Hadsund Syd
Årvik, Hordaland, Norge
Hobro, Jylland, Danmark
Løvenholm Skov
Hadsund Syd
Hevring Hede
Katbjerg Odde
Haslund Skov
Enebærbakken, Højkol
Mols Bjerge, Denmark
Hevring Hede
Hadsund Syd
Arden, Sjælland, Danmark
Liang Tang, Li-Zhen Li, Guang-Hong Cao
Figures 7–12.Adult habitus of Dianous.7–10 Dianous zhujianqingi 11, 12 Dianous huanghaoi. Scales = 1 mm.
Donald S. Chandler, Michael S. Caterino
Figure 19.Oropodes tongva A Dorsal and right lateral view of male genitalia B Posterior view of right male profemur and protibia, mesotibia, and metatibia C Ventral view of male third ventrite D Ventral view of male sixth ventrite E Dorsal view of female genitalia F Dorsal view of female fifth ventrite. Scale line equals 0.1 mm.
Zhong Peng, Li-Zhen Li, Mei-Jun Zhao
Figure 1.Male habitus of Lathrobium spp., A Lathrobium acutissimum B Lathrobium hailuogouense C Lathrobium labahense. Scales: 1.0 mm.
Zhong Peng, Li-Zhen Li, Mei-Jun Zhao
Figure 2.Habitus of Lathrobium spp., A Lathrobium tangi B Lathrobium obstipum. Scale bars: 1.0 mm.
Figures 17–25. 17–22, 24, 25. Aedeagi of Stenus and Dianous 23 Internal plate of aedeagus of Stenus. 17 Stenus juno 18 Stenus secretus 19 Stenus alienus20 Stenus scabratus 21 Stenus deceptiosus 22, 23 Stenus falsator24 Dianous inaequalis inaequalis 25Dianous chinensis. Scales = 0.25 mm.
Figure 2.Diagnostic features of male Megatyrus schuelkei. A antenna B maxillary palpus C tergite VIII D sternite VIII E sternite IX F aedeagus, in dorsal view G same, in lateral view. Scales (mm): A = 0.5; B, C, D, F, G = 0.2; E = 0.1.
Figure 1.Habitus of Derops spp., A Derops hainanus Zhao & Li, sp. n. B Derops yunnanus Zhao & Li, sp. n. C Derops punctipennis Schülke D Derops schillhammeri Schülke E Derops smetanai Schülke; F Derops dingshanus Watanabe. Scale bars: 1.0 mm.
Shûhei Yamamoto, Munetoshi Maruyama
Figures 5–12.Tetrasticta gnatha sp. n. 5 male tergite VIII, dorsal view 6 female tergite VIII, dorsal view 7 male sternite VIII, ventral view 8 female sternite VIII, ventral view 9 median lobe of aedeagus, lateral view 10 ditto, ventral view 11 apical lobe of paramerite 12 spermatheca.
Figures 1–5.Habitus of Dianous. 1 Dianous cyaneovirens (Myanmar) 2 Dianous cyaneovirens (Nepal) 3 D. haraldi 4, 5 Dianous yao. Scales = 1 mm.
Ting Feng, Michael Schülke, Li-Zhen Li
Figure 1.Habitus. A Tachinus armatus, male holotype B Tachinus armatus, female C Tachinus cavazzutii, male holotype D Tachinus cavazzutii, female. Scales: 2 mm.