Very clear body, lipid stores sometimes have an orange color.
Abdomen of the female contains 2 free segments, of the male – 4. P5 in males contains both the right and left leg, both four-segmented. P1 with a three segmented endopodite, the third segment carries 2 outer spines. There is no coating of small spines on the thorax or abdomen.
North Atlantic, Chukchi Sea, Bering Sea, Sea of Okhotsk, Sea of Japan. For Kosobokova & al. (2010) Eucalanus bungii bungii is an expatriate species from Pacific to the Arctic Ocean Basins, because the reproduction is not assumed in polar waters.
Oceanic, epi-bathypelagic species. Rises to the surface during cooler surface temperatures.
Large, very clear copepod with an elongate cephalothorax. Swimming appendages are separated from the mouthparts, creating a large, appendage-less area. Head is very long and triangle shaped, with lateral widenings and a sharp tip. Rostral filaments long, fused at the base. The last thoracic segment does not have extending posterior corners. The last abdominal segment is fused with the caudal rami. There is no coating of small spines on the thorax or abdomen. The left caudal ramus is slightly larger than the right, the second terminal cheata is significantly longer on the left ramus, than on the right. Endopodite of the mandibular palpus contains three long and one short chaetae. A1 longer than the body.
Cephalothorax is elongate, as in the female, but the tip of the head is much more blunt. Abdomen is 5-segmented, the last segment is fused with the caudal rami. The left caudal ramus is slightly longer than the right. A1 is shorter than the body. Mouthparts are reduced to a large extent. P5 uniramous, four-segmented, the left leg is longer than the right.
Females: 5,51-8,00 mm
Males: 4,80-6,20 mm
Filter feeder. Males, most likely, do not feed due to reduced mouth parts.