This image was created by user Gerhard Koller (Gerhard) at Mushroom Observer, a source for mycological images.You can contact this user here. English | español | français | italiano | македонски | português | +/−
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Description: Xylobolus frustulatus - the ceramic fungus. It forms a crust on debarked oak, digesting lignin and cellulose, leaving a honeycomb pattern of decay. Normally seen running along the surface of a log, I thought this growth was particularly striking along the cut face of a felled tree. Found in the Delaware River Gap National Park last summer. Date: 12 August 2006, 12:14. Source: Ceramic fungus. Author: Vik Nanda.
This image was created by user Dan Molter (shroomydan) at Mushroom Observer, a source for mycological images.You can contact this user here. English | español | français | italiano | македонски | português | +/−
Wikimedia Commons
This image was created by user Lisa Kimmerling (L_Kimmerling) at Mushroom Observer, a source for mycological images.You can contact this user here. English | español | français | italiano | македонски | മലയാളം | português | +/−
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