
Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut AmphibiaWeb articles
SVL males: 45-68, females 85-100mm; relatively slim body, snout lightly pointed; legs remarkably long. First finger shorter than or as long as second, fingers and toes with broadened roundish or slightly pointed flat discs, all toes with dark webbing that nearly or completely reaches the discs; skin of back rough like grained leather; dorsolateral fold shows more or less distinctly, tympanum round, no tympanal fold. Males have clearly larger tympana, callous thumbs and paired gular vocal sacs. Males are uniform green in various nuances, with dark spots or dots, dark dorsolateral stripes, completely dark or dark with green spots; the back is usually a different color than the sides. Dark stripes from the tip of the snout to the eyes; tympanum brown or dark gray, with a green center; lips white to light brownish. Legs often with dark cross banding; belly dark with bright dispersed areas that range from white to light gray. Females with a lesser ability to change color; individually with varied coloration, back mostly green; predominantly with dark stripes from tip of snout to the eyes, tympanum sometimes bright red, sides sometimes yellow with green areas to uniform green, yellow with white and light gray areas or brownish; some individuals completely light brown on sides and back. Extremities brownish, green or gray, usually with dark cross banding. Belly usually whitish, with gray clouding, especially in the throat area. (Manthey and Grossmann 1997).


Manthey, U. and Grossmann, W. (1997). Amphibien & Reptilien Südostasiens. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster, Germany.

Arie van der Meijden
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AmphibiaWeb articles

Distribution and Habitat ( englanti )

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Occurs in the south of Thailand, west Malaysia as well as on the west Malaysian islands of Pulau Pinang and Pulau Tioman. Occurs on Borneo, Java, Sumatra and Pulau Sumeulu. Rana hosii prefers fast flowing, clear waters with rocky edges in forest areas (up to 1500m). Grossmann and Manthey (1997) observed females near rainwater streams in a meadow on the Bukit Fraser (west Malaysia) at night. The frogs are most abundant near waterfalls. During the day, males can be found hiding among the rocks along the banks. When disturbed, they jump into the water and swim upstream with a few short strokes to climb up onto the nearest rocks. Females spend the day in branch axles and bushes at 1 to 2m high (Manthey and Grossmann, 1997)[815].
Arie van der Meijden
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Life History, Abundance, Activity, and Special Behaviors ( englanti )

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Regardless of season, males call in a high frequency that penetrates the noise of the waterfalls. The call is reminiscent of chirping birds and can be heard during the day as well. Females lay their eggs, 500-2000 at a time, in coherent clutches directly into the water. The male immediately grabs the female in an axillar amplexus that can be maintained for several hours. Diminutive white larvae hatch from the white eggs after 6-10 days. During their development the larvae's color changes through several shades of gray. They reach a total length of 38mm (SVL 11mm). The mouth is located ventrally. The tooth formula for young larvae is 5 (2-5)/4 (1), while that of the older larvae is 6 (3-6)/4 (1). Newly metamorphosed Rana hosii have a SVL of about 10mm and are dark gray. The back turns green with dark spots within a few weeks (Manthey and Grossmann 1997).
Arie van der Meijden
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AmphibiaWeb articles

Hose's frog ( englanti )

tarjonnut wikipedia EN

Hose's frog (Odorrana hosii, often misspelled as O. hosei) is a true frog species with a wide range in Southeast Asia. This species was named after zoologist Charles Hose.

Its closest living relatives appear to be O. chloronota which occurs to the north of Hose's frog's range, as well as O. livida and O. morafkai with a more limited range in Myanmar and Vietnam, respectively; these four appear to form a close-knit group wherein the northern species are barely closer to each other than Hose's frog is to any of them. Also quite closely related is O. megatympanum, another Vietnamese endemic.[2][3]


This frog has a robust body with long, slender legs; males measure 50–60 mm, females 85–100 mm. The dorsal are dark green with brown sides, the ventral are pale, the limbs are marked with dark crossbars. Its finger- and toe-tips bear grooved discs. This frog also have many varians of dorsal colour. Including full green, full brown, green with brown dots, and brown with green dots. Its call heard like "cit" of rats. Its tadpoles apparently lack suctorial discs.

