Catch Report - 29/05/12 - Bayfordbury University GroundsSo far behind with my moth reports so here goes!This was another trip to the university grounds at Bayfordbury that started well, then got awful as my generator failed then gladly picked up as the static 125w MV picked up some good species and 1 new one for me in the form of Coleophora striatipennella.A very mild night but quite windy at times. Catch Report - Bayfordbury University 29/05/12 - 2x 125w MV Robinson Traps9.45pm to 12amMacro Moths1x Turnip Moth [NFY]1x Pine Hawk-moth [NFY]1x Grey Pug [NFY]1x The Fern [NFY]1x Common Marbled Carpet [NFY]1x Heart & Dart [NFY]1x Small Waved Umber1x Garden Carpet12x Green Carpet7x Silver-Y3x Setaceous Hebrew Character5x Rustic Shoulder-knot10x Common Swift3x Pale Tussock17x Treble Lines2x Cinnabar3x Brimstone Moth2x Light Emerald2x Poplar Hawk-moth3x Flame Shoulder1x Clouded Border2x Common Pug1x Dwarf Pug4x Light Brocade1x Common Wave1x Large Nutmeg1x Scorched CarpetMicro Moths1x Coleophora striatipennella [NEW!]2x Epiblema trimaculana [NFY]1x Dichrorampha plumbagana [NFY]3x Celypha lacunana4x Crambus lathoniellus2x Epiblema cynosbatella
Hemel Hempstead Field Trip - 12/07/13Last night David and myself paid a visit to Roughdown Common in search of some more species to add to the site list, and to hopefully find the Pale Shining Brown. In short we didn't get the target species, but it was nothingto be disheartened by, as we were actually running out of pots and energyto keep up with the amount of moths (particularly micros of which there were some good species)The night was warm, still and cloudy and the absolute perfect night for mothingand easily the warmest night so far with a steady 20c as were turning up at 9pm.We managed to go all out and setup 4 traps running off the genny.Of all of the 4 traps, both the MV's did very well, but the 80w Actinic impressed with the amount of micros that were found in and around it, the Skinner trapwas literally covered with them.The sky did eventually clear but the temperature when we packed up at 2am was still a great 15c.The amount of Coronets was a shock with at least 15 recorded between all 4 traps. Other good moths included Bordered Pug, Pretty Chalk Carpet, Blackneck, Dark Umber and BrownScallop.The micros were even more of a surprise, with some still to check.Numbers below are approximate.159 species total(91 Macro - 68 Micro) 12/07/13 - Roughdown Common - 2x 125w MV Robinson Trap, 1x 160w MBT Trap & 1x 80w Actinic Trap run from 9.45pm until 2.00amMacro Moths1x Barred Yellow3x Beautiful Golden-Y2x Beautiful Hook-tip1x Blackneck3x Blue-bordered Carpet4x Bordered Pug2x Bright-line Brown-eye5x Brimstone Moth2x Broad-barred White1x Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing2x Brown Rustic4x Brown Scallop1x Brown-line Bright-eye5x Buff Arches1x Buff Ermine1x Buff-tip1x Burnished Brass5x Clay2x Clouded Border2x Clouded Brindle20x Clouded Silver2x Clouded-bordered Brindle2x Common Carpet3x Common Emerald2x Common Footman2x Common Marbled Carpet1x Common Wainscot3x Common White Wave15x Coronet1x Currant Pug20x Dark Arches4x Dark Umber4x Dot Moth15x Double Square-spot2x