Grooved brain coral (Diploria labyrinthiformis), Bonaire (2005)
Merulina regalis.
Anemonia sargassensis.
Porites porites forma Furcata Lam. Extreme breadth of specimen, 26 cm..
Madrepora cervicornis.
Madreporaires agreges.--Astroides calycularis. 1, polypes retractes et epanouis. 2, polypier dont les polypes ont ete enleves
Orbicella acropora (Linn.) Var. General View of a Corallum 18.7 cm. High.
Pocillopora, Coralliaire extremement repandu.
1. Hormathia Margarita, 2. Phellia Brodricii, 3. Peachia Hasata, 4. P. Undata, 5 Stomphia Churchiae, 6. Ilyanthus Mitchellii.
Figure 1.Living specimens of Leptoseris troglodyta sp. n. a Philippines, Cebu Strait, W of Bohol, NW of Cabilao Island, 10–30 m depth (7 November 1999) b Indonesia, NE Kalimantan, Berau Islands, S of Derawan Island, 7–10 m depth (4 October 2003).
Leen P. van Ofwegen, Yehuda Benayahu, Catherine S. McFadden
Figure 1.Sinularia australiensis sp. n., A holotype NTM C14519 B paratype NTM C14492 C paratype NTM C14520 D paratype NTM C14521. Scale at A also applies to B, scale at C also to D.
Ricardo González-Muñoz, Nuno Simões, José Luis Tello-Musi, Estefanía Rodríguez
Figure 3.Anemonia sargassensis. A Live specimen in natural habitat B Oral view C Pedal disc view D Cross section through distal column showing mesenteries; arrows indicate siphonoglyphs E Detail of cross section through distal column showing a siphonoglyph F Detail of retractor and parietobasilar muscles G Longitudinal section through margin showing acrorhagi and marginal sphincter muscle H Longitudinal section through base showing basilar muscles I Cross section through tentacle J–U Cnidae.– acrorhagi: J small basitrich K basitrich L holotrich; actinopharynx: M small basitrich N microbasic p-mastigophore; column: O basitrich; filaments: P basitrich Q microbasic b-mastigophore R microbasic p-mastigophore; tentacle: S small basitrich T basitrich U spirocyst. Abbreviations.– acr: acrorhagi, bm: basilar muscle, e: epidermis, fo: fosse, g: gastrodermis, la: larvae, lm: longitudinal muscle, m: mesoglea, mp: marginal projection, od: oral disc, pd: pedal disc, pm: parietobasilar muscle, rm: retractor muscle, s: siphonoglyph, sp: sphincter, t: tentacle. Scale bars: A–C: 10 mm; D–I: 200 μm; J–U: 25 μm.
Catherine S. McFadden, Leen P. van Ofwegen
Figure 2.Sclerites of Sphaerasclera flammicerebra comb. n. MNHN-IK-2012-12004. A–C Surface layer of polyparium A Small radiates (0.05 mm scale bar) B Larger radiates and two small spheroids C Large tuberculate spheroids D–F Interior of polyparium D Small radiates (0.05 mm scale bar) E Larger radiate and three small spheroids F Large tuberculate spheroids.
Figure 3.Holotype of Cycloseris boschmai sp. n. (RMNH Coel. 8333). Indonesia, Banda, Danish Exp. to the Kei Islands, 1922. a Upper side b Lower side. Scale bar: 0.5 cm.
Anna Halász, Catherine S. McFadden, Dafna Aharonovich, Robert Toonen, Yehuda Benayahu
Figure 14.Scanning electron micrographs of polyp sclerites of Ovabunda impulsatilla (Verseveldt & Cohen, 1971) holotype (HUJ I Co. 84). a Regular sclerites b Fused sclerites. Scale bar 10 µm.
Tullia I. Terraneo, Michael L. Berumen, Roberto Arrigoni, Zarinah Waheed, Jessica Bouwmeester, Annalisa Caragnano, Fabrizio Stefani, Francesca Benzoni
Figure 1.Colonies of Pachyseris rugosa (a–c) and Pachyseris speciosa (d–g) in situ. a Image of the whole colony of specimen IRD HS2893, Prony Bay, New Caledonia b Lateral view of the fronds of specimen IRD HS2594, Prony Bay, New Caledonia c Fronds of specimen IRD HS2856 viewed from above, Prony Bay, New Caledonia d Tiers of foliose projections of a colony from New Caledonia e Image of specimen UNIMIB SO040, Socotra Island f Part of specimen KAUST SA714, Saudi Arabia g Detail of a colony with reduced carinae and brightly colored polyp mouths, growing in very turbid environment, Banc des Japonais, New Caledonia.
Edwardsia elegans.
Flabellum spheniscus, D..
Porites porites forma Clavaria Lam. Height of Specimen, 14.5 cm..
Madrepora palmata.
Colony of Chrysogorgia Desbonni (1); Spicules of Same (2-5).
Orbicella acropora (Linn.) Var. Calices enlarged, Usual diameter of calices about 4.5 mm....
Tubipora musica (Linn.).