Distribution and ecology

Hose's frog has been recorded from the Malay Peninsula south of the Kra Isthmus, on Phuket, Tioman, Borneo, the Batu Islands, Sumatra, Simeulue,[4] Bangka Island, Belitung and Java. It lives in and along clear, swift streams and rivers in rainforest up to 1,700 meters ASL. Though declining in recent times due to deforestation, it is still widely distributed and plentiful, and there is evidence that it is more tolerant of pollution and will morer readily accept secondary forest than many other frogs in the region. It is therefore listed as a Species of Least Concern by the IUCN.[1]

Eggs are probably deposited in water in a way roughly similar to other true frogs. But the eggs inside their gelatinous outer layer are cream-coloured without a dark hemisphere, indicating a specialised oviposition site.


  1. ^ a b Peter Paul van Dijk, Djoko Iskandar, Robert Inger (2004) Odorrana hosii. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2.
  2. ^ Cai, Hong-xia; Che, Jing; Pang, Jun-feng; Zhao, Er-mi; Zhang, Ya-ping (2007). "Paraphyly of Chinese Amolops (Anura, Ranidae) and phylogenetic position of the rare Chinese frog, Amolops tormotus" (PDF). Zootaxa. 1531: 49–55. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.1531.1.4. copy
  3. ^ Stuart, Bryan L. (2008). "The phylogenetic problem of Huia (Amphibia: Ranidae)". Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 46 (1): 49–60. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2007.09.016. PMID 18042407.
  4. ^ Sarenha Lawalata, Shobi Zenobia (2011). "Historical Biogeography of Sumatra and Western Archipelago, Indonesia: Insights from the flying lizards in the genus Draco (Iguania: Agamidae)" (PDF). digitalassets.lib.berkeley.edu.

Further reading

  • Inger, Robert F. (1966): The Systematics and Zoogeography of the Amphibia of Borneo. Fieldiana Zool. 52: 1–402.


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Hose's frog: Brief Summary ( englanti )

tarjonnut wikipedia EN

Hose's frog (Odorrana hosii, often misspelled as O. hosei) is a true frog species with a wide range in Southeast Asia. This species was named after zoologist Charles Hose.

Its closest living relatives appear to be O. chloronota which occurs to the north of Hose's frog's range, as well as O. livida and O. morafkai with a more limited range in Myanmar and Vietnam, respectively; these four appear to form a close-knit group wherein the northern species are barely closer to each other than Hose's frog is to any of them. Also quite closely related is O. megatympanum, another Vietnamese endemic.

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Odorrana hosii ( kastilia )

tarjonnut wikipedia ES

Odorrana hosii es una especie de anfibio anuro de la familia Ranidae.

Distribución geográfica

Se encuentra en la península de Malaca, Phuket, isla Tioman, Bintan, islas Batu, Sumatra y Borneo. Su rango altitudinal llega a los 1700 msnm.

Estado de conservación

Se encuentra puntualmente amenazada por la pérdida de su hábitat natural.


  • Frost, D.R. «Odorrana hosii ». Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 6.1. (en inglés). Nueva York, EEUU: Museo Americano de Historia Natural. Consultado el 6 de marzo de 2016.
  • Peter Paul van Dijk, Djoko Iskandar, Robert Inger. 2004. Odorrana hosii. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2015.4. Acceso: 6 de marzo de 2016.

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Odorrana hosii: Brief Summary ( kastilia )

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Odorrana hosii es una especie de anfibio anuro de la familia Ranidae.

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Odorrana hosii ( baski )

tarjonnut wikipedia EU

Odorrana hosii Odorrana generoko animalia da. Anfibioen barruko Ranidae familian sailkatuta dago, Anura ordenan.


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Odorrana hosii: Brief Summary ( baski )

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Odorrana hosii Odorrana generoko animalia da. Anfibioen barruko Ranidae familian sailkatuta dago, Anura ordenan.

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Odorrana hosii ( ranska )

tarjonnut wikipedia FR

Odorrana hosii est une espèce d'amphibiens de la famille des Ranidae[1].


Cette espèce se rencontre[1] :


Une odorrana hosii dans le parc national de Khao Sok, Thaïlande. Septembre 2016.

Odorrana hosii mesure de 45 à 68 mm pour les mâles et de 85 à 100 mm pour les femelles. Sa coloration est de couleur verte avec des taches sombres[2].

