Xiudan Wang, Yan Shi, Zongqing Wang, Yanli Che
Figures 1–20.1–2 Salganea quinquedentata sp. n., male: 1 holotype, dorsal view 2 same, ventral view 3–4 Salganea quinquedentata sp. n., nymph: 3 paratype, dorsal view 4 same, ventral view 5–6 Salganea anisodonta sp. n., male: 5 holotype, dorsal view 6 same, ventral view 7–8 Salganea taiwanensis Roth, 1979, male: 7 holotype of Panesthia concinna Feng & Woo, 1990, dorsal view 8 same, ventral view 9–10 Salganea guangxiensis (Feng & Woo, 1990), male: 9 holotype of Panesthia guangxiensis Feng & Woo, 1990, dorsal view 10 same, ventral view 11–12 Salganea incerta (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893), male: 11 dorsal view 12 ventral view 13–14 Salganea incerta (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893), nymph: 13 dorsal view 14 ventral view 15–16 Salganea raggei Roth, 1979, male: 15 dorsal view 16 ventral view 17–18 Salganea raggei Roth, 1979, nymph: 17 dorsal view 18 ventral view 19–20 Salganea flexibilis sp. n., male: 19 holotype, dorsal view 20 same, ventral view. Scale bars = 1.0 cm.
Figure 9.Types (scale bars = 1 cm). Liturgusa neblina Svenson, 2014 holotype female (USNM ENT 00873998): A dorsal habitus B ventral habitus C labels. Liturgusa zoae Svenson, 2014 holotype male (USNM ENT 00873990): D dorsal habitus E ventral habitus F labels.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
I kultur
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Sardinien, Italien
Michael S. Engel, David A. Grimaldi, Paul C. Nascimbene, Hukam Singh
Figure 3.Details of Parastylotermes krishnai Engel & Grimaldi, sp. n., holotype (Tad-277). A Forewing venation B Clypeus (from Tad-96) C Pretarsus, tarsus, and extreme apex of tibia D Detail of spur.
Zongqing Wang, Keliang Wu, Yanli Che
Figures 39–65.39–48 Pseudophoraspis recurvata sp. n. 49–57 Pseudophoraspis incurvata sp. n. 58–65 Pseudophoraspis clavellata sp. n. 39, 49, 59 supra-anal plate, ventral view 40, 50, 60 paraproct, caudal view 41, 51, 61 hypandrium, dorsal view 42, 52, 62 complex L1 43, 44, 53, 63 complex L2, dorsal view (43 specimen from “Hainan” 44 specimen from “Guangxi”) 54 complex L2, lateral view 45–48, 55–57, 64–65 sclerite R2 (45–47 specimen from “Hainan” 48 specimen from “Guangxi”) 58 1st segment of hind tarsus. Scale bars=0.5mm.
Figures 14–19.14–17 Genuotermes spinifer worker gut in situ. 14 Dorsal 15 Right 16 Ventral 17 Left (MT = mesenteric tongue; P1 = first proctodeal segment (ileum); P3a and b = third proctodeal segment (paunch); P4a = first part of fourth proctodeal segment (colon) 18 Malpighian tubules insertion 19 Worker mandibles, dorsal view.
Figure 38.Arenivaga darwini, distribution.
Figure 12.Arenivaga adamsi, a dorsal habitus b ventral habitus c pronotum d head.
Xiudan Wang, Yan Shi, Zongqing Wang, Yanli Che
Figures 50–60.Salganea incerta (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893) 50 vertex and pronotum, male 51 vertex and pronotum, female 52 abdominal tergum 7, dorsal view 53 abdominal sternite 7 of male, ventral view 54 abdominal sternite 7 of female, ventral view 55 supra-anal plate and paraprocts, ventral view 56 hind margin of supra-anal plate, ventral view 57 subgenital plate, dorsal view 58 left phallomere (L1) 59 median phallomere (L2vm and L2d) 60 right phallomere (R2). Scale bars = 1.0 mm (Figs 50–54), 0.5 mm (Figs 55–60).
