Description: English: Stenolemus sp I noticed this very fine insect on the fence and was quite excited to see that it was a spider assassin. We have a number of spiders that build their webs on the fence to catch the flies that are attracted to the warmth. A study carried out in Sydney in 2010 describes the assassin sneaking into a web and then vibrating the web to pretend it was stuck, then seizing and eating the spider when the spider came to wrap up it's 'capture'. ~10mm 22 June 2015 update: Its an Empicoris rubromaculatus Taxonomy: Animalia: Arthropoda: Insecta: Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Empicoris: rubromaculatus Common Names: Bugs, Reduviids, thread bug With thanks to Stephen Thorpe. BowerBird Stephen Thorpe says "While certainly some emesines prey on spiders, these ones are probably just kleptopredators, feeding on small insects caught in the webs." Photos: Jean. Date: 20 June 2015, 14:46:41. Source: Author:
jeans_Photos. Permission(
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Flickr API detail. Flickr sets Hemiptera. Flickr pools Field Guide to Insects of Australia. Flickr tags Garden Jean Assassin Spider assassin Hemiptera Animalia: Arthropoda: Insecta: Reduviidae: Empicoris: rubromaculatus Empicoris rubromaculatus. Flickr posted date21 June 2015.