Baccharis juncea (Asteraceae: Astereae: Baccharidinae) in a salt marsh along the Pampas lowland temperate grasslands along the Río de La Plata estuary at Montevideo, Uruguay.
Baccharis juncea (Asteraceae: Astereae: Baccharidinae) in a salt marsh along the Pampas lowland temperate grasslands along the Río de La Plata estuary at Montevideo, Uruguay.
Baccharis juncea (Asteraceae: Astereae: Baccharidinae) in a salt marsh along the Pampas lowland temperate grasslands along the Río de La Plata estuary at Montevideo, Uruguay.
Baccharis juncea (Asteraceae: Astereae: Baccharidinae) in a salt marsh along the Pampas lowland temperate grasslands along the Río de La Plata estuary at Montevideo, Uruguay.
Schorre in Nieuwpoort met links Engels gras (Armeria maritima) en rechts gewoon kweldergras (Atropis maritima, nu Puccinellia maritima). Datum: Augustus 1907 Plaats: Nieuwpoort (http://www.marineregions.org/gazetteer.php?p=details&id=90)
Leaves lanceolate, pointed at the apex and with a white undersurface. Singapore.
Habit of Avicennia marina in Gazi Bay (Kenya) showing uprooted pencil-like pneumatophores roots.
uprooted Avicennia marina
Newly established seedling_Gaoqiao, south-western China.
Leaves and mature fruit : leaves opposite ,simple, ovale (to elliptic), 59-129 mm L, 26-53 mm W, apex mostly rounded, upper-surface bright satiny green and under-surface pale finely pubescent. Fruit pod enclosing one propagule ellipsoidal 21-23 mm L, 12-15 mm W_Gaoqiao, south-western China
Roots pencil-like pneumatophores. Mangrove of Cubatão (São Paulo - Brazil).
Dense, thick stands with thin stems of Aegiceras corniculatum_Gaoqiao,south-western China
Leaves simple, elliptic, alternate, spirally arranged.Apex slightly emarginate. Salt encrusted leaves_Gaoqiao,south-western China.
Stem base and part of unearthed roots system (normally under ground)_Gaoqiao, south-western China.
Fruit : capsule enclosing 1 propagule, horn-shaped,pointed apically, curved (5-8cm L), crypto-viviparous_Gaoqiao, south-western China.
De foto werd genomen in het supralittoraal van de Baai Van Heist