Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Cracca toxicaria (Sw.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 175. 1891
Galcga toxicaria Sw. Prodr. 108. 1788. Tephrosia toxicaria Pers. Syn. PI. 2: 328. 1807. Tephrosia Schiedeana Schlecht. Linnaea 12: 299. 1838.
A shrub, 5-15 dm. high, woody below; branches thick, sulcate, densely reddishor yellowish-vclutinous; leaves 2-3 dm. long; stipules setaceous, 1 cm. long, caducous, velutinous; petiole 1-3 cm. long, as well as the lachis densely velutinous, sulcate on the upper side;
* Type specimen not seen, but a specimen in fruit collected by M. K. Jones in Cayanopa Caflon is doubtfully referred to C. Thurberi, having shorter and more appressed pubescence and smaller leaflets. leaflets 21-4 I, linear-oblong or linear, 47 cm. long, 8-18 mm. wide, obtuse or acutish, mucronate at the apex, short-silky above, densely long-silky beneath; racemes terminal and in the upper axils, 1-2 dm. long, dense, many-flowered; flowers 3-6 at each node; bracts subulatesetaceous, acuminate, caducous; calyx densely reddish-velutinous, the tube 2.5-3 mm. long, the lobes ovate, 3 mm. long, abruptly acute; corolla whitish or pale-yellow, 1.5-20 mm. long; banner orbicular, silky on the back, short-clawed; wings obliquely oblanceolate, with a rounded basal auricle; pod 5-7 cm. long, 5-6 mm. wide, densely ferruginousvillous, I0-15-seeded; seeds 4 mm. long, 2.5 mm. broad.
Type locality: West Indies.
Distribution: Jamaica; southern Mexico to Bolivia, Northern Brazil, and Guiana.
- bibliographic citation
- Per Axel Rydberg. 1919. (ROSALES); FABACEAE; PSORALEAE. North American flora. vol 24(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY