1. Hormathia Margarita, 2. Phellia Brodricii, 3. Peachia Hasata, 4. P. Undata, 5 Stomphia Churchiae, 6. Ilyanthus Mitchellii.
Figure 2.Living specimens of Leptoseris troglodyta sp. n. a Philippines, Cebu Strait, W of Bohol, NW of Cabilao Island, 10–30 m depth (7 November 1999) b Indonesia, Tukang Besi Islands (Wakatobi), Binongko, 20 m depth (10 May 2003) c Indonesia, North Sulawesi, S of Bunaken Island, 17 m depth (19 December 2008; photo B.T. Reijnen) d Palau, W of Ulong Island (Rattakadokoru Island), W off barrier reef, 32 m depth (28 July 2002) e Papua New Guinea, Misima Island, 6–10 m depth (31 May 1998; photo G. Paulay) f Guam, Blue Hole, 35 m depth (1 June 2000; photo G. Paulay).
Leen P. van Ofwegen, Yehuda Benayahu, Catherine S. McFadden
Figure 2.Sinularia australiensis sp. n., holotype NTM C14519. A point clubs B collaret spindles C leptoclados-type clubs of surface layer of lobule D wart clubs of surface layer of lobule E spindles of surface layer of lobule. Scale of 0.10 mm at E only applies to E.
Ricardo González-Muñoz, Nuno Simões, José Luis Tello-Musi, Estefanía Rodríguez
Figure 4.Anthopleura pallida. A Oral view B Lateral view C Detail of directives and siphonoglyph D Cross section through proximal column E Longitudinal section through margin showing acrorhagi and marginal sphincter muscle F Detail of spermatic cysts G Longitudinal section through distal column showing one verruca H Longitudinal section through base showing basilar muscles I–X Cnidae.– acrorhagi: I small basitrich J basitrich K holotrich L spirocyst; actinopharynx: M small basitrich N basitrich O microbasic b-mastigophore P spirocyst; column: Q small basitrich R basitrich S spirocyst; filament: T basitrich U spirocyst V microbasic p-mastigophore; tentacle: W basitrich X spirocyst. Abbreviations.– acr: acrorhagi, bm: basilar muscle, c: column, d: directives, fo: fosse, mp: marginal projection, od: oral disc, pd: pedal disc, pm: parietobasilar muscle, rm: retractor muscle, s: siphonoglyph, sc: spermatic cyst, sp: sphincter, t: tentacles, vr: verruca. Scale bars: A–B: 10 mm; C–H: 200 μm; I–X: 25 μm.
Catherine S. McFadden, Leen P. van Ofwegen
Figure 3.Sclerites of Sphaerasclera flammicerebra comb. n. ZMUC-ANT-000256. Sclerites of polyparium. A. Small radiates (left of 0.05 mm scale bar) B Larger radiates C Large tuberculate spheroids of colony surface and interior.
Figure 13.Cycloseris boschmai sp. n. specimen showing transparent extended tentacles with white acrospheres at their tips; Indonesia, North Sulawesi, Lembeh Strait, Lobangbatu, February 2012.
Anna Halász, Catherine S. McFadden, Dafna Aharonovich, Robert Toonen, Yehuda Benayahu
Figure 15.Scanning electron micrographs of polyp sclerites of Xenia miniata Reinicke, 1997 holotype (RMNH Coel. 23514). a Regular sclerites b Pear-shaped sclerite c Fused sclerites. Scale bar 10 µm.
Tullia I. Terraneo, Michael L. Berumen, Roberto Arrigoni, Zarinah Waheed, Jessica Bouwmeester, Annalisa Caragnano, Fabrizio Stefani, Francesca Benzoni
Figure 2.Pachyseris rugosa. a Lateral view of colony IRD HS1442 b Lateral view of colony IRD HS152 showing very irregular fronds and carinae c Detail of the fronds of specimen IRD HS152 d Specimen IRD HS221, white arrow points at a dash-like columella e SEM image of IRD HS2594, white arrows point at the fused dissepiments connecting the inner end of the radial elements and the reduced columellae f SEM image of ornamentation on radial elements showing single granules (sg), clumped granules (cg) and menianae (me).
Eunicea lugubris (a gorgonia).
Metridium dianthus. Specimen in process of fission.
Caryophyllia cyations.
Meandrina danae (M. -Edw. & H.). Figure...from Photographs of Types in the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris
Siderastrea siderea (Ell. & Sol.) View....from above.
Isopora mricata forma Palmata Lam, Breadth 14.8 cm..
