Xenophyophoroidea Tendal 1972的圖片
Description: This is most likely the Xenophyophore Syringammina sp.
Xenophyophores are single celled organisms. The single cell branches and splits into hundreds of tubes which ramify and interconnect into a complex network. The test builds up as it proliferates, secreting a slimy organic cement. These are the largest structures produced by a single cell.
Item Type: Image
Title: Xenophyophore
Copyright: SERPENT
Species: Syringammina sp.
Site: Indian -- Indian Ocean -- East Africa -- Zafarani
Depth (m): 2601
Countries: East Africa -- Tanzania
Habitat: Benthic
Rig: Ocean Rig Poseidon
Project Partners: Statoil, Oceaneering
ROV: Millenium 93 and 73
Deposited By: Dr Andrew Gates
Deposited On: 19 April 2012