Anchusa milleri is a hispid and annual plant. Stems are simple or branched, procumbent. Leaves are 2-16 x 0.5-3 cm, oblanceolate to oblong, covered with short hairs and long bristles; the margin is entire or repand-denticulate; the apex is obtuse to acute; the base is attenuate. Petiole is 0.5-5 cm. Upper leaves are sessile. Inflorescence is leafy, raceme-like, and lax in fruit. Flowers are bracteate, and pedicellate. Bracts are foliose, and sessile; pedicel is 3-8 mm, and elongate in fruit. Calyx is 5-7 mm, and divided almost to base; the lobes are linear, and not accrescent in fruit. Corolla is 1-1.3 cm, white or pinkish; tube is 7-9 mm, straight; scales are 0.5 mm, and inserted at the corolla-throat, exserted, oblong, velutinous, the tips curved outwards; limb is 4-5 mm broad, and slightly zygomorphic; lobes are 1.5-2 mm, and broadly obovate. stamens are inserted at the middle of the tube, in 2 series of 2 and 3. Anthers are 1 mm, oblong- elliptic, and obtuse; ovary is glabrous; style is 2-2.5 mm, slender, and glabrous; stigma is 2-lobed; nutlets are 4, 3.5-4 x 2-2.5 mm, erect or slightly oblique; the inner face is flat, and the outer is convex, and reticulate-ribbed; the ribs are smooth, yellowish-brown, and glabrous.
Mareotic Sector, Galala Desert, Isthmic Desert at Maghara, Mountainous Southern Sinai.
Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia.
Sandy and calcareous desert wadis and plains.
Height: 10-50 cm.