close up image of Comandra umbellata FALSE TOADFLAX at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - a lone specimen with emerging bloom pods
close up image of Comandra umbellata FALSE TOADFLAX at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - several blooms open showing stigma and anther detailThis species is featured in the soon-to-be-published book, Abundant Splendor: Wildflowers of the Prairie. Contact frank@black-sweater-art.com for more information.
close up image of Comandra umbellata FALSE TOADFLAX at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - a lone specimen with buds turning white, about to begin bloom
2012-05-11 Burgenland, district Neusiedl/See, meadow near Zitzmannsdorfer Wiesen (outside National Park)German name: Mittel-LeinblattGenus Thesium consists of a very few semi-parasitic species, of which none is too common and most are very rare. This one here, Th. linophyllum, is common enough only in Eastern, Pannonian Austria but rare elsewhere.Even so it does appear rarer than it seems to be because most of its habitats (dry, nutrient-poor meadows) have been destroyed in the last two or three decades, and in its habitats their tiny flowers, pretty only when you look at them from close, are overlooked by most, as their habitats are home to several more spectacular orchid and iris species. They're spectacular enough for my money, those Thesium flowers which don't even have a 'proper' common name.
Cabo Delgado Province, Mozambique
Cabo Delgado Province, Mozambique
La Plata, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina
A species from northeastern Argentina with unusual leaves. Sombra de toro belongs in the Santalaceae family or the Cervantesiaceae family, depending on authority. Buenas Aires Botanical Gardens.
Hulumoa or KaumahanaSantalaceae (Sandalwood family)Endemic to the Hawaiian Islands (All the main islands except Niihau and Kahoolawe)Aiea Ridge Trail, OahuKorthalsella are parasitic plants. This species is host on a number of plant species and is the most widespread of the Korthalsella sp. in the Hawaiian Islands.The host in this photo is koa (Acacia koa).
Words borrowed! "Choretrum candollei is a member of the Santalaceae. The species that make up this family are hemiparasites. Their leaves are able to photosynthesise but have to obtain water and soluble salts from host plants. Choretrum candollei is a root parasite and is endemic to Australia. In effect the species is an underground mistletoe."Common and widespread; conspicuous bush when in flower.
Close-up of the minute but abundant flowers.Choretrum candollei is a member of the Santalaceae. The species that make up this family are hemiparasites. Their leaves are able to photosynthesise but have to obtain water and soluble salts from host plants. Choretrum candollei is a root parasite and is endemic to Australia . In effect the species is an underground mistletoe.
Hulumoa or Kauai korthal mistletoeSantalaceae (Sandalwood family)Endemic to the Hawaiian IslandsKaala, OahuKorthalsella are parasitic plants. This species is host specific on species of Myrsine and Metrosideros. The host in this photo is klea lau lii (Myrsine sandwicensis).
California, United States
California, United States
Heau or Gaudichaud's exocarposSantalaceaeEndemic to the Hawaiian IslandsEndangeredPalikea, Oahu
Heau or Gaudichaud's exocarposSantalaceaeEndemic to the Hawaiian IslandsEndangeredPalikea, Oahu
HulumoaSantalaceae (Sandalwood family)Indigenous to the Hawaiian IslandsKaala, OahuKorthalsella are parasitic plants. This species is host specific on species of Metrosideros, Diopsyros, Chamaesyce, and Sapindus. The host in this photo is hia (Metrosideros sp.).
Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia
Lonavala, Maharashtra, India
Lonavala, Maharashtra, India
Gibraltar, Gibraltar
Gibraltar, Gibraltar
Gibraltar, Gibraltar