Public Domain 2011 Annette Olson Courtesy of
NBII images
Category hierarchy: Animals | ReptilesDescription: A rat snake, estimated to be > 5 feet in length, in tree branches approximately 5 feet high over bank of the Potamac River, Maryland.Capture device: Sony CyberShot DSC-P200 digitalLocality: Latitude: 3.951704250000000e+001; Longitude: -7.786249590000000e+001Life stage: Adult
Public Domain 2011 Annette Olson Courtesy of
NBII images
Category hierarchy: Animals | ReptilesDescription: A rat snake, estimated to be > 5 feet in length, in tree branches approximately 5 feet high over bank of the Potamac River, Maryland.Capture device: Sony CyberShot DSC-P200 digitalLocality: Latitude: 3.951704250000000e+001; Longitude: -7.786249590000000e+001Life stage: Adult