Phoxichilidium maxillare.
Colossendeis arcuatus (A.M.-Edw.), pris a 1,500 metres de profondeur. Expedition du Talisman.
Yoshie Takahashi, Hiroshi Kajihara, Shunsuke F. Mawatari
Figure 1. Hedgpethia spinosa sp. n. Holotype, male (ZIHU 3335). A trunk, dorsal view B trunk, lateral view C palp D1 oviger D2 enlargement of distal segments of oviger D3 enlargement of denticulate spine constituting strigilis D4 enlargement of terminal claw of oviger E left third leg. Scale bars: 0.5 mm.
Jian-Jia Wang, Ding-Yong Huang, Rong-Cheng Lin, Xin-Qing Zheng
Figure 1.Austrodec us bamberi sp. n., TVG0201, male holotype: A trunk, lateral view B trunk, dorsal view C palp D terminal articles of palp, enlarged E oviger F leg 1 G cement gland tube of leg 1, enlarged H tarsus, propodus, and claws of leg 1, enlarged I leg 3 J cement gland tube of leg 3, enlarged K propodus, and claws of leg 3, enlarged. Scale bars (A, B, F, I = 1.0 mm; C = 0.5 mm; D, E, H, K = 0.25 mm).
Nymphon robustum, Bell. A 700 Metres de Profondeur
Jian-Jia Wang, Ding-Yong Huang, Rong-Cheng Lin, Xin-Qing Zheng
Figure 2.Austrodecus bamberi sp. n. male holotype. Photograph from dorsal view.
Figure 2.Ammotheidae 1; A, B: Achelia echinata, male, dorsal view; scales 500 µm and 250 µm, respectively; C, D: Achelia langi, male, dorsal view; scales 1 mm and 500 µm, respectively; E, F: Achelia vulgaris, male, dorsal view; scales 1 mm and 250 µm, respectively.
Figure 6.Achelia echinata, male; A: Chelifores with reduced chela; scale 40 µm; B: Distal articles of right 8-articled palp; scale 40 µm; C: Distal articles of 10-articled oviger; scale 40 µm; D, E: Compound spines on last oviger-article; scales 10 µm and 5 µm, respectively; F: Lateral process, coxa 1 and 2 of right 3rd leg, 2 protuberances with spine on each side of coxa 2; scale 100 µm; G: Coxa 2 with 2 protuberances with spine on each side (right 3rd leg); scale 40 µm.
Figure 7.Achelia echinata, male; A: Left 3rd leg; scale 200 µm; B: Lateral view of coxa 2 with genital protuberance (right 4th leg); scale 40 µm; C: Genital opening (right 3rd leg); scale 20 µm; D: Lateral view of femur with cement gland on distal part (left 3rd leg); scale 100 µm; E: Cement gland (right 4th leg); scale 40 µm; F: Tarsus, propodus, and claw, auxiliary claws about half as long as claw (left 3rd leg); scale 100 µm; G: Abdomen; scale 40 µm; H: Hair and slit organ on dorsal side of trunk; scale 5 µm.
Figure 8.Achelia echinata, female; A: Dorsal view; scale 400 µm; B: Ventral view of proboscis; scale 100 µm; C: Left 10-articled oviger; scale 100 µm; D: Lateral process, coxa 1 and 2 of right 3rd leg, lateral processes touch each other; scale 100 µm; E: Left 3rd leg; scale 200 µm; F: Ventral view of coxa 2 with genital opening, distal is right (left 3rd leg); scale 40 µm; G: Genital opening; scale 20 µm.
Figure 26.Callipallenidae 1; A, B: Callipallene emaciata, female, dorsal view; scales 1 mm and 250 µm, respectively; C, D: Callipallene phantoma, male, dorsal view; scales 1 mm and 250 µm, respectively; E, F: Callipallene producta, female, dorsal view; scales 1 mm and 250 µm, respectively.
Figure 28.Callipallene emaciata, male; A: Dorsal view; scale 1 mm; B: Dorsal view of trunk; scale 200 µm; C: Dorsal view of cephalon with rather slender neck; scale 100 µm; D: Right 3rd leg; scale 100 µm; E: Tarsus, strongly curved propodus, and claw, auxiliary claws about half as long as claw (right 3rd leg); scale 100 µm; F: Segment 3, 4 and abdomen; scale 40 µm.
Figure 29.Callipallene emaciata, female; A: Dorsal view; scale 1 mm; B: Frontal view; scale 1 mm; C: Dorsal view of trunk; scale 200 µm; D: Dorsal view of cephalon with rather slender neck; scale 200 µm; E: Left chela, dorsal is up; scale 40 µm; F: Tarsus, strongly curved propodus, and claw, auxiliary claws about half as long as claw (left 3rd leg); scale 100 µm.
