

The collection of images and videos was originally developed as an outreach effort of a multi partner research project called Aquaparadox, from Hutchinson s Paradox of the Plankton. In the project we examined morphological genetic and physiological diversity in common coastal protist morpho species, that is morphologically defined species. Subjects of study included a wide range of protists: 1- grazers of the sea, tintinnid ciliates 2- autotrophs, that is plant or phytoplankton forms the dinoflagellate Ceratium and the small flagellate Micromonas and 3- the dinoflagellate parasite Syndiniales. The project was financed from 2008 through 2011 and involved 4 laboratories. The Microbial Ecology Group of the Laboratoire d'Oceanographie de Villefranche, alas a now defunct group; The Oceanic Plankton Group in Roscoff; The Microbial Diversity and Evolution Group of the University of Paris XI Paris Sud; and the Virtual Biology Laboratory of the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis. Financial support was from the ANR and Pole Mer PACA France. http://aquaparadox.obs-vlfr.fr

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