Photomicrograph from specimen NMNZ Por 145
Photomicrograph showing eggs, specimen NMNZ Por 145
Photomicrograph of spicules from specimen NMNZ Por 145
Scanned from Dendy, 1922: pl. 7 fig. 10.
From Hiemstra & van Soest, 1991.
MNRJ 8926, specimen collected at Melinka, in the Chilean fjords, included in Willenz et al. (2009, as Higginsia papillosa).
Photograph of slide from type specimen BMNH
Photograph of spicules from the original slide
Type slide
Photograph of slide from type specimen
Photograph of spicules from the original slide
Photograph of original slides
Photograph of spicules from the original slide
Photograph of spicules from the original slide
Photograph of spicules from the original slide
Photo of preserved holotype.
Photo of specimen from stat. 27 assumed to be one of the paratypes.
Detail of the assumed paratype from stat. 27.
Holotype SMF 1618, A: fragments from holotype, B: long thin style (broken), B1 detail of head of long thin style, C: short thin style, C1 detail of head of short thin style, D short thick style, D1 detail of head of short thick style, E polyactines (From Van Soest et al. 2012).
Habit and SEM images of spicules, A1: Californian holotype, USNM 33630, encrusting a rock (scale = 1 cm), A2: Mexican Pacific specimen LEB-ICML-UNAM 1497, B cross section of peripheral region, C: thick section of basal mass of polyactines, D: fragments of long thin style, D1 microphoto of detail of rounded apex of long thin style, E: short thin style, F: short thick styles, G: three- to five-claded polyactines showing prominent bulbous ending of lateral cladi.
Holotype USNM 21412, A: massively encrusting shape with irregular surface (scale = 1 cm), B: long thin style, B1 detail of rounded end showing subterminal tyle, C: short thin centrotylote (strongylo-)style C1 detail of swollen roughened apex of short thin (strongylo-)style, D: short thick style, E: polyactines, E1 detail of basal cladus of polyactine, F diactinal polyactine.
Photo from one of Dendy's non-type slides showing polyactine with spined basal cladus and smooth lateral cladi.
Holotype AHF D33, A: shape of holotype (photo Phyllis Sun), B: long thin style, B1 detail of head of long thin style, C: details of short thin style, D: polyactines, D1 reduced diactinal polyactine, D2 detail of spination of basal clade of three-claded polyactine, D3 detail of apex of lateral clade of three-claded polyactine, E: trichodragmas.