Ecuador, Pichincha. Puerto Quito. 200m. 4.vi.1987.M. CooperDet: Wolfgang SchillerNote: A specimen det. by Wegrzynowicz is from Colombia and differs slightly in having the third black elytral transverse bound interrupted at sutura.
Alcornocales National Park, Cadiz Province, Andalucia Spain.
Alcornocales N.P. Andalucia, Spain
Alcornocales National Park, Cadiz Province, Andalucia Spain.
Alcornocales National Park, Cadiz Province, Andalucia Spain.
Photo by Luxmmi Varathan & Craig Perl.
There is only one in this genus in PNG, this one has 2 spots on the hind wing.Kumul Lodge, Enga province, Highlands,Papua New Guinea
Variata National Park, Port Moresby, PNG
Variata National Park, Port Moresby, PNG.
Plantation Rd, Canal Zone, Panama
Karavasta National Park, Albania.
Karavasta National Park, Albania.
Karavasta National Park, Albania.
A rare butterfly of the Ecuador cloud forests checks out a camp in the Condor Range, Ecuador-Peru border.
Riviere Noire, Black River, Mauritius
Photography by Helena Maratheftis
Sub-species to be specified.Cherine, La Brenne NP, France
Arizona, United States
From my trip to Thailand - May 28th - 4th June 2011, most moths were found at the various temples which had metal hallide bulbs fitted to them. The ones labelled 'Hang Dong' came to my 22w Actinic light.Please feel free to help aid identification or correct my proposed identifications.
Benaocaz, Cadiz Province, Andalucia, Spain
Arizona, United States