Odorrana hosii, parc national de Khao Sok, Thaïlande


Cette espèce est nommée en l'honneur de Charles Hose[3].

Publication originale

  • Boulenger, 1891 : On new or little-known Indian and Malayan Reptiles and Batrachians. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, sér. 6, vol. 8, p. 288-292 (texte intégral).

Notes et références

  1. a et b Amphibian Species of the World, consulté lors d'une mise à jour du lien externe
  2. AmphibiaWeb. University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA, consulté lors d'une mise à jour du lien externe
  3. Boulenger, 1891 : On new or little-known Indian and Malayan Reptiles and Batrachians. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, sér. 6, vol. 8, p. 288-292 (texte intégral).
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Odorrana hosii: Brief Summary ( ranska )

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Odorrana hosii est une espèce d'amphibiens de la famille des Ranidae.

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Kongkang racun ( Indonesia )

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Kongkang racun adalah nama sejenis kodok dari suku Ranidae. Nama ilmiahnya adalah Rana hosii Boulenger, 1891. Orang Sunda (Jawa Barat) menyebutnya kolé héjo. Sedangkan namanya dalam bahasa Inggris adalah poisonous rock-frog. Diberi nama demikian karena kulitnya mengandung kelenjar racun yang mampu membunuh hewan-hewan kecil. Sementara nama ilmiahnya diberikan untuk mengenang Charles Hose, seorang naturalis dari Inggris (Iskandar, 1998).


Kodok yang cantik ini berukuran sedang sampai besar, bertubuh kekar. Panjang tubuh umumnya antara 45-100 mm SVL (snout-to-vent, dari ujung moncong hingga ke anus). Kodok jantan lebih kecil dari yang betinanya.

Kulit dorsal (bagian punggung) berbintil halus dan rapat, umumnya hijau terang, hijau lumut sampai hijau tua; ada pula yang kebiruan. Sisi tubuh hijau kekuningan. Sebuah garis gelap, coklat tembaga hingga kehitaman, dan putus-putus tidak beraturan berjalan di sisi tubuh dari ujung moncong, pipi, sebelah atas timpanum (gendang telinga), sebelah bawah lipatan dorsolateral, memanjang hingga ke pinggang. Di sana-sini, garis gelap ini bercampur dengan bercak kehijauan, kekuningan atau keemasan.

Rana hosii 060615 7297 jbti ed resize.jpg

Bibir atas berwarna keemasan, bibir bawah kecoklatan. Iris mata keemasan. Selain di bibir dan moncong, warna dan bercak kuning atau keemasan sering pula terdapat di tangan, lipatan dorsolateral bagian belakang dan pangkal paha.

Jari-jari tangan dan kaki dengan ujung yang melebar membentuk piringan. Selaput renang penuh mencapai pangkal piringan pada jari kaki, coklat gelap atau kehitaman warnanya. Sisi bawah tubuh (ventral) berkulit halus, putih bersemu keemasan. Sisi bawah paha coklat merah daging, sisi atasnya berbelang-belang coklat sampai gelap kehitaman.

Kebiasaan dan Penyebaran

Kodok yang berasosiasi dengan sungai berbatu. Jarang ditemui jauh dari sungai, R. hosii menyukai aliran air yang deras dan jernih, terutama di hutan-hutan yang belum atau hanya sedikit terganggu. Di malam hari, kodok ini kerap ditemui di tepian sungai berbatu atau di atas tetumbuhan dekat aliran air. Pada musim kawin, belasan hingga puluhan katak jantan biasa berkumpul berdekatan di atas batu di tepi air yang berarus deras.

R. hosii diketahui tersebar cukup luas, mulai dari Thailand, Semenanjung Malaya, Sumatra, Jawa hingga Borneo.


Racun kodok ini tidak berbahaya bagi manusia sepanjang tidak tertelan. Selalu mencuci tangan setelah menangkap atau memegang kodok, cukup untuk melindungi diri dari bahaya racun tersebut.

Bahan bacaan

  • Inger, R.F. and R.B. Stuebing, 1997. A Field guide to The Frogs of Borneo. Natural History Publications (Borneo) Sdn.Bhd., Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
  • Iskandar, D.T. 1998. Amfibi Jawa dan Bali. Puslitbang Biologi LIPI, Bogor.

