Close-up image. Ingram, K. 55. US Botanic Garden: Terrace, GGI Gardens Project 2016.
Habit image. Ingram, K. 55. US Botanic Garden: Terrace, GGI Gardens Project 2016.
Habit image. Vo, S. 100. US Botanic Garden: Terrace, GGI Gardens Project 2016.
Sign image. Vo, S. 100. US Botanic Garden: Terrace, GGI Gardens Project 2016.
Close-up image. Vo, S. 100. US Botanic Garden: Terrace, GGI Gardens Project 2016.
Cornutia obovata (Lamiaceae) based on Acevedo 13397 from Puerto Rico. Photo by P. Acevedo.
Photograph of Cornutia obovata.
Photograph of Cornutia obovata.
Photograph of Haplostachys haplostachya. Cultivated National Tropical Botanical Garden.
Photograph of Haplostachys haplostachya. Cultivated National Tropical Botanical Garden.
Photograph of Haplostachys haplostachya. Cultivated National Tropical Botanical Garden.
Photograph of Lamium purpureum.
Strong, M. T., 6249. Habit: flowers. Physostegia virginiana.
Strong, M. T., 6249. Habit: habit. Physostegia virginiana.
Strong, M. T., 6252. Habit: flowers. Physostegia virginiana.
Strong, M. T., 6252. Habit: habit. Physostegia virginiana.
Photograph of Clerodendrum chinense.
Photograph of Clerodendrum chinense.
Photograph of Clerodendrum chinense.
Strong, M. T. & Kelloff, C. L. 5641; flowers image.
Strong, M. T. & Kelloff, C. L. 5641; habit image.
Salvia purpurea (Lamiaceae) based on Acevedo 16472 from Mexico. Photo by P. Acevedo.