dengan pH tanah optimal 5.0–6.5. Tanaman jarak pagar merupakan tanaman tahunan jika dipelihara dengan baik dapat hidup lebih dari 20 tahun. Ia sanggup menghasilkan secara ekonomis pada tempat dengan curah hujan hanya empat bulan, berbeda dari kelapa sawit yang memerlukan curah hujan konstan untuk hasil terbaiknya.

Bahan tanaman dapat berasal dari stek cabang atau batang, maupun benih. Jika menggunakan stek dipilih cabang atau batang yang telah cukup berkayu. Untuk benih dipilih dari biji yang telah cukup tua yaitu diambil dari buah yang telah masak biasanya berwarna hitam.

Pembibitan dapat dilakukan di polibag atau di bedengan yang diberi naungan. Setiap polibag diisi media tanam berupa tanah lapisan atas (top soil) dan dapat dicampur pupuk kandang. Setiap polibag ditanami satu bibit Lama pembibitan 2–3 bulan. Penanaman dapat juga dilakukan secara langsung di lapangan (tanpa pembibitan) dengan menggunakan stek cabang atau batang.

Kegiatan persiapan lahan meliputi pembukaan lahan, pengajiran, dan pembuatan lubang tanam. Penanaman dengan kerapatan 1600 sampai 3400 pohon per ha (jarak tanam 2 m × 3 m sampai 1.5 m × 2 m). Pada areal yang miring sebaiknya digunakan sistem kontur. Lubang tanam dibuat biasanya dengan ukuran 40 cm × 40 cm × 40 cm.

Penanaman bibit sehat dengan ketinggian melebihi 50 cm dilakukan pada awal atau selama musim penghujan sehingga kebutuhan air bagi tanaman cukup tersedia. Pemupukan dapat dilakukan sesuai tingkat kesuburan tanah setempat. Pemberian pupuk organik disarankan untuk memperbaiki struktur tanah. Perawatan mencakup pengairan, pemangkasan, dan pembersihan dari gulma. Perlindungan dari hama dan penyakit dilakukan bila terjadi serangan besar. Jarak pagar relatif tidak memiliki pengganggu.

Bunga terbentuk setelah umur 3 – 4 bulan, sedangkan pembentukan buah mulai pada umur 4 – 5 bulan. Pemanenan dilakukan jika buah telah masak, dicirikan kulit buah berwarna kuning dan kemudian mulai mengering. Biasanya buah masak setelah berumur 5 – 6 bulan. Produksi maksimum baru tercapai pada usia tanam enam tahun, dan akan terus menghasilkan secara ekonomis sampai 20 tahun.

Cara pemanenan dengan memetik buah yang telah masak dengan tangan atau gunting. Produktivitas per pohon jarak pagar berkisar antara 3.5 – 4.5 kg biji per tahun. Dengan tingkat populasi tanaman antara 2500 – 3300 pohon / ha, dapat dihasilkan 10 ton buah per tahun. Dengan rendemen rata-rata minyak sebesar 35% maka setiap ha lahan dapat diperoleh 2.5 – 5 ton minyak per tahun.

Untuk mengganti 20% diesel dengan biodiesel dari jarak pagar diperlukan sekitar 3,5 juta hektare luas penanaman.

Hama dan Penyakit

Hama yang ditemukan pada lahan jarak pagar antara lain Chrysocoris javanus, Tetranychussp., Selenothrips rubrocinctus,Ferissia virgata,Chalcocelis albiguttata,Leptocorisa oratorius,Valanga nigricornis,Nezara viridula,Parasa lepida, Gryllidae, Mollusca, Dyscheres curtus, Coreidae, Pyrochroidae, Amatidae, Empoascasp., Liriomyzasp.. Hama yang berpotensi menimbulkan kerusakan pada tanaman jarak adalah Ferrisia viirgata, ulat kantung, dan Chrysochoris javanus.[3] Gejala penyakit berupa bercak daun kuning yang tidak beraturan oleh Xanthomonas ricinicola, barcak coklat/daun seperti terbakar oleh Helminthosporiumsp., busuk bunga/buah oleh Botrytis ricini, embun tepung oleh Oidiumsp., bercak hitam/busuk batang oleh Fusarium sp..[4] Beberapa cendawan terbawa benih yang dapat menyebabkan penyakit antara lain Chrysosporium sp., Fusarium solani, Aspergillus flavus, dan PeniciIlium sp.. Chvsosporium sp. merupakan cendawan yang paling dominan terbawa benih jarak pagar. Chlysosporium sp. hanya ditemukan pada kulit, ha1 ini mungkin dikarenakan cendawan Chrysosporium sp. bersifat saprofit.[5] Penyakit- bercak daun yang disebabkan patogen Pestalotia sp. berpotensi menimbulkan kerusakan oada tanaman. Penyakit lain yang ditemukan adaiah mosaik yang disebabkan oleh virus. Serangan virus dapat menyebabkan tanaman tidak dapat menghasilkan atau berproduksi.[3]


  1. ^ Kabupaten Karo
  2. ^ Akbar, Yaakob, Kamarudin, Ismail, Salimon. 2009. Characteristic and Composition of Jatropha Curcas Oil Seed from Malaysia and its Potential as Biodiesel Feedstock. Eur.J.Sci.Res. 29:396-403
  3. ^ a b http://repository.ipb.ac.id/handle/123456789/50638 Inventarisasi hama dan penyakit tanaman jarak pagar (Jatropha curcas Linn.) di Bogor
  4. ^ http://repository.ipb.ac.id/handle/123456789/1606
  5. ^ http://repository.ipb.ac.id/handle/123456789/50711

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Jarak pagar: Brief Summary ( Indonesia )

tarjonnut wikipedia ID
 src= Jarak pagar

Jarak pagar (Jatropha curcas L., Euphorbiaceae) merupakan tumbuhan semak berkayu yang banyak ditemukan di daerah tropik. Tumbuhan ini dikenal sangat tahan kekeringan dan mudah diperbanyak dengan stek. Walaupun telah lama dikenal sebagai bahan pengobatan dan racun, saat ini ia makin mendapat perhatian sebagai sumber bahan bakar hayati untuk mesin diesel karena kandungan minyak bijinya. Peran yang agak serupa sudah lama dimainkan oleh kerabatnya, jarak pohon (Ricinus communis), yang bijinya menghasilkan minyak campuran untuk pelumas.

Tumbuhan ini dikenal dengan berbagai nama di Indonesia: jarak kosta, jarak budeg (Sunda): jarak gundul, jarak pager (Jawa): kalekhe pagar (Madura): jarak pager (Bali): lulu mau, paku kase, jarak pageh (Nusa Tenggara): kuman nema (Alor): jarak kosta, jarak wolanda, bindalo, bintalo, tondo utomene (Sulawesi): ai huwa kamala, balacai, kadoto (Maluku).lulang (karo)

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Jatropha curcas ( Italia )

tarjonnut wikipedia IT

Jatropha curcas L. è un arbusto perenne, velenoso, di altezza massima di circa 5 m, appartenente alla famiglia delle Euforbiacee[1]. È comunemente nota come Barbados nut or Physic nut.

