Desmanthus illinoensis, commonly known as Illinois bundleflower, prairie-mimosa or prickleweed, is a common plant in many areas of the south central and Midwestern US.
It can often be found growing on the sides of roads, particularly on southern exposures, needing full sun and ample moisture during its short growing season. The mature plants often grow and flower in mowed areas. In many parts of its native habitat, road sides are only mowed twice a year. In the late spring and again in late fall. The early mowing helps clear away competitors that might impede growth. The late mowing chops up the dry seed pods resulting in some scarification and resulting in better germination.
USDA Zones 5-8 are recommended for outside cultivation. The waxy seed coat needs to be scarified prior to planting.
Root bark of D. illinoensis has been found to contain N,N-DMT, NMT, N-hydroxy-N-methyltryptamine, 2-hydroxy-N-methyltryptamine, and gramine (toxic).
The plant is nutritious and high in protein.[3]
The Land Institute in Salina, Kansas has done extensive research into the food uses of the seeds of this plant. Studies found the dry seeds composed of 38% protein, compared to 40% for soybeans.[4]
To produce prairiehuasca, the root bark is mixed with a native source of beta-Carbolines (e.g., passion flower in North America) to produce a hallucinogenic plant concoction analogous to the shamanic South American brew ayahuasca.[5]
Desmanthus illinoensis, commonly known as Illinois bundleflower, prairie-mimosa or prickleweed, is a common plant in many areas of the south central and Midwestern US.
Desmanthus illinoensis ((Michaux) MacMillan ex B. L. Rob. & Fernald)[1], chiamata anche bundleflower o illinois, è una pianta originaria del Illinois, comunemente diffusa nel centro America.[2]
Si presenta come un arbusto infestante, piccolo e disteso, perenne, legnoso alla base. Si propaga fino a un metro di lunghezza, con steli striscianti. Le foglie sono lunghe dai 2 ai 6 cm, tutte glabre. Possiede baccelli ovoidi, corti ed incurvati; fiori con 5 o 10 stami. Le stipole hanno un margine alato alla loro base. Le radici sono fortemente ramificate. Cresce comunemente in assenza di altre piante formanti fittoni.[3]
Le piante del genere desmanthus sono una buona fonte di foraggio e le sementi forniscono cibo a uccelli, roditori e piccoli animali.
La pianta contiene dimetiltriptamina e gramina, anche se in quantità molto scarse.[4]
Desmanthus illinoensis ((Michaux) MacMillan ex B. L. Rob. & Fernald), chiamata anche bundleflower o illinois, è una pianta originaria del Illinois, comunemente diffusa nel centro America.
Acacia glandulosa é uma espécie de leguminosa do gênero Acacia, pertencente à família Fabaceae.[1]
Acacia glandulosa é uma espécie de leguminosa do gênero Acacia, pertencente à família Fabaceae.
Desmanthus illinoensis là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Đậu. Loài này được (Michx.) MacMill. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên.[2]
Desmanthus illinoensis là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Đậu. Loài này được (Michx.) MacMill. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên.
ハイクサネム(学名: Desmanthus illinoensis)は、マメ科タチクサネム属に属する植物の一種。アメリカゴウカン[1]、イリノイバンドルフラワー、プレーリー・ミモザとも呼ばれる。アメリカ合衆国の中南部から中西部に一般的な植物。水と光が豊富な道端で成長することがよくある。
本種の根に、幻覚作用を引き起こすジメチルトリプタミン (DMT) や、有毒成分のグラミンなどが含まれている[3]。