CBG Photography Group. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. CBG Photography Group. Year: 2016. Contact: collectionsBIO@gmail.com.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
An absolutely astonishing evening I had with good friends Graham Bailey and Don Down. An evening totally eclipsing my previous highest count of 197 species, from this very site a few years back now. The weather was perfect, a little breezy at first but plenty of thin cloud cover and very mild.Do set his tripod up first and witin seconds things were flying around it, the usual stuff first and then a few specialities. It was a slow start mind and as we found out when we were packing up at 2am, species were still comng in!The traps on inspection as we slowly packed up, were brimming with moths and there were so many that it was difficult to breath in whilst looking through the catch with fear of inhaling one of the moths.Highlights for me were not one but two Marbled Green, we did see this moth here a few years ago, but both Graham and I attracted one each, a very special moth indeed. We also managed other resident specialities such as Garden Tiger, White-line Dart, Reed Dagger, Lappet and Silky Wainscot.All in all it was a night that I won't forget in a hurry and thoroughly worth the 2 hours of sleep I got before going to work in the morning!231 total species (150 Macros and 81 Micros)Numbers below are approximate and may be altered.Graham, please email me any corrections or additions, as it was very hard to keep up!12/07/13 Canvey Island - 2x 125w MV Robinson Trap, 1x Actinic/Synergetic bulb, 1x 160w MBT Trap and 1x 80w Actinic Trap run from 10.00pm until 2.00amMacro Moths 2x Angle Shades5x Barred Straw40+ Barred Yellow2x Beautiful Hook-tip1x Blackneck4x Blue-bordered Carpet3x Bordered Pug5x Bright-line Brown-eye10x Brimstone Moth1x Brindled White-spot1x Broad-barred White1x Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing1x Brown Silver-line2x Brown-line Bright-eye10x Brown-tail30+ Buff Arches5x Buff Footman3x Buff-tip1x Burnished Brass1x Chinese Character30+ Clay2x Cloaked Minor20+ Clouded Border2x Clouded Brindle30+ Clouded Silver1x Clouded-bordered Brindle2x Common Carpet5x Common Emerald10x Common Footman2x Common Marbled Carpet5x Common Rustic2x Common Wave5x Common White Wave3x Coxcomb Prominent10x Cream-bordered Green Pea20+ Dark Arches2x Dark Spinach1x Dark Sword-grass1x Dingy Shears2x Dotted Fan-foot20+ Dot Moth10x Double Square-spot1x Double-striped Pug5x Drinker2x Dun-bar5x Dusky Brocade3x Dwarf Cream Wave2x Early Thorn10x Elephant Hawk-moth2x Engrailed2x Eyed Hawk-moth2x Fan-foot1x Fen Wainscot20+ Flame30+ Flame Shoulder1x Foxglove Pug1x Garden Carpet2x Garden Tiger4x Ghost Moth5x Green Pug1x Green Silver-lines5x Grey Dagger2x Haworth's Pug4x Heart & Club5x Heart & Dart1x Herald2x Iron Prominent5x July Highflyer10+ Kent Black Arches2x Lackey2x Lappet10x Large Emerald3x Large Yellow Underwing1x Latticed Heath2x Least Carpet1x Least Yellow Underwing3x Leopard Moth1x Lesser Cream Wave2x Lesser Yellow Underwing5x Light Arches1x Light Brocade5x Light Emerald1x Lime Hawk-moth1x Lime-speck Pug1x Lunar-spotted Pinion6x Magpie2x Maple Prominent3x Marbled Beauty2x Marbled Green5x Marbled Minor10x Marbled White Spot8x Miller5x Mottled Beauty2x Mottled Rustic1x Mullein Wave1x Oak Eggar1x Oak nycteoline1x Orange Footman2x Pale Oak Beauty2x Pale Prominent2x Peach Blossom1x Pebble Hook-tip1x Pebble Prominent5x Peppered Moth1x Pine Hawk-moth10x Plain Pug2x Poplar Grey2x Poplar Hawk-moth2x Obscure Wainscot1x Reed Dagger15x Riband Wave1x Round-winged Muslin1x Ruby Tiger5x Rustic1x Scalloped Oak1x Scarce Silver-lines2x Setaceous Hebrew Character2x Shaded Broad-bar10x Shaded Pug2x Shark5x Sharp-angled Peacock3x Short-cloaked Moth5x Shoulder-striped Wainscot5x Silky Wainscot2x Silver-Y2x Single-dotted Wave8x Slender Pug2x Small Blood-vein1x Small Dotted Buff1x Small Emerald3x Small Scallop5x Smoky Wainscot2x Snout4x Southern Wainscot1x