Zone del mondo dove può svilupparsi al meglio

La pianta è originaria del Centro America,[2], da dove è stata diffusa in diverse altre zone tropicali e subtropicali[3] è principalmente coltivata in Asia e in Africa, dove è conosciuta come Pourghère. Dato che è tossica è usata spesso come recinzione vivente per proteggere orti e giardini dagli animali, per lo stesso motivo in Africa è usata per recintare tombe e cimiteri. È molto resistente all'arido, è coltivabile in zone pressoché desertiche.


I semi contengono circa il 30-38% di olio, non commestibile ma utilizzabile tal quale come comune combustibile, ovvero come carburante, previa semplice filtrazione, in motori Diesel opportunamente progettati, oppure trasformabile in Biodiesel tramite transesterificazione e impiegabile in tutti i motori Diesel senza alcuna modifica specifica.


  • Foglie: grandi, di colore dal verde vivo al verde pallido.
  • Fiori: modesti come tutte le Euforbiacee.
  • Frutti: i frutti sono capsule, sono prodotti nella stagione fresca, in caso di clima e suolo favorevoli si possono avere più fruttificazioni all'anno.
  • Semi: la maturazione delle capsule, e dei semi, si ha quando la capsula dal verde passa al giallastro.

Distribuzione e habitat

La pianta è stata diffusa in ampie zone tropicali ed equatoriali del pianeta, notevoli impianti sono in atto in India, Africa, (Mali, Tanzania), in Argentina e in Australia. In Italia sono in atto piccole coltivazioni sperimentali in Sardegna, (Oristano).

La pianta è originaria dei Caraibi e fu traghettata in tutto il mondo dai marinai portoghesi che la utilizzavano per costruire recinzioni a protezioni di orti e giardini. solo in un recente passato sono state scoperte le sue proprietà energetiche.


Jatropha curcas semi

La coltivazione è semplice purché sia coltivata nelle regioni dove il clima sia sufficientemente caldo, infatti sopporta temperature prossime allo zero (in Australia risulterebbe selezionata una varietà resistente a -5 °C), ma una vegetazione ottimale si ha solo a temperature superiori ai 14 °C. La pianta non ha esigenze particolari di terreno, cresce bene anche in terreni non lavorati, con terreno compatto e con poco terriccio, sabbioso o sassoso, anche se preferisce terreno almeno in parte smosso. Sopporta alte concentrazioni di sale nel terreno.

La concimazione è opportuna solo dopo la germinazione dei semi. La germinazione con clima caldo è molto rapida.

Nonostante la riproduzione da seme sia molto facile e veloce la moltiplicazione più usata è comunque per talee, la diffusione per talee è più efficace, dato che permette la conservazione delle caratteristiche di varietà.

La Specie infatti ha una elevata variabilità varietale, soprattutto nella attitudine a produrre fiori e frutti. La pianta è monoica, cioè ha sulla stessa pianta fiori maschili e fiori femminili, di norma 10 fiori maschili per ogni fiore femminile. A volte i fiori maschili sono sovrabbondanti e quindi sono carenti i femminili che producono frutti; in tal caso la produzione in frutti è inferiore. La selezione di varietà a maggiore fruttificazione non è ancora molto sviluppata.

La pianta sopravvive con solo 250 mm di pioggia all'anno, anche se produzioni consistenti in frutti e semi si hanno con 400–600 mm; solo nei primi due anni può avere vantaggio da moderate irrigazioni.

Non è necessaria una particolare preparazione del suolo per l'impianto, anche se ovviamente un miglioramento del suolo migliora le rese. Non si conoscono particolari malattie in ambiente adeguato, l'applicazione di pesticidi è inutile, la pianta è naturalmente dotata di fungicidi e pesticidi naturali.

Jatrorrhizine ovvero italianizzata in Jatrorizzina isolata da Mahonia aquifolium (Pursh) Nutt. ovvero Berberis acquifoleum ha mostrato il più potente inibitore antifungino di tutti i funghi studiati con metodologia MIC tra una concentrazione di 62,5 e 125 µg/mL, mentre l'estratto grezzo, la berberina e la palmatina hanno mostrato un'attività inibitoria ridotta con concentrazione MIC tra 500 e minore/uguale ad una concentrazione di 1000 µg/ mL.[4]

Un fattore molto importante nella coltivazione è che la pianta utilizza ambienti che non sarebbero altrimenti utilizzabili nelle coltivazioni foraggere o da piante alimentari. In sintesi la coltivazione della [[Jahtropa]] può non sottrarre spazio alle altre piante coltivate.

Anche se potenzialmente la pianta può produrre semi dal primo anno, o anche in una sola stagione, una produzione significativa di semi si ha solo dopo tre anni. La pianta vive circa quaranta anni.

In caso di conduzione a siepe è citata una produttività di 8–10 kg di semi a metro di siepe. La produttività per ettaro è molto variabile e dipende fortemente dalle condizioni di coltivazione, è evidente che una coltivazione ai limiti della sopravvivenza dà una produzione esigua. La produttività media con suolo di moderata fertilità ma discretamente profondo dà una produzione media di 3,5 t di seme per ettaro. La produttività varia da 0,4 t per ettaro il primo anno di impianto fino a 5 t a partire dal quarto anno.


Plantula di Jatropha curcas

Jatropha curcas non ha una eccellente condizione per essere propagata per via vegetativa, è più facile riprodurla per seme, come accennato però la propagazione delle caratteristiche varietali è un fatto molto importante. Le propagazioni sono possibili con preparazione di talee messe a radicare, ma anche mediante innesti (di vario tipo) e propaggini.


I semi sono esclusivamente usati per produrre l'olio che può essere usato direttamente come normale combustibile o, previa filtrazione, come carburante in appositi motori specificatamente modificati. Con procedimenti di transesterificazione si produce invece il normale combustibile biodiesel.

I residui dei semi spremuti sono un ottimo fertilizzante, le radici della pianta proteggono il terreno e con l'olio si fabbricano saponi.

Il contenuto in olio estratto dai semi varia dal 28% al 38%, un ettaro di piantagione può produrre fino a 1.6 t di olio, ovviamente in terreni poveri la produzione è molto più modesta.

La Jatropha permette di produrre un combustibile di ottima qualità, a bassa viscosità, secondo all'olio di palma, la cui coltivazione richiede tuttavia notevoli quantità di acqua.

La Jatropha non compete con la produzione di generi alimentari poiché non è commestibile, richiede basse quantità di acqua ed è sufficiente un'irrigazione "sporca", e quindi non sottrae acqua potabile all'uso umano, cresce in zone aride dove comunque sarebbero possibili poche altre colture. Permette di estendere la superficie coltivabile in zone aride, svolge un ruolo importante contro la desertificazione e l'erosione dei suoli.

L'olio estratto dai semi (Olio di Jatropha), è usato come combustile da cucina, per illuminazione, per produrre lubrificanti, saponi, detergenti, oli da bagno, ammorbidenti; è anche usato per adulterare gli oli vegetali di costo superiore.

L'olio di Jatropha non è adatto alla alimentazione umana, è tossico per la presenza di esteri di forbolo, saponine e altre sostanze irritanti, se ingerito produce violenti effetti di vomito e diarrea. La linfa produce reazioni irritanti alla pelle.

L'India ha incluso la Jatropha nel programma per l'indipendenza energetica entro il 2012: nello Stato del Chhattisgarh ne saranno piantate 160 milioni di esemplari.

Il Madagascar ha stipulato accordi con società italiane per coltivare 100.000 ettari di terreno a jatropha, con un investimento di 5 milioni di euro, che dovrebbe fornire 300.000 tonnellate/anno di olio vegetale.

