
Description ( englanti )

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SVL males: 45-68, females 85-100mm; relatively slim body, snout lightly pointed; legs remarkably long. First finger shorter than or as long as second, fingers and toes with broadened roundish or slightly pointed flat discs, all toes with dark webbing that nearly or completely reaches the discs; skin of back rough like grained leather; dorsolateral fold shows more or less distinctly, tympanum round, no tympanal fold. Males have clearly larger tympana, callous thumbs and paired gular vocal sacs. Males are uniform green in various nuances, with dark spots or dots, dark dorsolateral stripes, completely dark or dark with green spots; the back is usually a different color than the sides. Dark stripes from the tip of the snout to the eyes; tympanum brown or dark gray, with a green center; lips white to light brownish. Legs often with dark cross banding; belly dark with bright dispersed areas that range from white to light gray. Females with a lesser ability to change color; individually with varied coloration, back mostly green; predominantly with dark stripes from tip of snout to the eyes, tympanum sometimes bright red, sides sometimes yellow with green areas to uniform green, yellow with white and light gray areas or brownish; some individuals completely light brown on sides and back. Extremities brownish, green or gray, usually with dark cross banding. Belly usually whitish, with gray clouding, especially in the throat area. (Manthey and Grossmann 1997).


Manthey, U. and Grossmann, W. (1997). Amphibien & Reptilien Südostasiens. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster, Germany.

Arie van der Meijden
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AmphibiaWeb articles

Distribution and Habitat ( englanti )

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Occurs in the south of Thailand, west Malaysia as well as on the west Malaysian islands of Pulau Pinang and Pulau Tioman. Occurs on Borneo, Java, Sumatra and Pulau Sumeulu. Rana hosii prefers fast flowing, clear waters with rocky edges in forest areas (up to 1500m). Grossmann and Manthey (1997) observed females near rainwater streams in a meadow on the Bukit Fraser (west Malaysia) at night. The frogs are most abundant near waterfalls. During the day, males can be found hiding among the rocks along the banks. When disturbed, they jump into the water and swim upstream with a few short strokes to climb up onto the nearest rocks. Females spend the day in branch axles and bushes at 1 to 2m high (Manthey and Grossmann, 1997)[815].
Arie van der Meijden
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AmphibiaWeb articles

Life History, Abundance, Activity, and Special Behaviors ( englanti )

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Regardless of season, males call in a high frequency that penetrates the noise of the waterfalls. The call is reminiscent of chirping birds and can be heard during the day as well. Females lay their eggs, 500-2000 at a time, in coherent clutches directly into the water. The male immediately grabs the female in an axillar amplexus that can be maintained for several hours. Diminutive white larvae hatch from the white eggs after 6-10 days. During their development the larvae's color changes through several shades of gray. They reach a total length of 38mm (SVL 11mm). The mouth is located ventrally. The tooth formula for young larvae is 5 (2-5)/4 (1), while that of the older larvae is 6 (3-6)/4 (1). Newly metamorphosed Rana hosii have a SVL of about 10mm and are dark gray. The back turns green with dark spots within a few weeks (Manthey and Grossmann 1997).
Arie van der Meijden
käy lähteessä
AmphibiaWeb articles