Description: English: Fig. 7.—Pycnogonida: position of the genital openings. A, Chaetonymphon spinosum, female, ventral view of body and bases of legs,with four pairs of gonopores (Gprs) on the second leg segments. B, same, baseof leg, anterior view, showing position of gonopore. C, same, mesal view ofgonopore. bl, leg-bearing body lobe; Chi, chelicera; Fm, femur; Gpr, Gprs, gonopore,gonopores; iL, first leg; 2L-5L, ambulatory legs; Mth, mouth; Pat, patella;Pdp, pedipalp; Prb, proboscis; i, 2, 3, three small proximal leg segments. The writer has been unable to find any information on the mode oforigin of the genital ducts in the Pycnogonida, but since the segmentof the genital openings is not fixed in the arthropods generally thereis no reason why a condition of multiple openings might not be asecondary development. It should be observed, furthermore, thatthe position of the pycnogonid gonopores on the second segments ofthe legs does not conform with that of the genital apertures in otherarthropods havi. Date: 1937. Source: Author: Internet Archive Book Images.