Plate 8. Alexandrium tamiyavanichi. Figs. 1-3. LM. Fig. 1. Two cell chain: cells medium-sized; round to slightly wider than long. Epitheca with shoulders. Fig. 2. Cells stained with calcofluor white: cingulum displaced 1X its width; sulcus widens posteriorly. Fig. 3. Apical view: apical pore plate (Po) houses comma-shaped foramen. First apical plate (1') with ventral pore (vp). Figs. 4-5. Line drawings. Fig. 4. 1' plate in direct contact with Po. Po with large central foramen surrounded by small pores. Anterior sulcal plate (s.a.) invades epitheca; an anterior projection of s.a. fits into a notch in the 1' plate (arrows). Fig. 5. Ventral view: sulcal lists project anteriorly (arrows). Fig. 6. Posterior sulcal plate (s.p.) with round posterior attachment plate (pap) in center (arrow).
Plate 17. Dinophysis rotundata. Figs. 1-2. SEM: lateral view. Fig. 1. Cell broadly rounded. Small cap-like epitheca (e) not obscured by cingular lists. Right sulcal list (arrow). Fig. 2. Left sulcal list (LSL) (large arrow), over 1/2 the cell length, widens posteriorly. Surface pores present (small arrows). Figs. 3-4. LM (from Larsen & Moestrup 1992: figs. 8b,c). Fig. 3. Large food vacuoles (fv). LSL supported by three ribs (arrows). Widest width of cell between second and third rib. Fig. 4. Posterior nucleus (n). Fig. 5. Line drawing (as Phalacroma rotundata).
Plate 47. Prorocentrum minimum. Figs. 1-4. SEM. Fig. 1. Right valve. Cell oval; broad truncate apical region. Thecal surface with numerous short broad spines. Small scattered pores (arrows). Fig. 2. Lateral apical view. Periflagellar area with 2 pores: large flagellar (f) and small auxiliary (a). Small apical spine (arrowhead) adjacent to f; small curved forked periflagellar collar (arrow) adjacent to a. Intercalary band wide; transversely striated. Fig. 3. Cells oval; ventrally flattened. Fig. 4. Apical view. Short thecal spines and small scattered pores (arrows). Figs. 5-6. LM. Surface features and intercalary band visible. Fig. 7. Line drawing. (Figs. 1-6 after Faust 1974)