La società finlandese Wartsila ha dato avvio alla prima centrale elettrica al mondo alimentata da biocarburante, a Merksplats, in Belgio. Inizialmente l'impianto produrrà energia elettrica per 20.000 abitazioni, e il calore servirà agli agricoltori locali per riscaldare le serre e in particolari processi di asciugatura dei fertilizzanti.

Una seconda centrale è in costruzione in Sardegna, nelle ex cartiere di Arbatax.

Altri usi

(Le informazioni in questa sezione sono ampiamente derivate dalla Purdue University - Center for New Crops and Plants Products website[5].)

  • Foglie
Le giovani foglie sono sicuramente commestibili se bollite o stufate.
Le foglie pestate sono applicate nella rima palpebrale dei cavalli a scopo repellente per le mosche dato che contengono cianuri (HCN).
  • Fiori
La specie è considerata mellifera.
  • Noci
In alcuni casi le noci sono arrostite e mangiate, anche se sono notevolmente purgative. Le noci possono essere fatte ardere come candele.
  • Semi
I semi sono usati come contraccettivo in Sudan.
Dai semi può essere estratto un colorante.

In alcune regioni del Messico (a Misantla, presso Veracruz) i semi sono apprezzati come cibo, sono bolliti e poi tostati; non è chiaro se il trattamento riduca a livelli ammissibili la tossicità, o se invece si tratti di varietà selezionate per la minore tossicità naturale.

  • Radici
Le ceneri di radici sono usate come insaporente in luogo del sale.
  • Corteccia
Usata come veleno per stordire i pesci.
  • Lattice
Potente inibitore di alcuni virus vegetali.
  • Linfa
Macchia le stoffe. A volte usata per marcare.
  • Cespugli
I messicani coltivano cespugli per alloggiare insetti della Lacca, che è usata in medicina come Epatoprotettore e riduttore dell'appetito (antiobesità).

In ogni caso e per tutti gli utilizzi occorre sempre ricordare il contenuto di cianuri (HCN) tossici, e di altre sostanze fortemente irritanti e allergeniche in ogni parte della pianta.

Altri nomi


  1. ^ Jatropha curcas, su The Plant List. URL consultato il 10 ottobre 2012.
  2. ^ Wageningen UR - Plant Research International - Research
  3. ^ http://jatropha.org/system.htm, Archiviato il 20 novembre 2008 in Internet Archive.
  4. ^ Jung H.J., Sung W.S., Yeo S.H., Kim H.S., Lee I.S., Woo E.R., Lee D.G., Antifungal effect of amentoflavone derived from Selaginella tamariscina, su pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, DOI:10.1007/BF02974074.
  5. ^ Purdue University-Center for New Crops and Plants Products


  • Gadekar Kumarsukhadeo Prakash. (2006) Department of Forestry, Indira Gandhi Agricultural University Raipur (C.G.) M.Sc. Forestry Thesis "Vegetative propagation of Jatropha, Karanj and Mahua by Stem cuttings, Grafting, Budding and Air layering"

Autori e redattori di Wikipedia
käy lähteessä
wikipedia IT

Jatropha curcas: Brief Summary ( Italia )

tarjonnut wikipedia IT

Jatropha curcas L. è un arbusto perenne, velenoso, di altezza massima di circa 5 m, appartenente alla famiglia delle Euforbiacee. È comunemente nota come Barbados nut or Physic nut.

 src= Zone del mondo dove può svilupparsi al meglio

La pianta è originaria del Centro America,, da dove è stata diffusa in diverse altre zone tropicali e subtropicali è principalmente coltivata in Asia e in Africa, dove è conosciuta come Pourghère. Dato che è tossica è usata spesso come recinzione vivente per proteggere orti e giardini dagli animali, per lo stesso motivo in Africa è usata per recintare tombe e cimiteri. È molto resistente all'arido, è coltivabile in zone pressoché desertiche.

 src= Jatropha

I semi contengono circa il 30-38% di olio, non commestibile ma utilizzabile tal quale come comune combustibile, ovvero come carburante, previa semplice filtrazione, in motori Diesel opportunamente progettati, oppure trasformabile in Biodiesel tramite transesterificazione e impiegabile in tutti i motori Diesel senza alcuna modifica specifica.

Autori e redattori di Wikipedia
käy lähteessä
wikipedia IT

Pokok Jarak Pagar ( Malaiji )

tarjonnut wikipedia MS

Pokok Jarak Pagar merupakan sejenis tumbuhan yang nama saintifiknya adalah Jatropha curcas[2]. Ia juga dikenali dengan nama pokok Jarak Belanda.


  1. ^ "Jatropha curcas L". Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. 2008-08-29. Dicapai 2010-10-14.
  2. ^ Dewan Kosmik
    Tumbuh-Tumbuhan Penyebab Dermatitis

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Pokok Jarak Pagar: Brief Summary ( Malaiji )

tarjonnut wikipedia MS

Pokok Jarak Pagar merupakan sejenis tumbuhan yang nama saintifiknya adalah Jatropha curcas. Ia juga dikenali dengan nama pokok Jarak Belanda.

Pengarang dan editor Wikipedia
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Purgeernoot ( flaami )

tarjonnut wikipedia NL

De purgeernoot of schijtnoot (Jatropha curcas) is een giftige struik die behoort tot de familie van de wolfsmelkachtigen (Euphorbiaceae). De zaden van de plant leveren jatropha-olie, die als biobrandstof gebruikt kan worden.

De struik is gemiddeld 5 m hoog en kan een maximale hoogte van 8 m bereiken. De plant heeft groen tot vaalgroene bladeren. De plant heeft zaden die circa 27-40% olie[1] (gemiddeld: 34,4%[2]) bevatten. De zaden zijn rijp op het moment van verkleuren van groen naar geel. De zaden groeien uit tot vruchten, die meestal in de winter rijp zijn. In sommige gebieden zijn meerdere oogsten per jaar mogelijk.

De purgeernoot is van oorsprong afkomstig uit Midden-Amerika. De plant wordt echter in andere gebieden met een (sub-)tropisch klimaat aangeplant. Dit aanplanten gebeurt in delen van Afrika, India en Midden-Amerika. De plant groeit goed op arme grond, wat het aanplanten in veel gebieden mogelijk maakt.


De plant werd in het verleden voor medicinale toepassingen gebruikt. De Nederlandse naam is afgeleid van purgeren, wat een synoniem is van laxeren. Vroeger werd van de plant een laxeermiddel gemaakt, maar door de hoge giftigheid wordt dat nu niet meer gedaan.[3] Olie van deze plant is giftig en is niet geschikt voor menselijke consumptie.

De plant kan ook worden gebruikt om vis mee te vergiftigen. Het gif zit in de wortels, vooral verse kleine wortels werken goed. Het gif is dan ongevaarlijk voor de mens, dus vissen die hiermee gevangen worden, zijn eetbaar.

Sinds enkele jaren worden de zaden van deze plant gebruikt voor de productie van jatropha-olie, een plantaardige olie. Jatropha-olie kan direct in een motor gebruikt worden of er kan door verestering biodiesel van gemaakt worden.

