Arizona, United States
New Mexico, United States
Kino Springs, Arizona, United States
Austin, Texas, United States
Fort Sumner, New Mexico, United States
Arizona, United States
On 15 September, while collecting for the park's bio-inventory, I collected a smallbutterfly. In working on its identification I have determined it to be aMarine Blue, Leptotes marina. The underside is stripped and has two iridescent bluespots located near the outer angle of the hind wing. The Cassius Blue, Leptotes cassius, is similar but this specimenlacks the whiter appearance. The striping pattern distinguishesthe Cassius and Marine Blues from all other Blues. I have been unable to relocate any additional butterflies of this type in the park. The butterfly is 2.5 cm (1 inch) from wing tip to wing tip.The butterfly was collected from the grassy bank next to the visitor center.
Willow Canyon, Arizona, United States
Arizona, United States
Arizona, United States
Arizona, United States
Sighted on a Deerweed plant. This observation is part of the High Tech High Insects of San Diego Field Guide.
On 15 September, while collecting for the park's bio-inventory, I collected a smallbutterfly. In working on its identification I have determined it to be aMarine Blue, Leptotes marina. The underside is stripped and has two iridescent bluespots located near the outer angle of the hind wing. The Cassius Blue, Leptotes cassius, is similar but this specimenlacks the whiter appearance. The striping pattern distinguishesthe Cassius and Marine Blues from all other Blues. I have been unable to relocate any additional butterflies of this type in the park. The butterfly is 2.5 cm (1 inch) from wing tip to wing tip.The butterfly was collected from the grassy bank next to the visitor center.
San Manuel, Arizona, United States
Tucson, Arizona, United States
This is a different individual from the other two pictures. There were at least three of these flitting around my back yard. Last week, Euphilotes; Plejebus; this week, Leptotes. What new blue is in store for next week?
Willow Canyon, Arizona, United States
New Mexico, United States