Catherine A. Tauber, Francisco Sosa, Gilberto S. Albuquerque
Figure 26.Leucochrysa (Leucochrysa) pretiosa female genitalia. A Internal genital complex, including bursal glands B Bursal and spermathecal complexes, with subgenitale [Note the small pegs at the base of the bursal duct and the larger ones distally.] C Bursal and spermathecal complexes D Spermathecal complex [Note the large spermathecal invagination that tapers to a narrow tubule in the upper part of the bowl.] E Tip of bursa copulatrix with granulose, conical connection with bursal gland (A–D Cayo District, Belize; E State of Carabobo, Venezuela). Abbreviations: b.c. bursa copulatrix b.d. bursal duct b.gl. bursal gland b.gl.c. connection between bursal gland and bursa copulatrix inv spermathecal invagination lpeg large peg on distal part of bursal duct sg subgenitale sp spermatheca speg small peg on basal part of bursal duct sp.d. spermathecal duct sp.d.-t brushy terminus of spermathecal duct.
Vladimir N. Makarkin, Qiang Yang, Chaofan Shi, Dong Ren
Figure 5.Liminympha makarkini Ren & Engel, 2007. Wing venation of the holotype CNU-NEU-NN1999024 A right forewing B left forewing C right hind wing D left hind wing. Scale bar = 5 mm (all to scale).
Catherine A. Tauber, J. Allan Garland
Figure 5.Kymachrysa intacta external adult features. Note variation in the presence, darkness, and size of head and thoracic markings. A–C Head (dorsal) D, E Head (frontal) F Head, prothorax (lateral) G, H Head, prothorax, mesothorax (dorsal) I Thorax (dorsal) J Head, thorax (lateral) A, D, G, I, J California, TRC B, E, F, H Colorado, TRC; C New York, TRC.
Randers Fjord
Ulla Hau, Fårø, Gotland, Sverige
Samos, Greece
Randers Fjord
Patrícia S. Silva, Catherine A. Tauber, Gilberto S. Albuquerque, Maurice J. Tauber
Figure 17.Chrysopodes (Chrysopodes) geayi, third instar A Thorax, dorsal B Abdominal segments A1 to A4, dorsal C Abdominal segments A5 to A10, dorsal. Abbreviations: A5, A6, A8, A10 abdominal segments A2R1 double row of submedian setae (SMS) on anterior fold of second abdominal segment A2R2 double/triple row of SMS on posterior fold of second abdominal segment A3R1 double row of SMS on anterior fold of third abdominal segment A3R2 double/triple row of SMS on posterior fold of third abdominal segment A6LDT, A6LT laterodorsal tubercle, lateral tubercle on sixth abdominal segment sp spiracle (on anterior subsegment of mesothorax) T1LT prothoracic lateral tubercle T1Sc1 first primary prothoracic sclerite T2Sc3 third primary mesothoracic sclerite T3R1 row of long, sturdy, thorny setae on raised posterior fold of metathorax.
Vladimir N. Makarkin, Qiang Yang, Chaofan Shi, Dong Ren
Figure 6.Basal portion of forewings of the Middle Jurassic Nymphidae showing the recurrent veinlet (rv) and the anterior subcosta (ScA) A the holotype of Daonymphes bisulca gen. et sp. n., CNU-NEU-NN2011119 B the holotype of Liminympha makarkini Ren & Engel, 2007, CNU-NEU-NN1999024. Both wetted with ethanol. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Catherine A. Tauber, J. Allan Garland
Figure 8.A, B Integument of fifth abdominal sternite. A Kymachrysa placita, without microtholi [typical of Kymachrysa placita and some Kymachrysa intacta populations (see text)] B Kymachrysa intacta, with microtholi (typical of some populations). C, D Prothoracic tarsal claw. C Kymachrysa placita D Kymachrysa intacta. A Type, Colorado, MCZ; B California, TRC; C Wyoming, SDNHM; D Minnesota, CMNH.
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Ulla Hau, Fårø, Gotland, Sverige
Samos, Greece
Randers Fjord
Patrícia S. Silva, Catherine A. Tauber, Gilberto S. Albuquerque, Maurice J. Tauber
Figure 18.Chrysopodes (Chrysopodes) geayi, field-collected L3 with dorsal trash packet A Campos dos Goytacazes, Parque Estadual do Desengano, Babilônia, V-4-2003, Albuquerque, Tauber and Tauber (TRC) [Arrow indicates dorsum of head] B Santo Antônio do Imbé, Parque Estadual do Desengano, III-31-1999, Albuquerque, Tauber and Tauber (TRC).
Catherine A. Tauber, J. Allan Garland
Figure 6.Kymachrysa placita male abdomen. A Abdominal segments 3 to terminus (lateral), with genitalia everted B Gonarcal complex (dorsal) C Genitalia (everted–including gonapsis, lateral) D Gonapsis (ventral) E Hypandrium internum nestled within membrane [Gonapsis not in focus, shown for relative scale]. All Types, Colorado, MCZ Abbreviations: gc gonocornu gps gonapsis g.a. gonarcal apodeme g.b. gonarcal bridge g.c. gonarcal complex h.i. V-shaped hypandrium internum med mediuncus m.s. membranous sac S7 seventh sternite S8+9 fused eighth and ninth sternites Tx tergite, number T9+e fused ninth tergite and ectoproct.
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Ulla Hau, Fårø, Gotland, Sverige