Anthemis hyalina is a rare annual of the arid Middle East. In Israel it is endangered. It is characterized by papery (hyaline) flowering head bracts.
Anthemis hyalina is a rare annual of the arid Middle East. In Israel it is endangered. It is characterized by papery (hyaline) flowering head bracts.
All plants in population of several hundred had the 2-tipped rays
A rare annual. The outer flowering head bracts are papery.
This weed occurs in dense stands in the river channel.
All plants in population of several hundred had the 2-tipped rays
A rare annual. The outer flowering head bracts are papery.
Receptacle is elongated and paleate. In this photo flowers have been removed from an early fruiting head by gently scraping flowers away with the tip of a pen knife. This technique works for Matricaria, and should work for Tripleurospermum and Chamaemelum.
A rare annual. The outer flowering head bracts are papery.
vouchered by Dean Wm. Taylor #15098 (JEPS backlog as of 8.2001)
Anthemis melampodina is a desert annual. Often is has a creeping habit as seen here. Irs delicate stems and modest look form its beauty.
This species is common in Mt Hermon, mostly it doesn't have the whitish ligules. Occassionally u can see them, like in this one. Each plant has several to dozens of flowering heads on long stems.
Mayweed, Dog Fennel or Stinking Chamomile common names. Strong odor
This delicate and beautiful annual forms atttractive small carpets.