Figure 26.Callipallenidae 1; A, B: Callipallene emaciata, female, dorsal view; scales 1 mm and 250 µm, respectively; C, D: Callipallene phantoma, male, dorsal view; scales 1 mm and 250 µm, respectively; E, F: Callipallene producta, female, dorsal view; scales 1 mm and 250 µm, respectively.
Figure 30.Callipallene phantoma, male; A: Dorsal view of trunk; scale 200 µm; B: Ventral view of trunk; scale 200 µm; C: Dorsal view of cephalon with very long and slender neck; scale 100 µm; D: Ventral view of proboscis; scale 100 µm; E: Left chela, dorsal is down; scale 40 µm; F: Left 10-articled oviger; scale 100 µm.
Figure 31.Callipallene phantoma, male; A: Distal articles of left oviger with compound spines; scale 40 µm; B: Compound spines on last oviger-article; scale 5 µm; C: Left 3rd leg; scale 200 µm; D: Ventral view of coxa 2 with genital opening, distal is down (right 2nd leg); scale 20 µm; E: Genital opening; scale 5 µm; F: Tarsus, straight propodus, and claw with very short auxiliary claws (right 3rd leg); scale 40 µm; G: Hair and slit organ on dorsal side of trunk; scale 5 µm.
Figure 32.Callipallene phantoma, female; A: Dorsal view of trunk; scale 200 µm; B: Ventral view of trunk; scale 200 µm; C: Dorsal view of cephalon with very long and slender neck; scale 200 µm; D: Frontal view of cephalon; scale 100 µm; E: Mouth opening; scale 20 µm; F: Left chela, dorsal is up; scale 40 µm.
Figure 33.Callipallene phantoma, female; A: Right 10-articled oviger; scale 100 µm; B: Distalmost oviger-articles with compound spines; scale 20 µm; C: Right 3rd leg; scale 200 µm; D: Ventral view of coxa 2 with genital opening, distal is down (left 4th leg); scale 40 µm; E: Genital opening; scale 10 µm; F: Tarsus, straight propodus, and claw with very short auxiliary claws (left 3rd leg); scale 40 µm; G: Small auxiliary claws; scale 10 µm.
Figure 26.Callipallenidae 1; A, B: Callipallene emaciata, female, dorsal view; scales 1 mm and 250 µm, respectively; C, D: Callipallene phantoma, male, dorsal view; scales 1 mm and 250 µm, respectively; E, F: Callipallene producta, female, dorsal view; scales 1 mm and 250 µm, respectively.
Figure 34.Callipallene producta, female; A: Dorsal view; scale 1 mm; B: Dorsal view of trunk; scale 200 µm; C: Ventral view of trunk; scale 200 µm; D: Dorsal view of cephalon with very long and slender neck; scale 200 µm; E: Ventral view of proboscis; scale 100 µm; F: Ocular tubercle with lateral sense organ; scale 40 µm.
Figure 35.Callipallene producta, female; A: Distal article of right 10-articled oviger; scale 40 µm; B: Compound spines on oviger-article 7; scale 10 µm; C: Right 3rd leg; scale 400 µm; D: Ventral view of coxa 2 with genital opening, distal is down (left 3rd leg); scale 40 µm; E: Genital opening; scale 10 µm; F: Tarsus, slightly curved propodus, and claw with very long auxiliary claws (right 3rd leg); scale 100 µm; G: Claw and auxiliary claws; scale 40 µm.
Figure 5.Achelia echinata, male; A: Dorsal view; scale 400 µm; B: Dorsal view of trunk, lateral processes touch each other; scale 200 µm; C: Frontal view of trunk, protuberances with spines on lateral process; scale 200 µm; D: Lateral view of proboscis, palp and chelifores with reduced chela; scale 100 µm; E: Mouth opening, dorsal is up; scale 20 µm; F: Mouth opening; scale 5 µm.
Figure 27.Callipallenidae 2; A, B: Callipallene spectrum, male, dorsal view; scales 200 µm; C, D: Callipallene tiberi, female, dorsal view; scales 500 µm and 250 µm, respectively.
Figure 36.Callipallene spectrum, male; A: Dorsal view of trunk; scale 100 µm; B: Lateral view of trunk; scale 100 µm; C: Dorsal view of cephalon; scale 100 µm; D: Cephalon with proboscis and chelifore; scale 100 µm; E: Left 3rd leg; scale 200 µm; F: Tibia2, tarsus, propodus, and claws (left 3rd leg); scale 100 µm.