Benoit Vincent, Michel Laguerre
Figures 13–18.Penis of Lophocampa species. 13 Lophocampa atriceps (Hampson, 1901), specimen from Ecuador 14 Lophocampa hyalinipuncta (Rothschild, 1909), specimen from Ecuador 15 Lophocampa flavodorsata sp. n., Holotype 16 Lophocampa sullivani sp. n., Holotype 17 Lophocampa griseidorsata sp. n., Holotype 18 Lophocampa herbini sp. n., Holotype.
Figures 9–16.Adults. 9, 10 Lygephila amasina 9 male, Turkey, slide No. OP1959m 10 female, Lebanon, slide No. OP1960f 11, 12 Lygephila colorata 11 paratype, male, Pakistan, slide No. OP1969m 12 paratype, female, Pakistan, slide No. OP1970f 13, 14 Lygephila alaica 13 male, Tajikistan, slide No. OP1819m 14 female, Uzbekistan, slide No. OP1792f 15, 16 Lygephila subpicata 15 male, Iran, Zagros Mts, slide No. OP2002m 16 paratype, female, Iran, Semnan slide No. OP2060f.
Benoit Vincent, Michel Laguerre
Figures 19–24.Female genitalia of Lophocampa species. 19 Lophocampa atriceps (Hampson, 1901), specimen from Ecuador 20 Lophocampa hyalinipuncta (Rothschild, 1909), specimen from Ecuador 21 Lophocampa flavodorsata sp. n., Allotype female 22 Lophocampa sullivani sp. n., Allotype female 23 Lophocampa griseidorsata sp. n., Allotype female 24 Lophocampa herbini sp. n., Allotype female.
Figures 31–38.Clasping apparatus 31 Lygephila pallida Cotype, Turkey, Zeitun, slide No. OP1933m 32 Lygephila subpicata Iran, Prov. Fars, slide No. OP2002m 33, 34 Lygephila moellendorffi paralectrotype, N Korea, slide No. VK210394-10 ZIN (photo V. Kononenko) 35, 37 Lygephila minima sp. n. holotype, South Russia, Stavropol krai, slide No. 0329Matov (photo A. Matov) 36, 38 paratype, male, South Russia, Stavropol krai, slide No. OP1607m.
Lars G. Crabo, Melanie Davis, Paul Hammond, Tomas Mustelin, Jon Shepard
Figures 1–20.Adults of Erebidae and Noctuidae. 1 Cycnia oregonensis tristis Crabo, male paratype, WA, Thurston Co., Plumb 2 Cycnia oregonensis oregonensis (Stretch), male, Canada, BC, 5 mi W of Nelson 3 Drasteria parallela Crabo & Mustelin, male paratype, WA, Chelan Co., Chumstick Mountain 4 Drasteria convergens Mustelin, male, CA, Mono Co., Lee Vining 5 Drasteria divergens (Behr), male, WA, Garfield Co., FR40 at Sunset Point 6 Eudryas brevipennis bonneville Shepard & Crabo, female paratype, ID, [Gooding Co.], Wendell 7 Eudryas brevipennis brevipennis Stretch, male, USA, CA, [Riverside Co.], Riverside 8 Eudryas unio (Hübner), male, USA, MA, Norfolk Co., Ponkapoag Bog 9 Resapamea diluvius Crabo, male paratype, WA, Grant Co., Potholes 10 Resapamea diluvius Crabo, female paratype, WA, Grant Co., Potholes 11 Resapamea diluvius Crabo, female paratype, WA, Adams Co., Washtucna 12 Resapamea passer (Guenée), male, Canada, SK, 2 mi N Burstall 13 Resapamea passer (Guenée), male, USA, WA, Island Co., Joseph Whidbey State Park 14 Resapamea passer (Guenée), female, USA, Douglas Co., Badger Mountain 15 Resapamea angelika Crabo, male holotype, USA, NV, Elko Co., Angel Lake 16 Resapamea innota (Smith), male, USA, OR, Lake Co., Bull Prairie 17 Resapamea mammuthus Crabo, male holotype, Canada, YT, Old Crow 18 Resapamea hedeni (Graeser), male, Russia, Magadan Oblast, Tenkinsky District, Stokovyi 19 Resapamea species, possibly Resapamea hedeni, female, USA, AK, Unalakleet 20 Resapamea species, possibly Resapamea mammuthus, female, Canada, NWT, Aklavik.
Figures 68–70.Vesica structure of Lygephila subpicata Iran, Prov. Fars, slide No. OP2002m 68 dorsal view 69 ventral view 70 sublateral view.
Lars G. Crabo, Melanie Davis, Paul Hammond, Tomas Mustelin, Jon Shepard
Figures 32–37.Male genitalia of Erebidae and Noctuidae. Ventral or right aspect of aedeagus is shown. 32 Cycnia oregonensis tristis Crabo, paratype, USA, WA, Thurston Co., Plumb (ventral aspect) 33 Drasteria parallela Crabo & Mustelin, paratype, USA, WA, Klickitat Co., Simcoe Butte 34 Drasteria convergens Mustelin, USA, CA, Mono Co., Lee Vining 35 Drasteria divergens (Behr), USA, OR, Baker Co., Burnt River Canyon 36 Eudryas brevipennis bonneville Shepard & Crabo, paratype, USA, ID, Twin Falls Co., Buhl 37 Eudryas unio (Hübner), USA, MA, Norfolk Co., Ponkapoag Bog.
