Ko te Tāwhai maunga he rākau whakakake o Aotearoa. He rākau rite ki tāwhai pango, he ririki, he matahua ngā rau, he hinauri te tīwai. He ingoa reo Māori anō, arā, he Tāwhai rauriki. Ko te ingoa pūtaiao ko Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides. Ko te ingoa i te reo Pākehā he Mountain Beech.
Ko te Tāwhai maunga he rākau whakakake o Aotearoa. He rākau rite ki tāwhai pango, he ririki, he matahua ngā rau, he hinauri te tīwai. He ingoa reo Māori anō, arā, he Tāwhai rauriki. Ko te ingoa pūtaiao ko Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides. Ko te ingoa i te reo Pākehā he Mountain Beech.
Nothofagus cliffortioides, commonly called mountain beech (Māori: tawhai rauriki), is a species of Southern beech tree and is endemic to New Zealand. Mountain beech grows in mountainous regions at high elevations. In New Zealand the taxon is called Fuscospora cliffortioides.[3][4] Nothofagus cliffortioides occupies a wider range of habitat than any other New Zealand tree species and it shows a corresponding range of life form, seeding habits, regenerative patterns, growth habits, growth rates, stand replacement and mortality patterns.[5]
Mountain beech grows to around 20 metres (66 ft)[6] but near the treeline forms a "goblin forest" where the trees are no more than 2 m (6 ft 7 in) tall. It also has leaves that are elongated and have a pointed end.
Mountain beech is eaten by the mountain beech flat moth (Proteodes carnifex), and is a host plant for the lichens Yarrumia colensoi and Podostictina degelii, and the fungi Annulohypoxylon bovei Rossbeevera pachydermis.[7]
Nothofagus cliffortioides, commonly called mountain beech (Māori: tawhai rauriki), is a species of Southern beech tree and is endemic to New Zealand. Mountain beech grows in mountainous regions at high elevations. In New Zealand the taxon is called Fuscospora cliffortioides. Nothofagus cliffortioides occupies a wider range of habitat than any other New Zealand tree species and it shows a corresponding range of life form, seeding habits, regenerative patterns, growth habits, growth rates, stand replacement and mortality patterns.
Mountain beech grows to around 20 metres (66 ft) but near the treeline forms a "goblin forest" where the trees are no more than 2 m (6 ft 7 in) tall. It also has leaves that are elongated and have a pointed end.