
Distribution Notes

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Reference for Kenya if not type: Bolton 1980
California Academy of Sciences
bibliographic citation
AntWeb. Version 8.45.1. California Academy of Science, online at https://www.antweb.org. Accessed 15 December 2022.
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Taxonomic History

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Tetramorium weitzeckeri Emery, 1895i PDF: 39 (w.) SOUTH AFRICA. Afrotropic. AntCat AntWiki HOL

Taxonomic history

[Misspelled as weitzekeri by Santschi, 1914e: 24.].Arnold, 1917 PDF: 346 (q.).Combination in Xiphomyrmex: Wheeler, 1922: 908.Combination in Tetramorium: Bolton, 1980 PDF: 233.Status as species: Forel, 1910f PDF: 428; Forel, 1913b PDF: 319; Santschi, 1914e: 24; Arnold, 1917 PDF: 345; Wheeler, 1922: 908; Emery, 1924f PDF: 288; Santschi, 1937d PDF: 232; Weber, 1943d PDF: 375; Bernard, 1953b PDF: 251; Prins, 1963 PDF: 104; Bolton, 1980 PDF: 233 (redescription); Bolton, 1995b: 416; Hita Garcia et al., 2010b PDF: 85 (redescription); Hita Garcia et al., 2013 PDF: 218; Hita Garcia & Fischer, 2014 PDF: 10 (in key); Madl, 2019 PDF: 16.Senior synonym of Tetramorium ebeninum: Bolton, 1980 PDF: 233; Bolton, 1995b: 416; Hita Garcia et al., 2010b PDF: 85.Senior synonym of Tetramorium weitzeckeri edithae: Bolton, 1980 PDF: 233; Bolton, 1995b: 416; Hita Garcia et al., 2010b PDF: 85.Senior synonym of Tetramorium escherichi: Bolton, 1980 PDF: 233; Bolton, 1995b: 416; Hita Garcia et al., 2010b PDF: 85.Senior synonym of Tetramorium weitzeckeri nigellus: Bolton, 1980 PDF: 233; Bolton, 1995b: 416; Hita Garcia et al., 2010b PDF: 85.
California Academy of Sciences
bibliographic citation
AntWeb. Version 8.45.1. California Academy of Science, online at https://www.antweb.org. Accessed 15 December 2022.
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Diagnostic Description

provided by Plazi (legacy text)

- [[ worker ]]. Ferruginea, abdomine obscuriore, mandibulis, antennis pedibusque testaceis, parce pilosa, pilis apice truncatis, tibiis oblique pubescentibus, capite thoraceque rude longitrorsum rugosis, fronte medio carinata, utrinque rugis 5 longitudinalibus, mandibulis striatulis, versus marginen inaequaliter

7 - dentatum nitidis, thoracis lateribus obtuse marginate, trilobis, metanoto spinis longis, paulo sursum curvatis, inter ipsas laevigato, ad insertionem pedunculi utrinque dente acuta, toto abdomine cum pedunculo nitidissima, ' hoc nodo Io squamiformi, lato, margine crasso, rotundato, 2 ° precedente purum latiore, transverse ovata. - Long. 3 1 / 2 mill. - Verulam (Natal); une [[ worker ]], recoltee par M. Weitzecker.

Par la forme du 1 er segment du pedicule fortement eleve, cette espece se rapproche de T. Bessoni Forel, de Madagascar. Elle en est, toutefois, bien differente par son thorax borde, la sculpture de la tete et du corselet et le pedicule beaucoup plus large, a n oe uds fortement transverses. La tete a une ponctuation fondamentale superficielle qui la rend presque mate et sur laquelle se detachent des rides elevees; les rides du front sont assez egales entre elles, celles des cotes de la tete forment reseau.

not applicable
bibliographic citation
Emery, C., 1895, Voyage de M. E. Simon dans l'Afrique australe (janvier-avril 1893). 3e mémoire. Formicides., Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, pp. 15-56, vol. 64
Emery, C.
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Plazi (legacy text)