In verschillende subtropische landen zijn programma's gestart om de teelt van Jatropha curcas te bevorderen. Voorbeelden hiervan zijn India, de Filipijnen, Indonesië, Ethiopië en Tanzania. De plant levert na ongeveer 9 maanden zijn eerste zaden. De struik groeit ook op arme en zeer droge grond en hoeft daarmee geen concurrent te zijn van voedselgewassen.

Na persing van de purgeernoot blijft er een koek (cake) achter. Deze bevat nog veel olie, ongeveer 50-65%. Deze koek kan weer gebruikt worden als bemesting voor een purgeernootplantage. Het voordeel is dat er geen dure en vaak chemische meststoffen hoeven te worden gebruikt. Het grootste voordeel is dat de vaak dorre bodem, waar absoluut geen gewassen voor menselijke of dierlijke consumptie kunnen groeien, door deze bemesting na 6 tot 9 jaar weer vruchtbaar is. Dus hier geldt niet alleen de "food versus fuel"-discussie, maar er wordt juist nieuw akkerbouwland gecreëerd.

Toekomstige vervanger voor kerosine

"Olie van de purgeernoot blijkt technisch zelfs beter dan kerosine: hij levert meer energie en is beter bestand tegen kou", aldus Billy Glover van vliegtuigbouwer Boeing. In zijn visie zouden binnen drie à vijf jaar vliegtuigen olie van de purgeernoot kunnen tanken. De biobrandstof is al commercieel aantrekkelijk als de ruwe olie 70 à 80 dollar per vat kost. Inmiddels zijn er in de Verenigde Staten al meerdere testvluchten gedaan met Boeings op olie van de purgeernoot. Die bleken een succes.[4]

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. Achten WMJ, Mathijs E, Verchot L, Singh VP, Aerts R, Muys B 2007. Jatropha biodiesel fueling sustainability?. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 1(4), 283-291.DOI: 10.1002/bbb.39The Jatropha Archives
  2. Achten WMJ, Verchot L, Franken YJ, Mathijs E, Singh VP, Aerts R, Muys B 2008. Jatropha bio-diesel production and use. (a literature review) Biomass and Bioenergy 32(12), 1063-1084.DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2008.03.003The Jatropha Archives
  3. (de) Purgiernuß (Jatropha curcas), giftpflanzen.com
  4. Vliegtuigen vliegen over drie jaar op schijtnoot, artikel bij NU.nl, 18 maart 2009
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Purgeernoot: Brief Summary ( flaami )

tarjonnut wikipedia NL

De purgeernoot of schijtnoot (Jatropha curcas) is een giftige struik die behoort tot de familie van de wolfsmelkachtigen (Euphorbiaceae). De zaden van de plant leveren jatropha-olie, die als biobrandstof gebruikt kan worden.

De struik is gemiddeld 5 m hoog en kan een maximale hoogte van 8 m bereiken. De plant heeft groen tot vaalgroene bladeren. De plant heeft zaden die circa 27-40% olie (gemiddeld: 34,4%) bevatten. De zaden zijn rijp op het moment van verkleuren van groen naar geel. De zaden groeien uit tot vruchten, die meestal in de winter rijp zijn. In sommige gebieden zijn meerdere oogsten per jaar mogelijk.

De purgeernoot is van oorsprong afkomstig uit Midden-Amerika. De plant wordt echter in andere gebieden met een (sub-)tropisch klimaat aangeplant. Dit aanplanten gebeurt in delen van Afrika, India en Midden-Amerika. De plant groeit goed op arme grond, wat het aanplanten in veel gebieden mogelijk maakt.

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Jatrofa przeczyszczająca ( puola )

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Jatrofa przeczyszczająca, obrzydlec przeczyszczający (Jatropha curcas) – gatunek rośliny z rodziny wilczomleczowatych. Występuje jako roślina rodzima na obszarze Ameryki Południowej i Środkowej (Argentyna, Boliwia, Brazylia, Peru, Belize, Kostaryka, Salwador, Gwatemala, Honduras, Nikaragua. Meksyk)[2]. Jest rośliną przemysłową uprawianą również w Azji i Afryce, na obszarach subtropikalnych.


Torebka nasienna

Krzew lub małe drzewko do 4 m wysokości. Liście długoogonkowe i sercowate rosną tylko na końcu gałęzi. Kwiatostan w baldachach wyrastający w kątach liści lub też jako szczytowe. Owoc – torebka nasienna.


Roślina uprawiana dla oleju roślinnego, którego zawartość w jej nasionach osiąga 30-40%. Olej jest nieprzydatny do spożycia i stosowany może być wyłącznie do celów technicznych; wykorzystywany jest m.in. do produkcji biodiesla[3][4]. Nasiona mogą być spożywane po upieczeniu, poza tym roślina wykorzystywana jest do celów leczniczych[4].


  1. Stevens P.F.: Angiosperm Phylogeny Website (ang.). 2001–. [dostęp 2009-11-26].
  2. Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). [dostęp 2010-01-10].
  3. Krzysztof Lis: Jatrofa (jatropha) przyszłością biodiesla?. 2008-07-06. [dostęp 2009-10-04].
  4. a b Bijan Dehgan: Jatropha Linnaeus. W: Flora of North America [on-line]. eFloras.org. [dostęp 2017-02-20].


  1. Zbigniew Podbielkowski: Słownik roślin użytkowych. Warszawa: PWRiL, 1989. ISBN 83-09-00256-4.
Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
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Jatrofa przeczyszczająca: Brief Summary ( puola )

tarjonnut wikipedia POL

Jatrofa przeczyszczająca, obrzydlec przeczyszczający (Jatropha curcas) – gatunek rośliny z rodziny wilczomleczowatych. Występuje jako roślina rodzima na obszarze Ameryki Południowej i Środkowej (Argentyna, Boliwia, Brazylia, Peru, Belize, Kostaryka, Salwador, Gwatemala, Honduras, Nikaragua. Meksyk). Jest rośliną przemysłową uprawianą również w Azji i Afryce, na obszarach subtropikalnych.

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Jatropha curcas ( portugali )

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Sementes de Jatropha curcas.
Hábito da planta.

Jatropha curcas L.[4] é uma espécie de planta da família Euphorbiaceae[5][6] conhecida pelos nomes comuns de purgueira, pinhão-manso, jatrofa, mandubiguaçu, pinhão-de-purga[7] e pinha-de-purga. Com distribuição natural no sul do México e América Central,[8] a espécie é amplamente cultivada para a produção de biocombustíveis (biodiesel) e como planta medicinal, estando naturalizada na maioria das regiões tropicais e subtropicais. As sementes contêm 27-40% de óleos vegetais[9] (média: 34.4%[10]) que podem ser facilmente processados para produzir biodiesel de alta qualidade, utilizável em motores diesel convencionais. As sementes são também uma fonte da toxalbumina conhecida por curcina ou jatrofina, um composto de elevada toxicidade[11], com relatos de intoxicação em humanos[12].


J. curcas é um arbusto ou pequena árvore (microfanerófito a mesofanerófito), venenoso, parcialmente suculento, semi-perene, com até 6 m de altura,[8] mas geralmente de 1 a 5 m de alto, muito resistente à aridez, o que permite a sua cultura em regiões desérticas.[13][14] Os ramos mais jovens contêm uma seiva de coloração rosada, ligeiramente leitosa, sendo os caules amisa antigos recobertos por um ritidoma esfoliante.

