
Comprehensive Description

provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Cacyreus audeoudi Stempffer
Cacyreus audeoudi Stempffer, 1936b: 285; 1952: 148; 1954c: 351. Stempffer and Bennett, 1956: 512.
The species ranges from Guinea and Liberia eastward through
Cameroon to Kenya and south to Tanganyika, Katanga and Gabon.
Liberia: Kpain, VIII; Bahn, VIII (Stempffer and Bennett, 1956).
bibliographic citation
Fox, R.M., Lindsey, A.W., Clench, H.K., Miller, L.D. 1965. The Butterflies of Liberia. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 19. Philadelphia, USA