Comprehensive Description
tarjonnut Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Badister (Baudia) reflexus Le Conte
Badister reflexus Le Conte, 1880: 165, 166; [A type specimen was not designated in the original description. The specimens comprising the type series are from " New York, Michigan, and Louisiana." The type series, in the Le Conte collection, consists of four specimens, labelled as follows : specimen No. 1 MCZ No. 5727, with a pink disc beneath the specimen — "middle states"; specimen No. 2 labelled "Mich.", No. 3 bearing an orange disc — " southern states ; " and specimen No. 4 labelled " La." I accept the first specimen of the series as type. Eecause Le Conte gives New York as the locality for one of his specimens in the original description, and because his concept of the " middle states " includes New York, I assume that this specimen which is from the middle states is the one that was taken in New York. Therefore, the type locality of this species is New York]. Blatchley, 1922:12.
Badister seclusus Blatchley, ibid., (1922); Dunedin, Fla. March 10-April 19. [Two specimens taken by sweeping ferns in a dense hammock.] Type locality: Dunedin, Florida. [I have not seen the type.]
The broadly recurved apex of the median lobe, the absence of a preapical plate and the absence of a spine on the apical plates are the principal diagnostic features of this species (figs. 153a-c).
Description of sculpture. — Male. W.[est] Roxbury, [Suffolk Co.], Mass. [achusetts], May 20, 1923, (Bolster), [Museum of Comparative Zoology]. Microsculpture : head, uniformly isodiametric over entire dorsal surface, shining, vertex not iridescent ; pronotum, generally strongly transverse, the surface in large measure iridescent, excepting medio-anteriorly and posteriorly, where the lines are far enough apart to form obvious meshes, and iridescence is not apparent.
Variation. — Data on variation in length, width, W head/total L, W head/W elytron, W head/L Pn, L Pn/total L, and 1. shaft m.L/L left paramere are presented in the tables 69-75. Variation in the configuration of the sides of the pronotum is discussed below under synonomy. The male genitalia are constant with respect to features of diagnostic importance.
Synonymical notes. — The original description of Badister seclusus was based on two specimens, collected at Dunedin, Florida. I have not seen the type specimens. Dr. P. J. Darlington, Jr. loaned me a specimen identified by Blatchley as seclusus whose characters fit those mentioned in the original description, and which I therefore regard as a satisfactory substitute for the type. This specimen, a male, collected at Homestead, Florida, June, 1929 (Darlington), differs from the specimens representing reflexus only in having a proportionately wider head {reflexus, W head/total length — mean 0.23, seclusus — 0.25), and a somewhat broader pronotum. The genitalia are identical with those of specimens which represent reflexus. The type specimens of seclusus were distinguished from reflexus as follows: " The basal side margins of thorax are much more strongly widened and inflexed than in reflexus, the hind angles more distinct ". These features are variable, and the specimens examined by me seem to fall into a graded series with respect to them. Specimens from Arkansas and Louisiana match almost exactly the specimen of seclusus. A male from Royal Palm Park, Florida, differs from the Homestead specimen only in that the sides of the pronotum are little more incurved posteriorly, and a little less reflexed. A specimen labelled " Florida " has a virtually identical pronotum with that of the Homestead specimen except that the posterior angles are less prominent. A specimen from Winter Park, Fla. is about the same as the Homestead specimen with respect to pronotal characters. A specimen from " Mass." has the same pronotal characters as those of the Homestead specimen. Other specimens, which are not listed here, differ more from the Homestead specimen, in the way mentioned by Blatchley, than those mentioned above. As the genitalia of " typical " reflexus and my single specimen of seclusus are identical, we are apparently left with the relatively broad head as the only feature of diagnostic value. As the value of this ratio for seclusus exceeds the observed range of variability for reflexus by only 0.01, and the series studied is small, I regard the difference as inconsequential.
Distribution. — This species ranges on the Atlantic Coast from Massachusetts southward to southernmost Florida and the Greater Antilles ; eastward on the mainland to Indiana in the north, and along the Gulf Coast in the south to Texas. Its distribution in the Appalachians is unknown, if the species occurs there at all.
In addition to the type, fifteen males and twenty females collected in the following localities have been examined.
Arkansas: "Ark." Hempstead County; Hope. Florida: "Fla." Dade County; Royal Palm Park. Lee County; Fort Meyers. Leon County; Talla
hasee. " Marion County." Orange County ; Winter Park. Palm Beach County ; Pahokee. Georgia : " Ga." Illinois : " Illinois." Indiana : " Knox County." " Laporte County." " Marion County." " Marshall County." Louisiana : "La." Massachusetts: "Mass." Middlesex County; Wayland. Suffolk County; Cambridge, Dorchester, W. Roxbury. Ohio: "Ohio." Athens County; Athens. Texas: "Tex." No Locality Data: one male, one female.
the grandiceps group
The diagnostic features of this group are presented in the discussion of classification of the species of Baudia.
- bibliografinen lainaus
- Ball, G.E. 1959. A Taxonomic Study of the North American Licinini with Notes on the Old World Species of the Genus Diplocheila Brulle (Coleoptera). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 16. Philadelphia, USA
Badister reflexus: Brief Summary
tarjonnut wikipedia EN
Badister reflexus is a species of ground beetle in the family Carabidae. It is found in North America.
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