Figures 71–73.Vesica structure of Lygephila subpicata Iran, Prov. Fars, slide No. OP2002m 71 sublateral view opposite side 72 lateral view 73 lateral view opposite side.
Bernardo A. Espinoza, Daniel H. Janzen, Winnie Hallwachs, J. Bolling Sullivan
Figures 1–4.Adults of Idalus paulae sp. n. and Idalus maesi faustinoi subsp. n. a dorsal view, b ventral view. 1a, b Idalus paulae, sp. n., male holotype, INB0004301794 2a, b Idalus paulae sp. n., female paratype, INB0003520571 3a, b Idalus maesi faustinoi, subsp. n., male holotype, BAES000004 4a, b Idalus maesi faustinoi, subsp. n., female, BAES000012
Figures 76–85.Female genitalia. 76, 77 Lygephila lusoria lusoria 76 Hungary, slide No. OP1954f 77 Ukraine, Crimea, slide No. OP2053f 78–80 Lygephila lusoria glycyrrhizae 78 Spain, slide No. OP1978f 79 Spain, slide OP2137f 80 Spain, slide No. OP2265f 81 Lygephila amasina Lebanon, slide No. OP1960f 82 Lygephila colorata paratype, Pakistan, slide No. OP1970f 83 Lygephila pallida Turkey, Palandoeken, slide No. OP2070f 84 Lygephila subpicata paratype, Iran, Semnan, slide No. OP2060f 85 Lygephila alaica Tajikistan, Gissar Mts, slide No. OP1568f.
Bernardo A. Espinoza, Daniel H. Janzen, Winnie Hallwachs, J. Bolling Sullivan
Figures 5–6.Male genitalia of Idalus. a ventral view of genital capsule b lateral view of genital capsule c left lateral view of aedeagus 5a, b, c Idalus paulae, paratype, INBIOCRI000014399 6a, b, c Idalus maesi faustinoi, paratype, BAES000017
Figures 1–8.Adults. 1–4 Lygephila lusoria lusoria 1 male, Hungary, slide No. OP1953m 2 female, Hungary, slide No. OP1954f 3 male, S Ural, slide No. OP2122m 4 female, France, slide No. OP2264f 5–7 Lygephila lusoria glycyrrhizae 5 male, Spain, Andalusia, slide No. OP1977m 6 female, Spain, Andalusia, slide No. OP1978f 7 female, Spain, Granada, slide No. OP2265f 8 Lygephila moellendorffi paratype, male, N Korea (photo A. Matov).
Bernardo A. Espinoza, Daniel H. Janzen, Winnie Hallwachs, J. Bolling Sullivan
Figures 7–8.Female genitalia of Idalus. 7 Idalus paulae, paratype, INB0003520571, ventral view 8 Idalus maesi faustinoi, BAES000024, ventral view.
Figures 31–38.Clasping apparatus 31 Lygephila pallida Cotype, Turkey, Zeitun, slide No. OP1933m 32 Lygephila subpicata Iran, Prov. Fars, slide No. OP2002m 33, 34 Lygephila moellendorffi paralectrotype, N Korea, slide No. VK210394-10 ZIN (photo V. Kononenko) 35, 37 Lygephila minima sp. n. holotype, South Russia, Stavropol krai, slide No. 0329Matov (photo A. Matov) 36, 38 paratype, male, South Russia, Stavropol krai, slide No. OP1607m.
Figures 9–16.Adults. 9, 10 Lygephila amasina 9 male, Turkey, slide No. OP1959m 10 female, Lebanon, slide No. OP1960f 11, 12 Lygephila colorata 11 paratype, male, Pakistan, slide No. OP1969m 12 paratype, female, Pakistan, slide No. OP1970f 13, 14 Lygephila alaica 13 male, Tajikistan, slide No. OP1819m 14 female, Uzbekistan, slide No. OP1792f 15, 16 Lygephila subpicata 15 male, Iran, Zagros Mts, slide No. OP2002m 16 paratype, female, Iran, Semnan slide No. OP2060f.
Figures 25–30.Clasping apparatus 25 Lygephila lusoria lusoria Hungary, slide No. OP1953m 26 Lygephila lusoria glycyrrhizae Spain, slide No. OP1977m 27 Lygephila amasina Turkey, slide No. OP1959m 28 Lygephila fereudun Type, Iran, Elburz, after Wiltshire (1961) 29 Lygephila alaica Tajikistan, Gissar Mts, slide No. OP1819m 30 Lygephila colorata paratype, Pakistan, slide No. OP1969m.
Figures 74, 75.Vesica structure of Lygephila alaica Tajikistan, Gissar Mts, slide No. OP1819m 74 dorsal view 75 ventral view.
Figures 76–85.Female genitalia. 76, 77 Lygephila lusoria lusoria 76 Hungary, slide No. OP1954f 77 Ukraine, Crimea, slide No. OP2053f 78–80 Lygephila lusoria glycyrrhizae 78 Spain, slide No. OP1978f 79 Spain, slide OP2137f 80 Spain, slide No. OP2265f 81 Lygephila amasina Lebanon, slide No. OP1960f 82 Lygephila colorata paratype, Pakistan, slide No. OP1970f 83 Lygephila pallida Turkey, Palandoeken, slide No. OP2070f 84 Lygephila subpicata paratype, Iran, Semnan, slide No. OP2060f 85 Lygephila alaica Tajikistan, Gissar Mts, slide No. OP1568f.
Tentative i.d.