Body transparent with a yellow tint.
Neritic species.
Female: Brood chamber (shell) oval in shape and directed backwards. Body stout, wide. Head with a sucker. Antennules small, their base carries 4 aesthetacs. Swimming antennae biramous; carry 7 setae on exopodite and 6 on endopodite. Leg 1 is longer and wider than the rest, carries 2 distal setae on exopodite. Legs 2-4 carry 1, 1, and 2 setae on the exopodite. The endopodite of leg 1 carries 8 setae; the other legs less. Abdominal claws are large, covered with setae. A small tube-shaped caudal stem is present; it carries 2 two-segmented, plumose caudal setae.
Male: Is distinguished by a very large head; the presence of copulatory organs and the structure of leg 1, which is shorter than in female. The abdominal claws are even larger than in female.
Length of female 0.8-1.0 mm, male - 0.9 mm.