
Brief Summary

provided by Ecomare
Shore crabs, also known as green crabs, are the crabs you find the most along Dutch shores. They are native to the North Sea, but have managed to spread throughout the world in a very short time. Due to the invasion of European shore crabs in American waters, this species is listed number 18 out of the 100 most damaging intruders in the world. You don't have to search for long to find one if you're by the sea. Birds don't have to wait long either; during low tide, lots of crabs are eaten. The crab itself thinks it can handle its enemies and will courageously try to pinch your fingers or toes should you encounter one. Shore crabs are the 'garbage collectors of the sea'; they eat whatever is dead or sick. On the tidal flats, they eat all sorts of benthic animals.
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