Dusky Brocade6X Elephant Hawk-moth3x Fan-foot3x Fern1x Figure of Eighty8x Flame10x Flame Shoulder1x Garden Carpet8x Ghost Moth6x Green Pug1x Green Silver-lines3x Grey Dagger1x Haworth's Pug8x Heart & Club5x Heart & Dart2x Ingrailed Clay1x Iron Prominent4x July Highflyer2x Large Yellow Underwing2x Light Arches10x Light Emerald2x Lime-speck Pug1x Lobster Moth5x Maple Prominent10x Marbled Minor4x Miller12x Mottled Beauty1x Mottled Rustic1x Pale Mottled Willow3x Peach Blossom10x Peppered Moth2x Plain Golden-Y2x Poplar Grey3x Pretty Chalk Carpet10x Riband Wave4x Rustic2x Scarce Footman1x Shaded Broad-bar1x Shark2x Short-cloaked Moth3x Shoulder-striped Wainscot1x Single-dotted Wave2x Small Elephant Hawk-moth2x Small Emerald1x Small Fan-fooed Wave1x Small Rivulet1x Small Square-spot1x Small Yellow Wave5x Snout1x Spectacle5x Straw Dot8x Swallow-tailed Moth2x Tawny Marbled Minor5x Uncertain2x V-Pug2x Wormwood PugMicro Moths 1x Coleophora trifolii [NEW!]1x Caloptilia sp pos populetorum [NEW!]1x Monopis obviella [NEW!]1x Epinotia tedella [NEW!]1x Epinotia tenerana [NEW!]2x Eucosma conterminana [NEW!]1x Merrifieldia sp pos baliodactylus [NEW!]1x Teleoides vulgella [NEW!]2x Celypha striana2x Eupoecilia angustana20x Aleimma loeflingiana5x Archips podana2x Celypha lacunana1x Cochylis hybridella2x Crambus lathoniellus15x Pandemis cerasana2x Prays fraxinella2x Crambus perlella2x Eurrhypara hortulata2x Spilonota ocellana2x Aphomia sociella5x Lathronympha strigana2x Scoparia ambigualis3x Scoparia pyralella1x Agapeta hamana4x Agapeta zoegana2x Epiblema uddmanniana10x Eucosma cana3x Eucosma campoliliana10x Hedya pruniana2x Hedya nubiferana1x Agonopterix arenella1x Batia unitella2x Dipleurina lacustrata5x Metzneria metzneriella3x Pseudargyrotoza conwagana4x Ditula angustiorana10x Chrysoteuchia culmella40x Tortrix viridana3x Udea olivalis1x Udea prunalis1x Pterophorus pentadactyla5x Coleophora sp1x Emmelina monodactyla1x Aethes cnicana2x Cochylimorpha straminea1x Blastobasis laticolella1x Argyresthia goedartella1x Pseudoswammerdamia combinella1x Pleuroptya ruralis2x Endotricha flammealis2x Argyresthia spinosella1x Epiblema foenella2x Ephestia parasitella10x Epinotia brunnichana2x Epinotia abbreviana2x Epiblema trimaculana2x Aphelia paleana4x Ancylis achatana2x Yponomeuta evonymella5x Archips xylosteana3x Phycita roborella1x Catoptria falsella4x Cydia splendana1x Eudonia pallida1x Blastodacna hellerella1x Anthophila fabriciana2x Scythropia crataegella
Catch Report - 21/07/11 - Farmland/Back Garden - HertfordshireAnother pleasing trap full of moths, it certainly was a Prominent night with Pebble, Maple and Iron Prominent turning up! quite out of the blue as well, and although listed as common, it's the first i've seen of the unusually late Iron and Maple Prom'sMouse Moth and Coleophora mayrella were both new for the year and 2x Bulrush Wainscot's were new for the garden!Catch Report - 21/07/11 - 1x 125w MV Robinson Trap - Farmland/back garden Macro Moths3x Beautiful Hook-tip1x Bright-line Brown-eye1x Brimstone Moth2x Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing1x Buff-tip2x Bulrush Wainscot [NFY]1x Burnished Brass1x Cloaked