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Alpine Bearberry

Arctostaphylos alpinus (L.) Sprengel

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Arctous alpina (I/.) Niedzu. Bot. Jahrb. 11: 141. 1890
Arbutus alpina L. Sp. PI. 395. 1753.
Mairania alpina Desv. Jour. Bot. Desv. II. 1: 37. 1813.
Arctostaphylos alpina Spreng. Syst. 2: 287. 1825.
Plants with depressed, tufted, or matted branches, the twigs glabrous or nearly so; leafblades spatulate to obovate-spatulate, 1-3 cm. long, obtuse or acutish, finely serrate, reticulate-rugose, often ciliate, especially on the more or less elongate petiole; calyx 3-3.5 mm. wide, the lobes deltoid, acute; corolla white, broadly urceolate, 3.5-4.5 mm. long, the lobes long-ciliate ; drupes black or purple-black, 6-10 mm. in diameter.
Type I.OCALITY: Lapland. , , . .
Distribution : Greenland and Labrador to Newfoundland and Quebec, and on the nign mountains of New England; also in Eiwope and Asia. , ^n^ ^ , ^ ^«
bibliographic citation
John Kunkel Small, NathanieI Lord Britton, Per Axel Rydberg, LeRoy Abrams. 1914. ERICALES, CLETHRACEAE, LENNOACEAE, PTROLACEAE, MONOTROPACEAE, ERICACEAE, UVA-URSI. North American flora. vol 29(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora