Yoshie Takahashi, Hiroshi Kajihara, Shunsuke F. Mawatari
Figure 1. Hedgpethia spinosa sp. n. Holotype, male (ZIHU 3335). A trunk, dorsal view B trunk, lateral view C palp D1 oviger D2 enlargement of distal segments of oviger D3 enlargement of denticulate spine constituting strigilis D4 enlargement of terminal claw of oviger E left third leg. Scale bars: 0.5 mm.
Figure 1.Austrodec us bamberi sp. n., TVG0201, male holotype: A trunk, lateral view B trunk, dorsal view C palp D terminal articles of palp, enlarged E oviger F leg 1 G cement gland tube of leg 1, enlarged H tarsus, propodus, and claws of leg 1, enlarged I leg 3 J cement gland tube of leg 3, enlarged K propodus, and claws of leg 3, enlarged. Scale bars (A, B, F, I = 1.0 mm; C = 0.5 mm; D, E, H, K = 0.25 mm).