Spectacle2x Star-wort2x Straw Dot3x Suspected1x Swallow Prominent10x Swallow-tailed Moth2x Tawny Marbled Minor5x Uncertain3x V-pug2x Vapourer1x White Ermine10x White-line Dart2x White-point2x Willow Beauty3x Wormwood Pug2x Yellow Shell1x Yellow-tailMicro Moths1x Thiodia citrana [NEW!]3x Cnaemidophorus rhododactyla [NEW!]2x Trachycera marmorea [NEW!]1x Apotomis lineana [NEW!]1x Altenia scriptella [NEW!]1x Phlyctaenia stachydalis [NEW!]1x Phycitodes sp pos maritima [NEW!] to be gen det5x Phycita roborella1x Tinea semifulvella1x Caloptilia alchimiella2x Scythropia crataegella5x Yponomeuta evonymella2x Paraswammerdamia albicapitella5x Argyresthia brockeella10x Argyresthia goedartella2x Argyresthia curvella2x Plutella xylostella10x Coleophora sp2x Coleophora mayrella10x Blastobasis laticolella1x Hoffmannophila pseudospretella5x Batia unitella1x Batia lunaris2x Carcina quercana2x Anacampsis blattariella2x Emmelina monodactyla1x Adaina microdactyla2x Phtheochroa inopiana1x Agapeta hamana5x Cochylis hybridella2x Aethes rubigana1x Pandemis cerasana3x Pandemis heparana5x Archips podana5x Archips xylosteana2x Aphelia paleana2x Tortrix viridana20x Aleimma loeflingiana2x Acleris forsskaleana2x Epiphyas postvittana2x Ditula angustiorana5x Ephestia parasitella10x Trachycera advenella10x Udea prunalis5x Cnephasia sp5x Celypha striana2x Celypha lacunana1x Batrachedra praeangusta5x Apotomis capreana100+ Hedya salicella10x Epinotia biluna8x Gypsonoma dealbana2x Eucosma campoliliana2x Epiblema foenella5x Epiblema uddmanniana2x Aphomia sociella10x Synaphe punctalis30x Melissoblaptes zelleri5x Platytes alpinella5x Oncocera semirubella10x Calamotropha paludella5x Homoeosoma sinuella2x Crambus perlella5x Catoptria pinella2x Catoptria falsella5x Chrysoteuchia culmella5x Ancylis achatana1x Schoenobius gigantella4x Dipleurina lacustrata2x Accentria ephemerella2x Scoparia ambigualis2x Elophila nymphaeata2x Cataclysta lemnata1x Evergestis extimalis2x Pyrausta despicta4x Eurrhypara hortulata1x Sitochroa verticalis1x Ostrinia nubilalis2x Perinephela lancealis5x Phlyctaenia perlucidalis3x Ebulea crocealis
An absolutely astonishing evening I had with good friends Graham Bailey and Don Down. An evening totally eclipsing my previous highest count of 197 species, from this very site a few years back now. The weather was perfect, a little breezy at first but plenty of thin cloud cover and very mild.Do set his tripod up first and witin seconds things were flying around it, the usual stuff first and then a few specialities. It was a slow start mind and as we found out when we were packing up at 2am, species were still comng in!The traps on inspection as we slowly packed up, were brimming with moths and there were so many that it was difficult to breath in whilst looking through the catch with fear of inhaling one of the moths.Highlights for me were not one but two Marbled Green, we did see this moth here a few years ago, but both Graham and I attracted one each, a very special moth indeed. We also managed other resident specialities such as Garden Tiger, White-line Dart, Reed Dagger, Lappet and Silky Wainscot.All in all it was a night that I won't forget in a hurry and thoroughly worth the 2 hours of sleep I got before going to work in the morning!231 total species (150 Macros and 81 Micros)Numbers below are approximate and may be altered.Graham, please email me any corrections or additions, as it was very hard to keep up!12/07/13 Canvey Island - 2x 125w MV Robinson Trap, 1x Actinic/Synergetic bulb, 1x 160w MBT Trap and 1x 80w Actinic Trap run from 10.00pm until 2.00amMacro Moths 2x Angle Shades5x Barred Straw40+ Barred Yellow2x Beautiful Hook-tip1x Blackneck4x Blue-bordered Carpet3x Bordered Pug5x Bright-line Brown-eye10x Brimstone Moth1x Brindled White-spot1x Broad-barred White1x Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing1x Brown Silver-line2x Brown-line Bright-eye10x Brown-tail30+ Buff Arches5x Buff Footman3x Buff-tip1x Burnished Brass1x Chinese Character30+ Clay2x