Pleonotoma melioides (Bignoniaceae) based on Acevedo 9877 from Peru. Photo by P. Acevedo.
Pleonotoma melioides (Bignoniaceae) based on Acevedo 9877 from Peru. Photo by P. Acevedo.
Strong, M. T. & Kelloff, C. L. 5575; habit image.
Strong, M. T. & Kelloff, C. L. 5575; flowers image.
Photograph of Acuneanthus tinifolius.
Photograph of Cyrtandra lysiosepala.
Columnea pulcherrima (Gesneriaceae) based on Acevedo 6910 from Colombia. Photo by P. Acevedo.
Photograph of Columnea pulcherrima. Gesneriaceae
Photograph of Phlox multiflora.
Photograph of Rudbeckia hirta.
Photograph of Rudbeckia hirta.
Flower image. Strong, M. T. 5249. South Quay Sandhills Preserve. Off of South Quay Road (SR189) at end of Wyanoke Trail (SR747), GGI Gardens Project 2016
Photograph of Silene virginica.