Description: 612 MISCELLANEOUS VEGETABLES. It is the earliest, hardiest, and most productive of all varie- ties. The plants frequently produce five or six fruits each ; but the first formed are generally the largest. If sown in the open ground early in May, the plants will often perfect a portion of their fruit ; but they are most pro- ductive when started in a hot-bed. The fruit is sometimes eaten cooked in the manner of the Purple varieties, but is less esteemed. MARTYNIA. Unicorn Plant. Gray. Martynia proboscidea. A hardy, annual plant, with a strong, branching stem two feet and a half or three feet high. The leaves are large, heart-shaped, entire or undulated, doAvny, viscous, and of a peculiar, musk-like odor when bruised or roughly handled ; the flowers are large, bell- shaped, somewhat two- lipped, dull-white, tinged or spotted with yellow and purple, and produced in long, leafless racemes, or clusters ; the seed-pods are green, very downy or hairy, fleshy, oval, an inch and a half in their great- est diameter, and taper The Martynia. tO a ldlg, COllipa HI t. Ay slender, incurved horn, or beak. The fleshy, succulent character of the pods is of short duration: they soon become fibrous, the elongated beak splits at the point, the two parts diverge, the outer green covering falls off, and the pod be- comes black, shrivelled, hard, and woody. The seeds are. Date: 1863. Source: Author: Burr, Fearing. Full titleThe field and garden vegetables of America: containing full descriptions of nearly eleven hundred species and varieties; with directions for propagation, culture, and use. By Fearing Burr, Jr... Page ID29062950. Item ID92326 (
Find related Wikimedia Commons images). Title ID42073 (
Find related Wikimedia Commons images). Page numbersPage 612. NamesNameFound:Martynia NameConfirmed:Martynia L. EOLID:61735 NameFound:Martynia proboscidea NameConfirmed:Martynia proboscidea Gloxin EOLID:492400 NameBankID:617768. BHL Page URL DOI
10.5962/bhl.title.42073. Page typeText. Flickr sets The field and garden vegetables of America. Flickr tags United States Varieties Vegetable gardening Vegetables Library Congress bhl:page 29062950 dc:identifier united states. Flickr posted date2 August 2011. Credit
: This file comes from the
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