Cloaked Minor20+ Clouded Border2x Clouded Brindle30+ Clouded Silver1x Clouded-bordered Brindle2x Common Carpet5x Common Emerald10x Common Footman2x Common Marbled Carpet5x Common Rustic2x Common Wave5x Common White Wave3x Coxcomb Prominent10x Cream-bordered Green Pea20+ Dark Arches2x Dark Spinach1x Dark Sword-grass1x Dingy Shears2x Dotted Fan-foot20+ Dot Moth10x Double Square-spot1x Double-striped Pug5x Drinker2x Dun-bar5x Dusky Brocade3x Dwarf Cream Wave2x Early Thorn10x Elephant Hawk-moth2x Engrailed2x Eyed Hawk-moth2x Fan-foot1x Fen Wainscot20+ Flame30+ Flame Shoulder1x Foxglove Pug1x Garden Carpet2x Garden Tiger4x Ghost Moth5x Green Pug1x Green Silver-lines5x Grey Dagger2x Haworth's Pug4x Heart & Club5x Heart & Dart1x Herald2x Iron Prominent5x July Highflyer10+ Kent Black Arches2x Lackey2x Lappet10x Large Emerald3x Large Yellow Underwing1x Latticed Heath2x Least Carpet1x Least Yellow Underwing3x Leopard Moth1x Lesser Cream Wave2x Lesser Yellow Underwing5x Light Arches1x Light Brocade5x Light Emerald1x Lime Hawk-moth1x Lime-speck Pug1x Lunar-spotted Pinion6x Magpie2x Maple Prominent3x Marbled Beauty2x Marbled Green5x Marbled Minor10x Marbled White Spot8x Miller5x Mottled Beauty2x Mottled Rustic1x Mullein Wave1x Oak Eggar1x Oak nycteoline1x Orange Footman2x Pale Oak Beauty2x Pale Prominent2x Peach Blossom1x Pebble Hook-tip1x Pebble Prominent5x Peppered Moth1x Pine Hawk-moth10x Plain Pug2x Poplar Grey2x Poplar Hawk-moth2x Obscure Wainscot1x Reed Dagger15x Riband Wave1x Round-winged Muslin1x Ruby Tiger5x Rustic1x Scalloped Oak1x Scarce Silver-lines2x Setaceous Hebrew Character2x Shaded Broad-bar10x Shaded Pug2x Shark5x Sharp-angled Peacock3x Short-cloaked Moth5x Shoulder-striped Wainscot5x Silky Wainscot2x Silver-Y2x Single-dotted Wave8x Slender Pug2x Small Blood-vein1x Small Dotted Buff1x Small Emerald3x Small Scallop5x Smoky Wainscot2x Snout4x Southern Wainscot1x Spectacle2x Star-wort2x Straw Dot3x Suspected1x Swallow Prominent10x Swallow-tailed Moth2x Tawny Marbled Minor5x Uncertain3x V-pug2x Vapourer1x White Ermine10x White-line Dart2x White-point2x Willow Beauty3x Wormwood Pug2x Yellow Shell1x Yellow-tailMicro Moths1x Thiodia citrana [NEW!]3x Cnaemidophorus rhododactyla [NEW!]2x Trachycera marmorea [NEW!]1x Apotomis lineana [NEW!]1x Altenia scriptella [NEW!]1x Phlyctaenia stachydalis [NEW!]1x Phycitodes sp pos maritima [NEW!] to be gen det5x Phycita roborella1x Tinea semifulvella1x Caloptilia alchimiella2x Scythropia crataegella5x Yponomeuta evonymella2x Paraswammerdamia albicapitella5x Argyresthia brockeella10x Argyresthia goedartella2x Argyresthia curvella2x Plutella xylostella10x Coleophora sp2x Coleophora mayrella10x Blastobasis laticolella1x Hoffmannophila pseudospretella5x Batia unitella1x Batia lunaris2x Carcina quercana2x Anacampsis blattariella2x Emmelina monodactyla1x Adaina microdactyla2x Phtheochroa inopiana1x Agapeta hamana5x Cochylis hybridella2x Aethes rubigana1x Pandemis cerasana3x Pandemis heparana5x Archips podana5x Archips xylosteana2x Aphelia paleana2x Tortrix viridana20x Aleimma loeflingiana2x Acleris forsskaleana2x Epiphyas postvittana2x Ditula angustiorana5x Ephestia parasitella10x Trachycera advenella10x Udea prunalis5x Cnephasia sp5x Celypha striana2x Celypha lacunana1x Batrachedra praeangusta5x Apotomis capreana100+ Hedya salicella10x Epinotia biluna8x Gypsonoma dealbana2x Eucosma campoliliana2x Epiblema foenella5x Epiblema uddmanniana2x Aphomia sociella10x Synaphe punctalis30x Melissoblaptes zelleri5x Platytes alpinella5x Oncocera semirubella10x Calamotropha paludella5x Homoeosoma sinuella2x Crambus perlella5x Catoptria pinella2x Catoptria falsella5x Chrysoteuchia culmella5x Ancylis achatana1x Schoenobius gigantella4x Dipleurina lacustrata2x Accentria ephemerella2x Scoparia ambigualis2x Elophila nymphaeata2x Cataclysta lemnata1x Evergestis extimalis2x Pyrausta despicta4x Eurrhypara hortulata1x Sitochroa verticalis1x Ostrinia nubilalis2x Perinephela lancealis5x Phlyctaenia perlucidalis3x Ebulea crocealis