

provided by NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates

“Neojaera elongatus, new species

Synonyms: None.

Diagnosis: First antenna with six articles. Lateral margin cephalon with two stout setae. Lateral margin pleotelson with 7 stout setae. Endopod of second male pleopod coiled at apex. First male pleopod with pre-apical angle spiniform and not reaching apex.

Measurements: Holotype male length 2.5 mm, width 0.45 mm.

Type locality and types: Central Chile, Montemar (N. of Valparaiso), Estacien de biologla marina, tidal belt, rocks with rock pools, St. M 123, male and female types .

Distribution: Besides the types, specimens were also collected from Northern Chile at Iquique, St. M 131, twenty four specimens, and St. M 135; Central Chile,. St. M 123, one female.

Affinities: This species is quite distinct from all previously described forms in having such a short pre-apical angle on the first pleopod and in the small number of stout setae at the margin of the head; also distinctive is the small lobate frontal margin of the cephalon.”

(Menzies, Robert, 1962: 76-78)