Fungia agariciformis.
Eloactis producta.
Figure 3.Holotype (RMNH Coel. 40138) and three paratypes (RMNH Coel. 40139) of Leptoseris troglodyta sp. n.from Palau. Scale bars: 1 cm. a Holotype consists of four calices: one (most left) has fused mid-height its calyx with two totally fused calices (centre), while another (right) has fused only with its corallum margin to those at the centre and the rest of its calyx has remained separate b Paratype: two separate calyces c Paratype: single calyx d Paratype: two fused calices. Scale bars: 1 cm.
Leen P. van Ofwegen, Yehuda Benayahu, Catherine S. McFadden
Figure 3.Sinularia australiensis sp. n., holotype NTM C14519. Sclerites of the surface layer of the base of the colony A leptoclados-type clubs B wart clubs C–D spindles. Scale of 0.10 mm at D only applies to D.
Ricardo González-Muñoz, Nuno Simões, José Luis Tello-Musi, Estefanía Rodríguez
Figure 5.Bunodosoma cavernatum. A Live specimen in natural habitat B Oral view C Lateral view D Detail of directives; notice siphonoglyph E Cross section through proximal column showing oocytes F Cross section through tentacle G Longitudinal section through column showing vesicles H Longitudinal section though base showing basilar muscles I Longitudinal section through margin showing acrorhagi and marginal sphincter muscle J–T Cnidae.– acrorhagi: J basitrich K holotrich; actinopharynx: L basitrich M microbasic p-mastigophore; column: N small basitrich O basitrich; filament: P basitrich Q microbasic b-mastigophore R microbasic p-mastigophore; tentacle S basitrich T spirocyst. Abbreviations.– acr: acrorhagi, bm: basilar muscle, c: column, d: directives, e: epidermis, fo: fosse, g: gastrodermis, lm: longitudinal muscles, m: mesoglea, mp: marginal projection, o: oocyst, od: oral disc, pd: pedal disc, pm: parietobasilar muscle, rm: retractor muscle, s: siphonoglyph, sp: sphincter, t: tentacle, vs: vesicles. Scale bars: A–C: 10 mm; D–I: 200 μm; J–T: 25 μm.
Catherine S. McFadden, Leen P. van Ofwegen
Figure 1.Maximum likelihood tree of Octocorallia based on combined, partitioned analysis of mtMutS, COI and 28S rDNA sequences. Taxa belonging to family Alcyoniidae are shown in blue; new combinations proposed herein are shown in red. Solid circles at nodes indicate strong support from both maximum likelihood (bootstrap values >70%) and Bayesian inference (posterior probability > 0.95); open circles indicate moderate support (bootstrap values >50%, Bayesian pp > 0.95). Strongly supported clades that include no alcyoniid taxa have been collapsed to triangles to facilitate readability. HA: Holaxonia–Alcyoniina clade; CP: Calcaxonia–Pennatulacea clade. Hexacorallian taxa used as outgroups are not shown. For a list of all reference taxa and sequences included in the analysis see Appendix.
Figure 10.Two specimens of Cycloseris boschmai sp. n. (RMNH Coel. 8286) with marginal buds and sand in the mouths. Indonesia, Banda, off Lontor, Danish Exp. to the Kei Islands, 15 June 1922.
Anna Halász, Catherine S. McFadden, Dafna Aharonovich, Robert Toonen, Yehuda Benayahu
Figure 16.Scanning electron micrographs of polyp sclerites of Ovabunda aldersladei Janes, 2008 holotype (RMNH Coel. 38681). Arrow indicates surface crest. Scale bar 10 µm.
Tullia I. Terraneo, Michael L. Berumen, Roberto Arrigoni, Zarinah Waheed, Jessica Bouwmeester, Annalisa Caragnano, Fabrizio Stefani, Francesca Benzoni
Figure 1.Colonies of Pachyseris rugosa (a–c) and Pachyseris speciosa (d–g) in situ. a Image of the whole colony of specimen IRD HS2893, Prony Bay, New Caledonia b Lateral view of the fronds of specimen IRD HS2594, Prony Bay, New Caledonia c Fronds of specimen IRD HS2856 viewed from above, Prony Bay, New Caledonia d Tiers of foliose projections of a colony from New Caledonia e Image of specimen UNIMIB SO040, Socotra Island f Part of specimen KAUST SA714, Saudi Arabia g Detail of a colony with reduced carinae and brightly colored polyp mouths, growing in very turbid environment, Banc des Japonais, New Caledonia.