A espécie é monoica, com folhas ovadas, por vezes levemente 3–7-lobadas, 10–25 cm de comprimento e 9–15 cm de largura, lobos agudos, base amplamente cordada, glabrescentes na face inferior. Os pecíolos com 8–15 cm de comprimento, glabros e estípulas reduzidas.

Ao florescer apresente inflorescência em forma de dicásio terminal, 10–25 cm de comprimento, com múltiplas ramificações, formando geralmente estruturas planas. As flores apresentam sépalas inteira, pétalas fundidas, 5–6 mm de comprimento, hirsutas por dentro, verdosas ou branco-amareladas, com 10 estames, as anteras 1–1,6 mm de comprimento e o ovário glabro.

O fruto é uma cápsula tricoca, ovoide a ligeiramente trilobada, com até 3 cm de comprimento e 2 cm de largura, carnosa, mas deiscente ao maturar.[15] As sementes são oblongas, elipsoides, com 15–22 mm de comprimento, apresentando uma coloração escura e contidas em frutos tipo. A semente é constituída, em média, de 75% de embrião e 25% de tegumento, apresentam pequena variação de tamanho e densidade, além de não apresentar problemas de dormência.[16]


Nativa da América Central, foi difundida pelas regiões tropicais e subtropicais da Ásia e África por comerciantes portugueses, como planta medicinal, depois amplamente usada em cercas e abrigos. Na actualidade apresente distribuição cosmopolita nas regiões tropicais e subtropicais devido à sua grande facilidade em se adaptar a condições adversas, nomeadamente à secura, aos solos degradados e à salinização dos solos e águas.[17]

Resiste a elevada secura nos solos, crescendo em regiões precipitação anual de apenas 250 a 600 mm. Em cultura é resistente a pragas e a patógenos, não requerenso o uso de pesticidas graças às características pesticidas e fungicidas naturais da planta. A planta pode viver até aos 40 anos de idade.

Cultivo e usos comerciais

No clima semiárido da Região Nordeste do Brasil[18], depois de cinco anos de experimentos com pinhão-manso, o pesquisador da Embrapa Semiárido (em Petrolina, em Pernambuco), Marcos Drummond, informou que um dos principais gargalos do cultivo está na colheita. Os frutos amadurecem desuniformes, o que prejudica e aumenta o custo da mão de obra. "Enquanto não se resolver este problema, a cultura fica inviável economicamente. O trabalho de melhoramento genético é fundamental para obter uniformidade na maturação dos frutos. Também é necessário estabelecer modelos de sistemas produção", reforça Drummond. Nesta região, com precipitação de 500 mm, é inviável produzir economicamente sem irrigação. Nos experimentos, após repetição de quatro anos, tem-se observado uma produtividade de 4 mil/kg/sementes/ha, onde estão sendo fornecidos 20 litros de água por semana. Nas mesmas condições, mas sem irrigação, a produtividade não chega a 300/kg/sementes/ha. "Esses dados mostram que o pinhão-manso tem potencial. Só precisamos ajustar a cultura às condições ambientais", comprova Drummond. Comparada as outras espécies, o pinhão-manso apresenta menor demanda de água, porém necessita de um suprimento regular ao longo do ano. Também é uma modalidade que não compete com o fornecimento de comida.

Na Índia, onde o cultivo da purgueira têm tradicionalmente estado nas mãos dos pequenos produtores, existem planos para semear até 40 milhões de hectares com Jatropha. A multinacional British Petroleum tem um projecto experimental para produzir biodiesel a partir de uma plantação de 100 mil ha na Indonésia. A construtora automóvel DaimlerChrysler testou automóveis Mercedes movidos exclusivamente com diesel de Jatropha.


Jatropha curcas foi descrita por Carolus Linnaeus, tendo a sua descrição científica publicada em Species Plantarum 2: 1006. 1753.[15] O epíteto específico "curcas" foi utilizado pela primeira vez pelo médico português Garcia de Orta no século XVI e é de origem incerta.[19]

Cultivada comercialmente nas regiões semi-áridas da zona tropical e subtropical, a espécie recebe múltiplas designações nos países lusófonos, com etimologia por vezes assente nas línguas nativas locais. O nome comum brasileiro "mandubiguaçu" é formado pela junção dos termos tupis mãdu'bi (amendoim) e guaçu (grande)[7], significando, portanto, "amendoim grande". É uma referência a suas sementes, semelhantes às do amendoim. "Purgueira" e "pinhão-de-purga" também são referência às suas sementes, que contêm um óleo tóxico com efeito purgativo.[7]

A espécie apresente uma variada sinonímia, resultado da vesta área de expansão da planta e da sua variabilidade morfológica.[3]

Ver também


  1. Nahar, K. and Ozores-Hampton, M. (2011). Jatropha: An Alternative Substitute to Fossil Fuel.(IFAS Publication Number HS1193). Gainesville: University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Retrieved (12-17-2011).
  2. «Jatropha curcas L.». Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. 29 de agosto de 2008. Consultado em 14 de outubro de 2010
  3. a b http://www.catalogueoflife.org/show_species_details.php?record_id=4839083
  4. L., 1753 In: Sp. Pl. : 1006
  5. WCSP: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
  6. Roskov Y., Kunze T., Orrell T., Abucay L., Paglinawan L., Culham A., Bailly N., Kirk P., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Decock W., De Wever A., Didžiulis V. (ed) (2014). «Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2014 Annual Checklist.». Species 2000: Reading, UK. Consultado em 26 de maio de 2014 !CS1 manut: Nomes múltiplos: lista de autores (link)
  7. a b c FERREIRA, A. B. H. Novo dicionário da língua portuguesa. Segunda edição. Rio de Janeiro. Nova Fronteira. 1986. p. 1 078.
  8. a b Janick, Jules; Robert E. Paull (2008). The Encyclopedia of Fruit & Nuts. [S.l.]: CABI. pp. 371–372. ISBN 978-0-85199-638-7
  9. Achten WMJ, Mathijs E, Verchot L, Singh VP, Aerts R, Muys B 2007. Jatropha biodiesel fueling sustainability?. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 1(4), 283-291.[1] doi:10.1002/bbb.39The Jatropha Archives
  10. Achten WMJ, Verchot L, Franken YJ, Mathijs E, Singh VP, Aerts R, Muys B 2008. Jatropha bio-diesel production and use. (a literature review) Biomass and Bioenergy 32(12), 1063–1084.[2] doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2008.03.003The Jatropha Archives
  11. http://www.drugsandpoisons.com/2008/01/lectins-peas-and-beans-gone-bad.html
  12. Glehn, Mateus de Paula; Moraes, Ana Luísa Ataide; Huang, Jessica dos Anjos; Netto, Mário Bezerra da Trindade; Oliveira, Andre Jaccoud (22 de junho de 2018). «Agregado de casos de intoxicação por Jatropha curcas». Revista Intertox de Toxicologia, Risco Ambiental e Sociedade. 11 (2). ISSN 1984-3577. doi:10.22280/revintervol11ed2.341
  13. «JATROPHA IN AFRICA. FIGHTING THE DESERT & CREATING WEALTH». Consultado em 14 de dezembro de 2014. Arquivado do original em 13 de junho de 2008
  14. Jatropha: creating desert solutions
  15. a b «{{subst:PAGENAME}}». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado em 24 de março de 2014 A referência emprega parâmetros obsoletos |fechaacceso= (ajuda)
  16. SHEPENTINA et al., 1986.
  17. Genetica Forestal, S. De R.L. de C.V. –DR. Teobaldo Eguiluz Piedra.
  18. "Bagarai" (2011). «"Pinhão-manso: cultura para uso como fonte de energia fomenta pesquisa - Bagarai"». "Heineken". Consultado em 16 abril de 2011
  19. «Jatropha curcas L. Euphorbiaceae» (PDF). Agroforestree Database 4.0. World Agroforestry Centre. 2009. Consultado em 14 de outubro de 2010[ligação inativa]