Minor1x Clouded Border14x Common Footman1x Common Rustic1x Common Wainscot11x Dark Arches1x Dingy Footman4x Double Square-spot2x Dun-bar1x Dusky Sallow5x Dwarf Cream Wave1x Early Thorn2x Flame Shoulder1x Grey Dagger4x Heart & Club3x Heart & Dart1x Iron Prominent [NFY]2x July Highflyer2x Large Yellow Underwing9x Latticed Heath2x Least Carpet2x Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing1x Light Arches1x Maple Prominent [NFY]3x Mottled Beauty1x Mouse Moth [NFY]1x Nutmeg1x Pebble Prominent3x Peppered Moth1x Popular Hawk-moth1x Privet Hawk-moth1x Red Twin-spot Carpet6x Riband Wave5x Ruby Tiger6x Rustic2x Scalloped Oak3x Scarce Footman1x Scorched Carpet9x Small Fan-footed Wave3x Smoky Wainscot24x Uncertain2x Wilow Beauty2x Yellow-tailMicro Moths3x Cnephasia sp.1x Brown House-moth Hofmannophila pseudospretella9x Mother of Pearl Pleuroptya ruralis1x Endotricha flammealis6x Agapeta hamana3x Marbled Orchard Tortrix Hedya nubiferana1x Scoparia ambigualis7x Cochylis atricapitana2x Udea prunalis56x Chrysoteuchia culmella3x Celypha striana2x Celypha rosaceana2x Phycita roborella2x Celypha lacunana3x Euzophera pinguis2x Carcina quercana4x Batia unitella1x Thistle Ermine Myelois circumvoluta4x Dipleurina lacustrata3x Crambus perlella6x Eucosma cana
Catch Report - 05/06/12 - Back Garden/FarmlandInto June we go and another good haul of moths including a few new ones for the year. Coleophora deauratella being a new micro for my records.Other highlights including a lovely fresh Sandy carpet, an uncommon visitor, Ypsolopha nemorella and the mprobably migrant Pyralid Sitochroa verticalis.The weather is very changeable at the moment and a strong south-facing wind is dominating us now. Coupled with mild temperatures, we could see some more migrants reaching our traps in the next few nights. Catch Report - Braughing 05/06/12 - 1x 125w MV Robinson TrapMacro Moths1x Sandy Carpet [NFY]1x Poplar Grey [NFY]4x Ingrailed Clay4x Buff-tip9x White Ermine1x Buff Ermine26x Treble Lines 1x Clouded Silver20x Rustic Shoulder-knot5x Setaceous Hebrew Character 4x Poplar Hawk-moth7x Nutmeg 2x Flame10x Green Carpet 2x Common Carpet2x Oak Hook-tip1x Peppered Moth 29x Common Swift1x Scalloped Hazel 1x Marbled Minor2x Common Pug1x Oak-tree Pug2x Spruce Carpet1x Scorched Wing 1x Scorched Carpet2x Brimstone Moth2x Grey Pug1x Heart & Dart2x Brown Rustic1x Light Emerald1x Turnip Moth1x Lime-speck Pug2x Mottled Pug 2x Cinnabar1x Silver-Y 3x Spectacle5x Angle Shades 3x Flame Shoulder1x Grey-pine Carpet2x Pale Oak Beauty 5x Latticed Heath1x Brimstone Moth1x Small Waved Umber 3x Silver-ground Carpet1x Pale Tussock1x Shuttle-shaped DartMicro Moths1x Coleophora deauratella [NEW!] 1x Hedya pruniana [NFY]1x Sitochroa verticalis [NFY]1x Ypsolopha nemorella [NFY]1x Cocksfoot Moth Glyphipterix simpliciella [NFY]1x Small Magpie Eurrhypara hortulata [NFY]1x Blastobasis lacticolella [NFY]2x Celypha lacunana1x Tinea trinotella2x Espheria sulphurella 1x Parornix sp.3x Monopsis weaverella4x Aethes smeathmanniana1x Cochylis atricapitana2x Diamond-back Moth plutella xylostella1x Bee Moth Aphomia sociella 1x Agonopterix arenella 4x Crambus lathoniellus 1x Agapeta hamana