Xiudan Wang, Yan Shi, Zongqing Wang, Yanli Che
Figures 61–68.Salganea raggei Roth, 1979 61 vertex and pronotum 62 abdominal tergum 7, dorsal view 63 abdominal sternite 7, ventral view 64 supra-anal plate and paraprocts, ventral view 65 subgenital plate, dorsal view 66 left phallomere (L1) 67 median phallomere (L2vm and L2d) 68 right phallomere (R2). Scale bars = 1.0 mm (Figs 61–64), 0.5 mm (Figs 65–68).
Figure 9.Types (scale bars = 1 cm). Liturgusa neblina Svenson, 2014 holotype female (USNM ENT 00873998): A dorsal habitus B ventral habitus C labels. Liturgusa zoae Svenson, 2014 holotype male (USNM ENT 00873990): D dorsal habitus E ventral habitus F labels.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Glatved Strand
Michael S. Engel, David A. Grimaldi, Paul C. Nascimbene, Hukam Singh
Figure 2.Photomicrographs of dealate male and female of Prostylotermes kamboja Engel & Grimaldi, gen. et sp. n. (Stylotermitidae: Tad-321C). A Dorsal view of female B Ventral view of female C Ventral view of male. Not to the same scale.
Zongqing Wang, Keliang Wu, Yanli Che
Figures 1–14.1–4 Pseudophoraspis fruhstorferi Shelford, male: 1 dorsal view 2 ventral view; female: 3 dorsal view 4 ventral view; 5–6 Pseudophoraspis tramlapensis Anisyutkin, male: 5 dorsal view 6 ventral view; 7–8 Pseudophoraspis kabakovi Anisyutkin, male: 7 dorsal view 8 ventral view; 9–10 Pseudophoraspis clavellata sp. n., male: 9 holotype, dorsal view 10 holotype, ventral view; 11–12 Pseudophoraspis recurvata sp. n., male: 11 holotype, dorsal view 12 holotype, ventral view; 13–14 Pseudophoraspis incurvata sp. n., male: 13 holotype, dorsal view 14 holotype, ventral view. Scale bars=1cm.
Figures 20–21.Genuotermes spinifer worker gizzard: 20 Columnar and pulvillar belts 21 Detail of ornamentation on the columns.
Figure 39.Arenivaga delicata, a dorsal habitus b ventral habitus c pronotum d head.
Figure 13.Arenivaga adamsi, genitalia: a right dorsal phallomere b right ventral phallomere c small central sclerite d genital hook e left phallomere. Arrow(s) indicate diagnostic characters (see text).
Xiudan Wang, Yan Shi, Zongqing Wang, Yanli Che
Figures 29–36.Salganea anisodonta sp. n. 29 vertex and pronotum 30 abdominal tergum 7, dorsal view 31 abdominal sternite 7, ventral view 32 supra-anal plate and paraprocts, ventral view 33 subgenital plate, dorsal view 34 left phallomere (L1) 35 median phallomere (L2vm and L2d) 36 right phallomere (R2). Scale bars = 1.0 mm (Figs 29–33), 0.5 mm (Figs 34–36).
Xiudan Wang, Yan Shi, Zongqing Wang, Yanli Che
Figures 80–97.80–88 tegmina: 80–81 left and right tegmina of one specimen (Salganea quinquedentata sp. n.), dorsal view 82 Salganea anisodonta sp. n. 83–84 Salganea taiwanensis Roth, 1979 85–86 Salganea incerta (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893) 87–88 Salganea raggei Roth, 1979 89–97 wings: 89–90 left and right wings of one specimen (Salganea quinquedentata sp. n.), dorsal view 91 Salganea anisodonta sp. n. 92–93 Salganea taiwanensis Roth, 1979 94–95 Salganea incerta (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893) 96–97 Salganea raggei Roth, 1979. Scale bars = 4.0 mm.
Figure 10.Types (scale bars = 1 cm). Liturgusa zoae Svenson, 2014 allotype female (USNM ENT 00873991): A dorsal habitus B ventral habitus C labels. Mantis viridis Saussure, 1872 holotype female (USNM ENT 00873982): D dorsal habitus E ventral habitus F labels.