Engleromyces is a genus of fungi in the family Xylariaceae.[3] The genus contains two species, the type Engleromyces goetzei (found in Africa and Asia) and E. sinensis (found in China), described as new in 2010.[4] The genus was circumscribed in Bot. Jahrb. Syst. Vol.28 on page 327 in 1900 by German mycologist Paul Christoph Hennings.[5]
The genus name of Engleromyces is in honour of Heinrich Gustav Adolf Engler (1844 – 1930), who was a German botanist. He is notable for his work on plant taxonomy and phytogeography.[6]
Engleromyces is a genus of fungi in the family Xylariaceae. The genus contains two species, the type Engleromyces goetzei (found in Africa and Asia) and E. sinensis (found in China), described as new in 2010. The genus was circumscribed in Bot. Jahrb. Syst. Vol.28 on page 327 in 1900 by German mycologist Paul Christoph Hennings.
The genus name of Engleromyces is in honour of Heinrich Gustav Adolf Engler (1844 – 1930), who was a German botanist. He is notable for his work on plant taxonomy and phytogeography.
Engleromyces es un género de hongos en la familia Xylariaceae.[3] El género contiene dos especies. La especie tipo, Engleromyces goetzei (propia de África y Asia) y E. sinensis (nativa de China) fue descripta en el 2010.[4] El género fue descripto en 1900 por el micólogo alemán Paul Christoph Hennings.[5]
Engleromyces es un género de hongos en la familia Xylariaceae. El género contiene dos especies. La especie tipo, Engleromyces goetzei (propia de África y Asia) y E. sinensis (nativa de China) fue descripta en el 2010. El género fue descripto en 1900 por el micólogo alemán Paul Christoph Hennings.