  • Carl von Linné: Species Plantarum. (ed.1) 1: 1006, 1753
  • Alph. Steger, J. van Loon: Das fette Öl der Samen von Jatropha curcas. In: Fette und Seifen. 49(11), 1942, S. 769–840.
  • J. Heller: Physic nut Jatropha curcas L. IPK, Gatersleben 1996, ISBN 92-9043-278-0. (PDF)
  • N. D. Prajapati, Tarun Prajapati (Hrsg.): A handbook of Jatropha curcas Linn. (physic nut). Asian Medicinal Plants and Health Care Trust, 2005, ISBN 81-89070-05-3.
  • Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz, Sonderheft 294: Möglichkeiten der Dekontamination von „Unerwünschten Stoffen nach Anlage 5 der Futtermittelverordnung (2006)“. 2006
  • Michael Schwelien: Treibstoff aus der Giftpflanze. In: Die Zeit. 31. Dezember 2004.
  • Ranty Islam: Indisches Nuß-Öl soll Autos antreiben. In: Die Zeit. 2. Dezember 2006.
  • J. Latschan: Sustainable energy: Risks and opportunities of biomass for biofuel. The case of Jatropha cultivation in India. Centre for Sustainability Management, Lüneburg 2009. (CSM Lüneburg, 2,4 MB; PDF)
  • Lutz Roth, Max Daunderer, Karl Kormann: Giftpflanzen Pflanzengifte. 6. überarbeitete Auflage. Nikol-Verlag, Hamburg 2012, ISBN 978-3-86820-009-6.
  • Ingrid und Peter Schönfelder: Das neue Buch der Heilpflanzen. Franckh-Kosmos Verlag, 2011, ISBN 978-3-440-12932-6.

Autores e editores de Wikipedia
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Jatropha curcas: Brief Summary ( portugali )

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 src= Sementes de Jatropha curcas.  src= Ilustração  src= Hábito da planta.

Jatropha curcas L. é uma espécie de planta da família Euphorbiaceae conhecida pelos nomes comuns de purgueira, pinhão-manso, jatrofa, mandubiguaçu, pinhão-de-purga e pinha-de-purga. Com distribuição natural no sul do México e América Central, a espécie é amplamente cultivada para a produção de biocombustíveis (biodiesel) e como planta medicinal, estando naturalizada na maioria das regiões tropicais e subtropicais. As sementes contêm 27-40% de óleos vegetais (média: 34.4%) que podem ser facilmente processados para produzir biodiesel de alta qualidade, utilizável em motores diesel convencionais. As sementes são também uma fonte da toxalbumina conhecida por curcina ou jatrofina, um composto de elevada toxicidade, com relatos de intoxicação em humanos.

Autores e editores de Wikipedia
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Jatropha curcas ( ukraina )

tarjonnut wikipedia UK

Ятрофа куркас (Jatropha curcas) — рослина родини Молочайні, зростає в Центральній Америці.

Біологічний опис

Це — чагарник близько 5-6 м заввишки. Листки чергові, овальні, загострені, в основі серцеподібні, 3-5-часточкові, 6-40 см завдовжки і 6-35 см шириною, сидять на черешках 2,5-7,5 см завдовжки, зелені або світло-зелені, блискучі. Квітки жовтуваті, чашкоподібні. Жіночі численні, зібрані в зеленуваті щитки. Чоловічі квітки поодинокі. Плід — трехстворчата капсула 2,5-4 см завдовжки.


Насіння рослини містить 27-40 % олії. Олія після її переробки придатна для використання як дизельного палива.

Насіння є отруйним, не зважаючи на оманливий приємний смак. Кожна насінина містить не менше 55 % біологічно активної речовини «Hell oil», яке блокує синтез білка в кишечнику і може привести до смерті.



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Jatropha curcas: Brief Summary ( ukraina )

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Ятрофа куркас (Jatropha curcas) — рослина родини Молочайні, зростає в Центральній Америці.

Автори та редактори Вікіпедії
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Dầu mè (cây) ( vietnam )

tarjonnut wikipedia VI
Đối với các định nghĩa khác, xem Cọc rào.
Đối với các định nghĩa khác, xem Dầu mè.
Đối với các định nghĩa khác, xem Ba đậu (định hướng).

Dầu mè hay còn gọi ba đậu nam[2] dầu lai, cọc rào, cọc giậu (danh pháp khoa học: Jatropha curcas) là một loài cây bụi tới cây gỗ nhỏ bán thường xanh, sống lâu năm và có độc (thường cao tới 5–6 m[3][4]) thuộc họ Đại kích được Carl Linnaeus mô tả khoa học lần đầu năm 1753.

Cây dầu mè bắt nguồn từ vùng nhiệt đới châu Mỹ, có khả năng nhất có lẽ là từ MexicoTrung Mỹ[3][5], được du nhập và gieo trồng tại các nước nhiệt đớicận nhiệt đới khác trên toàn thế giới[6], chủ yếu ở châu Áchâu Phi. Loài cây này được trồng làm hàng rào để bảo vệ các khu vườn và ruộng khỏi bị thú phá hoại.[7]

Cây dầu mè chịu được độ khô hạn cao (thậm chí có thể sống được ở hoang mạc[8][9][10]) và do đó không cạnh tranh với các loài cây lương thực.

Hạt dầu mè chứa 27-40% dầu[11] (trung bình: 34,4%[12]), có thể được xử lý để tạo ra dầu diesel sinh học chất lượng cao, sử dụng được cho các động cơ diesel tiêu chuẩn.

