
Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Pucciniola hedysari-obscuri (DC.) Arthur
Puccinia Hedysari-obscuri DC; Syn. PI. Gall. 46. 1806.
Uredo Hedysari-obscuri DC; Poir. in Lam. Encyc. 8: 222. 1808,
Aecidium Leguminosarum Unger, Einfl. Bodens 221, hyponym. 1836.
Uromyces Hedysari-obscuri Carest. & Pice. Erb. Critt. Ital. II. 447. 1871.
Uromyces Hedysari Fuckel, Jahrb. Nass. Ver. Nat. 29-30: 15. 1875.
Uromyces borealis Peck, Bot. Gaz. 6: 276. 1881.
Uromyces Hazslinszkii De-Toni, in Sacc. Syll. Fung. 7: 565. 1888.
Caeomurus Hazslinszkii Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 3^: 450. 1898.
Caeomurus Hedysari Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 33: 450. 1898.
Uromyces astragalicola P. Henn. Hedwigia 37: 268. 1898.
Uromycopsis astragalicola Arth. Result. Sci. Congr. Bot. Vienne 345. 1906.
Uromycopsis Hedysari-obscuri Arth. Result. Sci. Congr. Bot. Vienne 345. 1906.
Pycnia mostiy epiphyllous, few, gregarious in small groups, inconspicuous, brownish' globoid, 90-144 by 90-160 /x; ostiolar filaments short, 48-64 m-
Primary aecia amphigenous or petiolicolous, crowded in groups 0.2-1 cm. across; secondary aecia amphigenous, scattered or in small groups 0.8-1.5 imn. across, cupulate or short-cylindric, 0.1-0.5 mm. in diameter; peridium yellowish, the margin erose; peridial cells short-rectangular or rhombic in radial section, 13-19 by 15-32 ju, abutted or overlapping, the outer wall 7-9 ju thick, transversely striate, the inner wall 3-6 m thick, closely and finely verrucose; aeciospores angularly globoid or ellipsoid, 13-19 by 15-19 /*; wall colorless, thin, 1 fi,
closely and finely verrucose.
bibliographic citation
Joseph Charles Arthur, Herbert Spencer Jackson, Clayton Roberts Orton. 1921. (UREDINALES); AECIDIACEAE (continuatio); DICAEOMA ON CARDUACEAE; ALLODUS. North American flora. vol 7(6). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora