Spirillina obconica sensu Jones, R.W. 1994. The Challenger Foraminifera. Image source: Brady, H.B. (1884) Pl. 85
Spirillina obconica?. Image source: Cushman, J.A. 1931. The Foraminifera of the Atlantic Ocean. Part 8. Rotaliidae, Amphisteginidae, Calcarinidae, Cymbaloporettidae, Globorotaliidae, Anomalinidae, Planorbulinidae, Rupertiidae and Homotremidae. Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus. 104.
Auckland Islands
Image source: Cushman, J.A. 1931. The Foraminifera of the Atlantic Ocean. Part 8. Rotaliidae, Amphisteginidae, Calcarinidae, Cymbaloporettidae, Globorotaliidae, Anomalinidae, Planorbulinidae, Rupertiidae and Homotremidae. Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus. 104.
Spirillina vivipara sensu Jones, R.W. 1994. The Challenger Foraminifera. Image source: Brady, H.B. (1884) Pl. 85
Image source: Cushman, J.A. 1931. The Foraminifera of the Atlantic Ocean. Part 8. Rotaliidae, Amphisteginidae, Calcarinidae, Cymbaloporettidae, Globorotaliidae, Anomalinidae, Planorbulinidae, Rupertiidae and Homotremidae. Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus. 104.
Image source: Cushman, J.A. 1915. A Monograph of the Foraminifera of the North Pacific Ocean. Part V. Rotaliidae. Bull. U.S. Nation. Mus 71: vii+87 pp.+31 pls.
Image source: Cushman, J.A. 1915. A Monograph of the Foraminifera of the North Pacific Ocean. Part V. Rotaliidae. Bull. U.S. Nation. Mus 71: vii+87 pp.+31 pls.
Coromandel, Cuvier Island, 15 m depth; of pl. 3 in Hayward, B.W., Grenfell, H.R., Reid, C.M., Hayward, K.A. 1999. Recent New Zealand shallow-water benthic Foraminifera: Taxonomy, ecologic distribution, biogeography, and use in paleoenvironmental assessment. Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Monograph 21, 258 p.
Spirillina denticulata sensu Jones, R.W. 1994. The Challenger Foraminifera. Image source: Brady, H.B. (1884) Pl. 85
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 319, Figs. 17-22: Holocene. 17-19, S. Atlantic, at 118m, spiral side, edge, and umbilical side of hypotype, x 168; 20-22, Falkland Islands, S. Atlantic, at 454 m, opposite sides and edge view of lectotype (BMNH ZF 3568), x 180 (from Loeblich and Tappan, 1964).
Northland, Cavalli Islands, 29 m depth; Pl.3 in Hayward, B.W., Grenfell, H.R., Reid, C.M., Hayward, K.A. 1999. Recent New Zealand shallow-water benthic Foraminifera: Taxonomy, ecologic distribution, biogeography, and use in paleoenvironmental assessment. Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Monograph 21, 258 p.
Northland, Cavalli Islands, 3 m depth; of pl. 3 in Hayward, B.W., Grenfell, H.R., Reid, C.M., Hayward, K.A. 1999. Recent New Zealand shallow-water benthic Foraminifera: Taxonomy, ecologic distribution, biogeography, and use in paleoenvironmental assessment. Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Monograph 21, 258 p.
Mychostomina revertens sensu Jones, R.W. 1994. The Challenger Foraminifera. Image source: Brady, H.B. (1884) Pl. 85
Northland, Cavalli Islands, 5 m depth; of pl. 3 in Hayward, B.W., Grenfell, H.R., Reid, C.M., Hayward, K.A. 1999. Recent New Zealand shallow-water benthic Foraminifera: Taxonomy, ecologic distribution, biogeography, and use in paleoenvironmental assessment. Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Monograph 21, 258 p.
Northland, Tutukaka Harbour, 15 m; of pl. 3 in Hayward, B.W., Grenfell, H.R., Reid, C.M., Hayward, K.A. 1999. Recent New Zealand shallow-water benthic Foraminifera: Taxonomy, ecologic distribution, biogeography, and use in paleoenvironmental assessment. Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Monograph 21, 258 p.
Image source: Cushman, J.A. 1931. The Foraminifera of the Atlantic Ocean. Part 8. Rotaliidae, Amphisteginidae, Calcarinidae, Cymbaloporettidae, Globorotaliidae, Anomalinidae, Planorbulinidae, Rupertiidae and Homotremidae. Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus. 104.
Auckland Islands
Spirillina tuberculata sensu Jones, R.W. 1994. The Challenger Foraminifera. Image source: Brady, H.B. (1884) Pl. 85
Image source: Cushman, J.A. 1915. A Monograph of the Foraminifera of the North Pacific Ocean. Part V. Rotaliidae. Bull. U.S. Nation. Mus 71: vii+87 pp.+31 pls.
Image source: Cushman, J.A. 1915. A Monograph of the Foraminifera of the North Pacific Ocean. Part V. Rotaliidae. Bull. U.S. Nation. Mus 71: vii+87 pp.+31 pls.
Image source: Cushman, J.A. 1915. A Monograph of the Foraminifera of the North Pacific Ocean. Part V. Rotaliidae. Bull. U.S. Nation. Mus 71: vii+87 pp.+31 pls.
Image source: Todd, R. 1965. The Foraminifera of the Tropical Pacific Collections of the ”Albatross”, 1899-1900. Part 4. Rotaliform families and planktonic families [End of Volume]. Bull. U.S. Nation. Mus 161: v+139 pp.+28 pls.
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 320, Figs. 1-3: Holocene, Pacific, Hood Island, Galapagos, at 30 m. Spiral side, edge, and umbilical views of holotype, x 165 (from McCulloch, 1977). courtesy of Michael Hesemann https://foraminifera.eu