Các hạt có dầu được chế biến thành dầu, có thể được sử dụng để trực tiếp nhiên liệu động cơ đốt hoặc có thể trải qua phản ứng giao hoán este để sản xuất diesel sinh học. Hạt chứa một toxalbumin có độc tính cao là curcin (jatrophin).[13]. Dầu Jatropha là không thích hợp cho con người, vì nó gây ra nôn mửa và tiêu chảy mạnh. Lá đập được áp dụng ở gần mắt ngựa 'để xua đuổi ruồi ở Ấn Độ.[cần dẫn nguồn]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ Jatropha curcas L.”. Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. Ngày 29 tháng 8 năm 2008. Truy cập ngày 14 tháng 10 năm 2010.
  2. ^ Nguyễn Tiến Bân, Nguyễn Quốc Bình, Vũ Văn Cẩn, Lê Mộng Chân, Nguyễn Ngọc Chính, Vũ Văn Dũng, Nguyễn Văn Dư, Trần Đình Đại, Nguyễn Kim Đào, Nguyễn Thị Đỏ, Nguyễn Hữu Hiến, Nguyễn Đình Hưng, Dương Đức Huyến, Nguyễn Đăng Khôi, Nguyễn Khắc Khôi, Trần Kim Liên, Vũ Xuân Phương, Hoàng Thị Sản, Nguyễn Văn Tập, Nguyễn Nghĩa Thìn; Tên cây rừng Việt Nam; Nhà xuất bản Nông nghiệp - 2000; Trang 163.
  3. ^ a ă Janick, Jules; Robert E. Paull (2008). The Encyclopedia of Fruit & Nuts. CABI. tr. 371–372. ISBN 978-0-85199-638-7.
  4. ^ "Jaropha curcas l. in Africa - Assessment of the impact of the dissemination of "the Jatropha System" on the ecology of the rural area and the social and economic situation of the rural population (target group) in selected countries in Africa"[1].
  5. ^ Wageningen UR - Plant Research International - Research
  6. ^ “Plant Research International”. Wageningen UR. Truy cập 12 tháng 2 năm 2015.
  7. ^ The Jatropha System with logo97
  8. ^ http://www.biodieseltoday.com/whyjatropha.htm
  10. ^ Jatropha: creating desert solutions
  11. ^ Achten W.M.J, Mathijs E., Verchot L., Singh V.P., Aerts R., Muys B., 2007. Jatropha biodiesel fueling sustainability?. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 1(4), 283-291. doi:10.1002/bbb.39The Jatropha Archives
  12. ^ Achten W.M.J., Verchot L., Franken Y.J., Mathijs E., Singh V.P., Aerts R., Muys B., 2008. Jatropha bio-diesel production and use. (a literature review) Biomass and Bioenergy 32(12), 1063–1084. doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2008.03.003. The Jatropha Archives
  13. ^ Toxalbumins - Peas and beans gone bad

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Dầu mè (cây): Brief Summary ( vietnam )

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Đối với các định nghĩa khác, xem Cọc rào. Đối với các định nghĩa khác, xem Dầu mè. Đối với các định nghĩa khác, xem Ba đậu (định hướng).

Dầu mè hay còn gọi ba đậu nam dầu lai, cọc rào, cọc giậu (danh pháp khoa học: Jatropha curcas) là một loài cây bụi tới cây gỗ nhỏ bán thường xanh, sống lâu năm và có độc (thường cao tới 5–6 m) thuộc họ Đại kích được Carl Linnaeus mô tả khoa học lần đầu năm 1753.

Cây dầu mè bắt nguồn từ vùng nhiệt đới châu Mỹ, có khả năng nhất có lẽ là từ MexicoTrung Mỹ, được du nhập và gieo trồng tại các nước nhiệt đớicận nhiệt đới khác trên toàn thế giới, chủ yếu ở châu Áchâu Phi. Loài cây này được trồng làm hàng rào để bảo vệ các khu vườn và ruộng khỏi bị thú phá hoại.

Cây dầu mè chịu được độ khô hạn cao (thậm chí có thể sống được ở hoang mạc) và do đó không cạnh tranh với các loài cây lương thực.

Hạt dầu mè chứa 27-40% dầu (trung bình: 34,4%), có thể được xử lý để tạo ra dầu diesel sinh học chất lượng cao, sử dụng được cho các động cơ diesel tiêu chuẩn.

Các hạt có dầu được chế biến thành dầu, có thể được sử dụng để trực tiếp nhiên liệu động cơ đốt hoặc có thể trải qua phản ứng giao hoán este để sản xuất diesel sinh học. Hạt chứa một toxalbumin có độc tính cao là curcin (jatrophin).. Dầu Jatropha là không thích hợp cho con người, vì nó gây ra nôn mửa và tiêu chảy mạnh. Lá đập được áp dụng ở gần mắt ngựa 'để xua đuổi ruồi ở Ấn Độ.[cần dẫn nguồn]

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Ятрофа куркас ( venäjä )

tarjonnut wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Растения
Подцарство: Зелёные растения
Отдел: Цветковые
Надпорядок: Rosanae
Семейство: Молочайные
Род: Ятрофа
Вид: Ятрофа куркас
Международное научное название

Jatropha curcas L.

на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 28335NCBI 180498EOL 1156120IPNI 131462-2TPL kew-104552

Ятрофа куркас (лат. Jatropha curcas) — растение семейства Молочайные, вид рода Ятрофа, произрастающее в Центральной Америке. Ядовитое растение. Название Jatropha происходит от греческих слов Jatrys — доктор, и tropha — еда.

Встречаются названия растения «барбадосский орех», «физический орех»[источник не указан 1794 дня].

Биологическое описание

Кустарник высотой до 5—6 м, с гладкой серой корой, которая источает беловатый млечный сок при разрезании. Листья очередные, овальные, заострённые, в основании сердцевидные, 3—5-дольчатые, 6—40 см длиной и 6—35 см шириной, сидят на черешках 2,5—7,5 см длиной, зелёные или светло-зелёные, блестящие.

Цветки ярко-желтого цвета, чашковидные. Женские собраны в соцветия зонтики. Мужские цветки распускаются по одному.

Плод — трёхстворчатая капсула 2,5—4 см длиной, внутри которой находится три орешка. Семена коричневого цвета, овальной формы, длиной около 1 см. Ятрофа размножается самосевом, поэтому может быть сорняком. В тропиках цветёт практически круглый год, особенно в жаркие месяцы.


Ядовиты все части растения, но особенно — семена. Среди выделенных ядовитых веществ — различные масла, а также фитотоксин курцин, близкий по химическому составу к рицину. Отравление приводит к обезвоживанию организма и смерти в результате сердечно-сосудистой недостаточности[2].


Семена растения содержат 27-40 % масла. Масло после переработки годно для использования в качестве дизельного топлива. Также продукты цветка можно применять для создания инсектицидов и удобрений.

Jatropha curcas3 knodt.jpg
Jatropha curcas.jpg
Jatropha curcas


  1. Об условности указания класса двудольных в качестве вышестоящего таксона для описываемой в данной статье группы растений см. раздел «Системы APG» статьи «Двудольные».
  2. IPCS.
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Ятрофа куркас: Brief Summary ( venäjä )

tarjonnut wikipedia русскую Википедию

Ятрофа куркас (лат. Jatropha curcas) — растение семейства Молочайные, вид рода Ятрофа, произрастающее в Центральной Америке. Ядовитое растение. Название Jatropha происходит от греческих слов Jatrys — доктор, и tropha — еда.

Встречаются названия растения «барбадосский орех», «физический орех»[источник не указан 1794 дня].

