P. purpureo et violaceo variegata seu obscure cerata; capite, thorace abdominisque basi profunde striatis; nodo spinis duabus parvis armato.
Worker. Length 4 1/2 lines. Black, with purple, violet and green tints in different lights: the head deeply striated longitudinally, the striae terminating at the base of the clypeus, the anterior margin of which is subangular; the mandibles obscure ferruginous, their inner edge toothed, the teeth being alternately one large and one small; the mandibles finely striated; the eyes ovate, of moderate size, placed laterally about the middle. Thorax: in front with deep circular striae, behind which are a few longitudinal ones on the disk; the sides arid posterior portion obliquely striated, the apex transversely so; the calcaria and apical joints of the tarsi ferruginous. The node of the abdomen incrassate, rounded in front and above, and truncate behind, with two short sharp spines on the verge of the truncation, pointing backwards-; the first segment with transverse curved striae.
Hab. Borneo (Sarawak). Philippine Islands.
Some specimens of this species are entirely of a bronze-green, and some have the legs more or less red.
Worker. Length 4 1/2 lines.-Black, with purple, violet and green tints in different lights: the head deeply striated longitudinally, the striae terminating at the base of the clypeus, the anterior margin of which is subangular; the mandibles obscurely ferruginous, their inner edge toothed, the teeth being alternately one large and one small, the mandibles finely striated; the eyes ovate, of moderate size, placed laterally about the middle of the head. Thorax in front with deep circular striae, behind which are a few longitudinal ones on the disk; the posterior portion obliquely striated, the apex transversely so; the apical joints of the tarsi and the calcaria ferruginous. The node of the abdomen incrassate, rounded in front and above, and truncated behind, with two short sharp spines on the verge of the truncation, pointing backwards; the first segment with transverse curved striae.
Hab. Philippine Islands; Sarawak.
In the ' Catalogue of Ants found in Southern India,' by Mr. T. C. Jerdon, a species, Ponera sculpta , is described as having the whole body curiously sculptured, being channelled and grooved in different directions; there are, however, three or four very distinct species, curiously sculptured, and the description of P. sculpta is too general to decide which, if any, of those in the Museum Collection are identical with that species.