Pranala luar

(Inggris) Amphibian Species of the World 3.0, an Online Reference.

Penulis dan editor Wikipedia
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Kongkang racun: Brief Summary ( Indonesia )

tarjonnut wikipedia ID

Kongkang racun adalah nama sejenis kodok dari suku Ranidae. Nama ilmiahnya adalah Rana hosii Boulenger, 1891. Orang Sunda (Jawa Barat) menyebutnya kolé héjo. Sedangkan namanya dalam bahasa Inggris adalah poisonous rock-frog. Diberi nama demikian karena kulitnya mengandung kelenjar racun yang mampu membunuh hewan-hewan kecil. Sementara nama ilmiahnya diberikan untuk mengenang Charles Hose, seorang naturalis dari Inggris (Iskandar, 1998).

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Береговая лягушка ( venäjä )

tarjonnut wikipedia русскую Википедию
Латинское название Odorrana hosii
(Boulenger, 1891)
  • Rana hosii Boulenger, 1891
  • Rana durheimi Baumann, 1913
  • Rana cataracta Smith, 1922
  • Huia hosii (Boulenger, 1891)

на Викивидах

на Викискладе

ITIS 775144 NCBI 310666 Охранный статус
Status iucn3.1 LC ru.svg
Вызывающие наименьшие опасения
IUCN 3.1 Least Concern: 58618

Береговая лягушка[1] (лат. Odorrana hosii) — вид земноводных из семейства настоящих лягушек. Эндемик Юго-Восточной Азии: Индонезия, Малайзия и Таиланд. Длина самцов 45—68 мм, самок 85—100 мм[2]. Самки откладывают в воду от 500 до 2000 яиц. Встречаются около водопадов, в мелких водоёмах, ручьях в тропических лесах на высотах от 0 до 1700 м. Вид O. hosii был впервые описан в 1891 году бельгийско-британским зоологом Джорджем Альбертом Буленджером (George Albert Boulenger; 1858—1937) под первоначальным названием Rana hosii Boulenger, 1891. Назван в честь этнолога и зоолога Чарльза Хосе (Charles Hose, 1863—1929). Близок к видам Odorrana chloronota, Odorrana livida (Бирма) и Odorrana morafkai (Вьетнам), Odorrana megatympanum (Вьетнам)[3][4][5][6].


  1. Ананьева Н. Б., Боркин Л. Я., Даревский И. С., Орлов Н. Л. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Амфибии и рептилии. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., 1988. — С. 123. — 10 500 экз.ISBN 5-200-00232-X.
  2. Fei, L. Atlas of Amphibians of China : []. — Zhengzhou : Henan Press of Science and Technology, 1999. — P. 194. — ISBN 7-5349-1835-9.
  3. Boulenger, G. A. 1891. On new or little-known Indian and Malayan reptiles and batrachians. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 6, 8: 288—292.
  4. Odorrana hosii (англ.). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Проверено 10 января 2013.
  5. Frost, Darrel R. Odorrana hosii (неопр.). Amphibian Species of the World 5.6, an Online Reference. American Museum of Natural History (2013). Проверено 6 апреля 2013.
  6. Odorrana hosii. AmphibiaWeb’s database
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Береговая лягушка: Brief Summary ( venäjä )

tarjonnut wikipedia русскую Википедию

Береговая лягушка (лат. Odorrana hosii) — вид земноводных из семейства настоящих лягушек. Эндемик Юго-Восточной Азии: Индонезия, Малайзия и Таиланд. Длина самцов 45—68 мм, самок 85—100 мм. Самки откладывают в воду от 500 до 2000 яиц. Встречаются около водопадов, в мелких водоёмах, ручьях в тропических лесах на высотах от 0 до 1700 м. Вид O. hosii был впервые описан в 1891 году бельгийско-британским зоологом Джорджем Альбертом Буленджером (George Albert Boulenger; 1858—1937) под первоначальным названием Rana hosii Boulenger, 1891. Назван в честь этнолога и зоолога Чарльза Хосе (Charles Hose, 1863—1929). Близок к видам Odorrana chloronota, Odorrana livida (Бирма) и Odorrana morafkai (Вьетнам), Odorrana megatympanum (Вьетнам).

Авторы и редакторы Википедии