Авторы и редакторы Википедии

桐油树 ( kiina )

tarjonnut wikipedia 中文维基百科
Confusion grey.svg 提示:本条目的主题不是油桐

桐油树学名Jatropha curcas),又名麻风树痲瘋樹南洋油桐黄肿树假白榄等,为大戟科落叶灌木。其发源地在加勒比海的岛上,但葡萄牙商人把它引进了非洲亚洲各地,现已分布在全世界的热带和亚热带地区。






桐油树 種子








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桐油樹被印度政府選出做為生質柴油的原料之一,而英国石油公司在2007年初曾投资1000萬美元,在印度的安得拉邦种植了8000公顷的此种作物。印度政府认为若将印度的所有没被利用的荒地都种上此种作物的话,将会满足印度的所有能源需求。截止至2007年六月,世界上最大的桐油树种植项目投资商为D1 Oil(or AIM-listed D1 Oil)公司。它在非洲,印度和东南亚种植了156,000公顷[7]孟買德里之間的鐵路線種植桐油树,火車本身使用15-20%的生物柴油[5]


 src= 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:桐油树


  1. ^ Jatropha curcas L.. Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. 2008-08-29 [2010-10-14].
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Nahar, K. and Ozores-Hampton, M. (2011). Jatropha: An Alternative Substitute to Fossil Fuel.(IFAS Publication Number HS1193). Gainesville: University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Retrieved (12-17-2011).
  3. ^ Sequence Analysis of the Genome of an Oil-Bearing Tree, Jatropha curcas L. Oxford Journals, DNA Research, Kazusa DNA Research Institute. 2010-12-08 [2010-12-23]. 外部链接存在于|publisher= (帮助)
  4. ^ http://www.agricultureinformation.com/forums/sale/19166-jatropha-curcas-seeds-seedlings-sale.html Warm climate reference
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Fairless D. Biofuel: The little shrub that could - maybe. Nature. 2007, 449 (7163): 652–655. PMID 17968401. doi:10.1038/449652a.
  6. ^ 科學人雜誌2007年7月號《小樹叢的綠金夢》
  7. ^ 英国卫报(the Guardian, 2007/06/27)
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wikipedia 中文维基百科

桐油树: Brief Summary ( kiina )

tarjonnut wikipedia 中文维基百科
Confusion grey.svg 提示:本条目的主题不是油桐

桐油树(学名:Jatropha curcas),又名麻风树、痲瘋樹、南洋油桐、黄肿树、假白榄等,为大戟科落叶灌木。其发源地在加勒比海的岛上,但葡萄牙商人把它引进了非洲亚洲各地,现已分布在全世界的热带和亚热带地区。




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wikipedia 中文维基百科

ナンヨウアブラギリ ( Japani )

tarjonnut wikipedia 日本語
ナンヨウアブラギリ Jatropha curcas1 henning.jpg
分類APG III : 植物界 Plantae 階級なし : 被子植物 angiosperms 階級なし : 真正双子葉類 eudicots 階級なし : バラ類 rosids : キントラノオ目 Malpighiales : トウダイグサ科 Euphorbiaceae 亜科 : ハズ亜科 Crotonoideae : Jatropheae : ナンヨウアブラギリ属 Jatropha : ナンヨウアブラギリ
J. curcas 学名 Jatropha curcas
L. (1753) [1][2][3] 英名 Barbados nut

ナンヨウアブラギリ(南洋油桐、学名Jatropha curcas)は、トウダイグサ科中南米原産の落葉低木。別名はタイワンアブラギリ、または学名からジャトロファヤトロファなど。原産地は中南米であるが、16世紀以降、スペイン商人などの手により世界中に伝播した[4]


樹高3-8 m程度。少ない降水量のやせた土地でも生長が早く、旱魃や病気に強い。樹齢は最大50年程度[4]

トウゴマよりもひとまわり小さな、重量600 mg前後の黒褐色の種子をつける。の約60%は脂質で、他にホルボールエステル類やレクチントリプシン阻害剤などの有毒成分を含む[5]。非食性植物である。










ジャトロファ(ナンヨウアブラギリ)をフィリピンや日本の沖縄県宮古島で栽培開発をしているバイオマス・ジャパン[10]によると、ジャトロファの油脂性質は燃料向きで、絞っただけのクルードオイルでA重油相当、精製エステル交換反応すればバイオディーゼル燃料として使えるという。 出光興産ベトナム中南部のビンディン省で試験栽培を行い、2011年から国営石油大手ペトロベトナムと共同で製油所内に燃料製造設備を計画した[11]。 電力中央研究所の研究報告によれば、ジャトロファの油脂は、低温時の流動性に問題が起こる可能性がある[12]


25°N-30°Sの熱帯・亜熱帯で成育し、気温は20-40℃、降雨量は年750 - 3000 mm程度が適する。長い乾季には落葉して耐えることができるが、水はけの悪い土壌や霜が降りる高山は不適である。酸・アルカリ質の土地にも適応するが、収量は落ちる。高い収量を得るには適切な条件が必要であり、収量が上がらないために栽培が中止された場所も多い[13][14]

1ha当たり1000 - 2000株を植栽でき、3-4年目から収穫できる。種の収量は1ha当たり800-1500 kg。痩せた土地でも育つが、収量を増やすには施肥が不可欠である。収穫には1haあたり60人日が必要であり、これはワタ(35人日)より多い。栽培されている農地は、世界全体で90万haに達する(2008年)[13]




  1. ^ 米倉浩司・梶田忠 (2003-). “Jatropha curcas L.”. BG Plants 和名−学名インデックス(YList). ^ IPNI. “Jatropha curcas L.”. ^ Missouri Botanical Garden. “Jatropha curcas L.”. Trpoicos. ^ a b c Heller J. (1996) (pdf). Physic nut, Jatropha curcas. Promoting the Conservation and Use of Underutilized and Neglected Crops. Rome, Italy: International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI). http://www.bioversityinternational.org/fileadmin/bioversity/publications/pdfs/161_Physic_nut__Jatropha_curcas_L.pdf.
  2. ^ H. P. S. Makkar, K. Becker, F. Sporer, and M. Wink (1997). “Studies on Nutritive Potential and Toxic Constituents of Different Provenances of Jatropha curcas”. J. Agric. Food Chem. 45 (8): 3152 -3157.
  3. ^ Kazuo Yasuraoka (1985). “Molluscicides: progress and problems” (pdf). 日本熱帯医学会雑誌 13: 48. http://www.tm.nagasaki-u.ac.jp/society/jstm/13-1.pdf.
  4. ^ Melanie Rug, Andreas Ruppel (2000). “Toxic activities of the plant Jatropha curcas against intermediate snail hosts and larvae of schistosomes”. Tropical Medicine & International Health 5 (6): 423-430. doi:10.1046/j.1365-3156.2000.00573.x.
  5. ^ バイオ燃料植物(ナンヨウアブラギリ)のゲノム解読に世界で初めて成功”. かずさDNA研究所 (2010年12月23日閲覧。
  6. ^ http://www.nbf-web.com/japanese/jatropha.html
  7. ^ http://www.biomassjapan.jp/
  8. ^ http://www.biomassjapan.jp/environmentnews/environmentnews/121.html
  9. ^ 土屋 陽子,松村 秀幸,吉原 利一 (2009-07). バイオディーゼル燃料(BDF)製造に関する技術評価 --製造技術のEPR評価とアブラギリ類由来BDFの性状把握-- (Report). 電力中央研究所. V08019. http://criepi.denken.or.jp/jp/kenkikaku/report/download/CaSG44ppWFqPlHn2s42st5CplctE9Ltc/report.pdf
  10. ^ a b Jatropha curcas L. Current development and potentialities in Europe”. ^ Jatropha: An Alternative Substitute to Fossil Fuel”. ^ NGO団体「スイスエイド」がバイオ燃料使用を非難するキャンペーンを開始。 - swissinfo


 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、ナンヨウアブラギリに関連するメディアがあります。
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wikipedia 日本語

ナンヨウアブラギリ: Brief Summary ( Japani )

tarjonnut wikipedia 日本語

ナンヨウアブラギリ(南洋油桐、学名:Jatropha curcas)は、トウダイグサ科中南米原産の落葉低木。別名はタイワンアブラギリ、または学名からジャトロファ、ヤトロファなど。原産地は中南米であるが、16世紀以降、スペイン商人などの手により世界中に伝播した。

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wikipedia 日本語