Randers Fjord
Polynoe squamata.
Glycera meekelii, with pharynx everted.
1-Nereis cultrifera (Grub.), adulte.-- 2, individu jeune. -- 3, forme heteronereide, femelle de la meme espece. -- 4, forme heteronereide, male de la meme espece.
Magnified parapodium of Nereis dumerlii: dora, circ, dormal cirrus; vent, cire, ventral cirrus; s, setae.
Sarah Faulwetter, Georgios Chatzigeorgiou, Bella S. Galil, Artemis Nicolaidou, Christos Arvanitidis
Figure 1.Sphaerosyllis levantina sp. n. holotype, dorsal view
Mathan Magesh, Sebastian Kvist, Christopher J. Glasby
Figure 2.Namalycastis jaya sp. n.Holotype: a anterior end, dorsal view b anterior parapodium from chaetiger 8 c mid-body parapodium from chaetiger 80 d posterior parapodium from chaetiger 230 e sub-neuroacicular spiniger, chaetiger 10 f sub-neuroacicular spiniger, chaetiger 30 g sub-neuroacicular falciger, chaetiger 10 h sub-neuroacicular falciger, chaetiger 80 i supra-neuroacicular falciger, chaetiger 80 j supra-neuroacicular falciger, chaetiger 120 k pygidium, dorsal view.
Jesús Angel de León-González, Berenice Trovant
Figure 2.Nicon orensanzi sp. n. Holotype. A Anterior end, dorsal view B Parapodium 10, anterior view C Parapodium 25, anterior view D Parapodium 60, anterior view E–G. Infracicular sesquigomph falcigers of parapodia 10, 25 and 50 respectively. Scale bars: A= 1 mm; B–D= 100 µ; E–G= 30µ.
Jesús Angel de León-González, Carrie A. Goethel
Figure 1.Perinereis rookeri sp. n. A Anterior end, dorsal view B Proboscis, ventral view C–E Parapodia of chaetigers 11, 30 and 61, anterior view F Supracicular neuropodial heterogomph falciger, chaetiger 11 G Infracicular neuropodial heterogomph falciger, chaetiger 11 H Supracicular neuropodial heterogomph falciger, chaetiger 61 I Infracicular neuropodial heterogomph falciger, chaetiger 61. Measures: A–B = 1 mm; C–E = 250µ; F–I = 30µ.
Figure 1.Terminology and diagrammatic representation of A a Nereidinae parapodium (modified from Hutchings and Reid 1990) and B a Gymnonereidinae parapodium (modified from Hylleberg and Nateewathana 1988), anterior view.
Randers Fjord
Nephthys ingens. Anterior part of body and extended proboscis; ventral view.
Nereis pelaglos. 1, male; 2, female.
Sarah Faulwetter, Georgios Chatzigeorgiou, Bella S. Galil, Artemis Nicolaidou, Christos Arvanitidis
Figure 2.Sphaerosyllis levantina sp. n. SEM images of a anterior end and midbody, dorsal view b-c compound chaetae, anterior chaetigers d dorsalmost compound chaetae, anterior chaetiger e compound and dorsal simple chaetae, midbody f dorsalmost compound chaeta, posterior chaetiger g ventralmost compound chaetae, posterior chaetiger h dorsal simple chaeta
Mathan Magesh, Sebastian Kvist, Christopher J. Glasby
Figure 3.Namalycastis jaya sp. n.Holotype: a jaw pieces, ventromedial view b anterior parapodium from chaetiger 10 c parapodium from chaetiger 50 d parapodium from chaetiger 100 e posterior parapodium from chaetiger 210 f posterior parapodium from chaetiger 230 g sub-neuroacicular spiniger, chaetiger 10 h sub-neuroacicular falciger, chaetiger 109 i supra-neuroacicular spiniger, chaetiger 80 j sub-neuroacicular spiniger, chaetiger 210 k sub-neuroacicular falciger, chaetiger 210 l supra-neuroacicular falciger, chaetiger 20. Fs Finely serrated; Cs Coarsely serrated; Ms Medium serrated.
Jesús Angel de León-González, Berenice Trovant
Figure 3.Nicon orensanzi sp. n. Paratype (UANL 7840). A Anterior end, dorsal view B Mandibles; Holotype (LACM) C Parapodium 9, anterior view D Parapodium 29, anterior view E Parapodium 62, anterior view F Infracicular sesquigomph falcigers of parapodium 62. Scale bars: A= 1 mm; B= 0.1 mm; C–E= 100 µ; F= 30µ.
Jesús Angel de León-González, Carrie A. Goethel
Figure 2.Perinereis rookeri sp. n. A Anterior end, dorsal view B Anterior end, ventral view. Measures: A–B = 1 mm.
Figure 6.Perinereis atlantica (McIntosh, 1885) (NHMUK.1885.12.1.161): A anterior end, dorsal view B anterior end, ventral view C enlarged view of partial Area VII–VIII of proboscis.
Als Odde ved Mariager Fjord, Danmark
Nereis limbata. Male, anteror part of body, head and extended proboscis.
Head of Nereis pelogica.
Sarah Faulwetter, Georgios Chatzigeorgiou, Bella S. Galil, Artemis Nicolaidou, Christos Arvanitidis
Figure 3.Sphaerosyllis levantina sp. n. Dorsal (left) and ventral (right) falciger of a anterior b midbody c posterior chaetiger
Figure 7.Perinereis falklandica Ramsay, 1914 (NMW.Z.2011.039.0108): A anterior end (tentacular cirri & right chaetiger 4 removed), dorsal view B jaw C right parapodium, chaetiger 4, posterior view D right parapodium, chaetiger 71, posterior view E neuropodial heterogomph falciger, chaetiger 4 F neuropodial heterogomph falciger, chaetiger 71.