Family: NyctaginaceaeDistribution: Common in fields and open places, Through out the year, in Tropics.Diffuse herbs with woody root stock, branches 25-50 cm long appressed to the ground. Leaves opposite, in unequal pairs, sub cordate at the base, 1.5-5cm broadly ovate or elliptic -oblong, sub fleshy, (thick)slighitly whitish beeath, margin undulate.Flowers 2-4mm across, pale pink, 4-10 in umbels, forming axillary or terminal panicles. Perianth monopyllus, petaloid, limb companulate, very short, 2-mm long, 5 lobed, stamens 5 connate below the ovary, exerted filaments unequal, ovary oblique, stipitate, stigma peltate, Anthocarps 2-2.5mm oblong, pubescent.Photographed at Nellore, A.P of India. Reference: Flora of Nellore district by B.Suryanarayana and A.S.Rao, ENVIS