Mushroom Observer Image 592398: Agaricus L.
Mushroom Observer Image 459526: Ganoderma oregonense Murrill
Mushroom Observer Image 561042: Stropharia rugosoannulata Farl. ex Murrill
Mushroom Observer Image 112685: Phlebia incarnata (Schwein.) Nakasone & Burds.
Mushroom Observer Image 134972: Dendrocollybia racemosa (Pers.) R.H. Petersen & Redhead
Mushroom Observer Image 553096: Heimioporus australis Fechner & Halling
Mushroom Observer Image 76716: Stropharia ambigua (Peck) Zeller
Mushroom Observer Image 35331: Galerina clavata (Velen.) Kuhner
Mushroom Observer Image 874897: Niveoporofomes spraguei (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) B.K. Cui, M.L. Han & Y.C. Dai
Mushroom Observer Image 374340: Macrocybe titans (H.E. Bigelow & Kimbr.) Pegler, Lodge & Nakasone
Mushroom Observer Image 253703: Ramalina farinacea (L.) Ach.
Mushroom Observer Image 978478: Grifola frondosa sensu auct. amer.
Mushroom Observer Image 374836: Laccaria bicolor (Maire) P.D. Orton
Mushroom Observer Image 167707: Macrolepiota Singer
Mushroom Observer Image 550458: Degelia Arv. & D.J. Galloway
Mushroom Observer Image 380870: Stropharia hornemannii (Fr.) S. Lundell & Nannf.
Partly crushed Pilobolus sporangium showing spores appearing around the edge
Gerald Holmes, Valent USA Corporation, Bugwood.org
EOL staff
Fusarium root rot and wilt Fusarium oxysporum E.F. Sm. & Swingle Descriptor: Asexual Spore Description: Macroconidia of Fusarium oxysporum (400X). December 1991 Image type: Laboratory Image view: Identifying Feature Image location: Riverside County, California, United States - See more at: http://www.insectimages.org/browse/detail.cfm?imgnum=1570296#sthash.luwYaquF.dpuf Insect Images is a project of the Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health. The University of Georgia - Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources and College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences - Department of EntomologyInsect Images is a project of the
Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health.
The University of Georgia -
Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources and
College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences -
Department of Entomology - See more at: http://www.insectimages.org/browse/detail.cfm?imgnum=1570296#sthash.luwYaquF.dpuf
Descriptor: Asexual Spore Description: Macroconidia of Fusarium oxysporum (400X). December 1991 Image type: Laboratory Image view: Identifying Feature Image location: Riverside County, California, United States - See more at: http://www.insectimages.org/browse/detail.cfm?imgnum=1570296#sthash.luwYaquF.dpuf
This 1971 image depicted a Sabourauds dextrose agar slant culture, which had cultivated a colony of Prototheca filamenta algal organisms. This alga lacks the presence of plastids, and is therefore, achlorophyllous.Created: 1971
Randers Fjord
Kårsavagge, Swedish Lapland
Munkholm Skov, Mariager, Danmark