in gravels at base of road cut in platy bedded, shaley Cretaceous limestone. Photo taken just after dawn.
in gravels at base of road cut in platy bedded, shaley Cretaceous limestone. Photo taken just after dawn.
2000 California Academy of Sciences
Plant on fine, silty sands of gently sloping coastal plain.
Plant on fine, silty sands of gently sloping coastal plain.
on gravelly, coarse granitic soil, lower slope below transmission tower topping small exposed igneous hill on NW side of town.
on gravelly, coarse granitic soil, lower slope below transmission tower topping small exposed igneous hill on NW side of town.
plants on open stretch of sandy soil in shallow drainage of wash draining coastal plain between low volcanic hills, with Lotus strigosus, Lupinus arizonicus, Datura discolor, Matelea pringlei,
plants on open stretch of sandy soil in shallow drainage of wash draining coastal plain between low volcanic hills, with Lotus strigosus, Lupinus arizonicus, Datura discolor, Matelea pringlei,
plants on open stretch of sandy soil in shallow drainage of wash draining coastal plain between low volcanic hills, with Lotus strigosus, Lupinus arizonicus, Datura discolor, Matelea pringlei,
plants on open stretch of sandy soil in shallow drainage of wash draining coastal plain between low volcanic hills, with Lotus strigosus, Lupinus arizonicus, Datura discolor, Matelea pringlei,
plants on open stretch of sandy soil in shallow drainage of wash draining coastal plain between low volcanic hills, with Lotus strigosus, Lupinus arizonicus, Datura discolor, Matelea pringlei,
2007 California Academy of Sciences
part of the Mentzelia key refers to petaloid filaments which you can see here. Between the five large petals are petaloid filaments with anthers at their tips!
Leaf: lower 2--9 cm, 6--40 mm wide, oblanceolate to elliptic, +- wavy-dentate, upper shorter, deltate to cordate, base clasping.
Fruit: erect, 5--10 mm, 6--11 mm wide, cup-shaped.