Småland, Sweden
Renzo Perissinotto, Petr Šípek, Jonathan B. Ball
Figure 1.Trichostetha curlei sp. n.: Male dorsal (A) and ventral (B) habitus (length 18 mm) (Photos: L Clennell).
Øland, Sweden
Argelès sur Mer
Mjäryd, Småland, Sverige
Renzo Perissinotto, Petr Šípek, Jonathan B. Ball
Figure 4.Trichostetha curlei sp. n.: Male specimen in its natural habitat on the Elandsberg summit, November 2013 (Photo: JB Ball).
Allindelille Fredskov, Denmark
In captivity. I fangenskab
Viken, Sverige
Renzo Perissinotto, Petr Šípek, Jonathan B. Ball
Figure 2.Trichostetha curlei sp. n.: Dorsal (A) and lateral (B) view of aedeagus (length 6.8 mm) (Photos: L Clennell).
Allindelille Fredskov, Denmark
In captivity. I fangenskab
Damåkra ved Ravlunda, Skåne, Sverige
Renzo Perissinotto, Petr Šípek, Jonathan B. Ball
Figure 3.Trichostetha curlei sp. n.: Female dorsal (A) and ventral (B) habitus (length 17.3 mm) (Photo: L Clennell).
Anga Änga, Gotland, Sverige
Damåkra ved Ravlunda, Skåne, Sverige
Renzo Perissinotto, Petr Šípek, Jonathan B. Ball
Figure 5.Trichostetha curlei sp. n., third instar larva. A Habitus of fully grown larva (length 41 mm) B cranium C epipharynx D Labio-maxillar complex and hypopharynx, dorsal aspect E labio-maxillar complex and hypopharynx, ventral aspect F metathoracic leg, lateral aspect H antenna (G dorsal aspect H ventral aspect). Scale bars: 1 mm (Photos: P Šípek).
Allindelille Fredskov, Midtsjælland, Denmark
Anga Änga, Gotland, Sverige
Renzo Perissinotto, Petr Šípek, Jonathan B. Ball
Figure 6.Trichostetha curlei sp. n.,third instar larva. A, B, C Left mandible (A dorsal aspect B medial aspect C ventral aspect) D, E, F right mandible (D ventral aspect E medial aspect F dorsal aspect) G last abdominal segments, ventral aspect H thoracic spiracle. Scale bars: A–G – 1 mm, H – 0.1 mm (Photos: P Šípek).
Allindelille Fredskov ved Ringsted, Denmark
Alsterbro, Småland. Sweden
Renzo Perissinotto, Petr Šípek, Jonathan B. Ball
Figure 7.Trichostetha curlei sp. n.: Typical habitat on the southern slope of the Elandsberg range (Photo: R Perissinotto).
Haltorp, Øland, Sverige